MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Thank you my friend.


It’s funny how you , @Brokehoe and myself like the same flavors. I have some gg4 going. I also have a strawberry strain going on. Some dj shorty from @Jinglepot working. @Oldtimerunderground OG is rocking the house. I’m ready for some new smoke. I’m glad your having fun.


I’m having the best time! lol
I find that growing is keeping my mind off of negative crap. My life seems to revolve around God, family, music and growing ganja now. lol
I rather like that.


Good grief my friend, the plants like you! :joy:


Well, I do play my guitar and sing to them @GREANDAL . No lie. The acoustics are great in that room. lol


You bet @MoBilly,
Definitely need the Clonex ! Just use your normal cloning protocols and spray the 2ml/8 oz rate BBP when you get the time !
I’m glad you took clones from some of your previously treated BBP plants in veg…
Will look forward to YOUR comments on those previously treated during veg as well as non treated until put in cloner…if you have any!

PS…not sure what ‘permorm’ even means ?!

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That sounds like a great and humble way to spend your time @MoBilly


Well @ColeLennon , I am a goat herder. lol
That’s about as relaxing as it gets. I get to spend a lot of my time just kicking around with my dogs and goats. Some folks may consider it a boring life but they just don’t know the joy of a peaceful, quiet life. That solitude just makes it a special treat when family gets together for fellowship, food, and fast bluegrass. In my mind there’s no better way.
Actually, I have to get cleaned up to head out to my wife’s family for just that. lol That’s why it came to mind. :smile:


I am off for the most of the evening. It’s time to bend some strings. :slight_smile:


I’m going to send him some. I got a few more goodie’s for him. MOE I’ll try and get it off for you today if not Monday morning.


You must have been bending those string all night.

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I think we got home around 10:30. It was a great evening. There was probable 25 people there (six musicians). I had a blast.


Sounds like a good time, any shine at these get together’s

No. That’s my side of the family. lol
It doesn’t leave the property. There’s a $10,000 fine for each container of shine they catch you with + jail time.
All that stays here where it’s legal. We can run 200 gal per year legally in Mo for “personal use”.


Wait… Are you saying that you are allowed to make 200 gallons of Moonshine a year for personal use but it has to stay on your property or you face penalties? That sounds like a crazy law. :sweat_smile:

Yep. That’s 200 per household. I have a still but haven’t run in in a long time. My brother is a master craftsman at running a still. There’s enough for everyone on the family property. Right now that includes five homes and all that that entails. I, personally, don’t overdo that stuff. I’ve never really enjoyed that out of control drunk feeling. I like enough to relax the muscles but that is where I, normally, draw the line.


That is very cool. I don’t drink too much, I have possibly one or two drinks a year at random times as I am a stoner not an alkie :joy:, but that sounds like a fair law. I suppose that if everyone made their own moonshine, it might be as readily available as water and, there would be no reason to ever transport it – although it is a bummer there is no small exception for gifting. :thinking: I might be willing to consider such a law, if it were regarding cannabis.


I’d really like to find a Canadian buddy that makes moon shine to send me a plastic 40 oz bottle full.
At almost 45 a 26 at the liquor store it gets expensive that or buy a recapture machine .

Hint hint you cdn distillers.


My brother makes Rum, Corn squeezins, Rice Whiskey and Vodka. Maybe something else too. lol
He cuts about everything to 90 proof but it’s like drinking water, it’s that smooth. It’ll surprise a feller if you don’t know what it is. lol