MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

That Is the single most helpful concept i have ever been taught. It took a long time for me to realize it.

Just wanted to stop by and show some love to your thread. Going to tag along for the ride


Thank you @Ris !
I’m happy to have you join the fun. Please feel free to jump in when you get a notion to.


Well, I said I was waiting on an “upgrade” to my new makeshift tent. It’s here.
My original plan. Just getting by as we always do (or try to do).

4" (used) sewer pipe attached to a (very used) cheap fan.
Don’t laugh… It would have worked… ish.

I think I’d rather use this instead. I mean… it might be a slight improvement over my model. :lying_face:

I got a temp controller for both rooms. No more problems like what happened last week.

Now I have to tell you a true tale of generosity toward a total stranger.
Someone reached out to an old hillbilly like me and made an offer to aid me in my endeavors. Friends, I was floored. This was an amazing thing to me.
I am a reclusive person in the extreme. My wife and I are not what you would call gregarious in the least little bit.
The human race, as a whole, has been a disappointment to me. I chose to remove myself from the nonsense that being around people brings with it.
I never thought folks on an online forum could sway my opinion in that matter. I am very happy to say that caring hearts still exist.
Thank you.
You know who you are, and I won’t forget.


That is awesome @MoBilly…and to be honest with you, I’m not the least bit surprised. There are a hell of a lot of good people on this forum.


True words that.


That’s awesome :star_struck: a bit of faith in humanity returned to you!

@CanuckistanPete i whole heartedly agree with you about “a lot of good people being here”


I had some great people reach out and help me when I started also. I was looking for somebody to put a sol-strip light together as I couldn’t do the electrical stuff. They got together and bought and put it together and shipped it to me. Many tears were shed.

Whoever you are you are amazing and what the old OG was like .This makes my :heart: happy

:green_heart: :seedling:


@G-paS and @Emeraldgreen
I gotta tell you, that was one unexpected PM. I spent the better part of the day getting to know this person. You’re right. There are some outstanding folks on here.

And G-paS, you can see what I was working with. lol


Man! You made out like a bandit! Congrats!


Thanks man. Like I said, I was floored. It’s been like Christmas Eve every day since I got to order these. lol
Anticipation is rough on an old man. :rofl:


I started with a single grow lightbulb in a table lamp. That was pre OG. Then upgraded to a mch/mhc but it was so hot I was losing everything.


That’s hardcore basic stuff right there. :astonished:


Indeed. Most of the folks here are good solid, helpful people. I have received gifts that will get you choked up.


Don’t go into details… I wouldn’t want my wife to see my… sensitive side. lol
I have a rep to think about.


I will just say, it was one of my favorites. Dang sure put a smile on my face.


We all need that. The main thing is to remember to pay it forward. For a fact.


That’s awesome, brother… :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
I feel the same way towards our OGers…
It’s an Oasis amidst the internet…


From what limited experience I have with the interweb I would agree. It is what you make of it. The people here put effort into making it that oasis. I’ve found that people that look to upset that atmosphere are singled out fairly quickly. What we have here is worth protecting. IMHO


What have I done!!! I told myself that I would flip these sooner than I normally do but they shot up and out like WEEDS!!! This is the first time I’ve used BBP throughout veg on my plants. I have to say they have grown a lot faster than I had anticipated. @BudBusterPro

I am flipping all of these plants tomorrow since I can finally harvest the buds from my last plants.
I actually waited to take my cuttings until today. I sprayed BBP two days ago and I wanted to try rooting them right after a treatment to see how fast the roots start to develop.
I’ll take pics after I get them in the bubble cloner. I’ll, probably, post those tomorrow. I still plan to use Clonex as well because that’s my normal procedure and it needs to be used to give an accurate comparison.
Just look at the ISS on the left! I’m going to be spreading a lot of branches even after I take cuttings! lol


Looking good. Nice and healthy.