MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Your brother sounds like quite the artisinal craftsman, @MoBilly, I would definitely give any of those liqueurs a try if I ever had the chance.


I believe, @herojuana.tom . as far as my preferences run I like the rice whiskey best (he puts a little hops in the mash for that) and then the rum.


That rice whiskey definitely sounds tasty, @MoBilly. When I choose to have a drink, I usually gravitate towards the whiskey myself . I would definitely want to try the corn squeezins, too! That sounds like the proper OG runner’s juice. Sadly I have not been able to drink rum for a little over 22 years :joy: I drank a bit too much on shore leave, in Panama when I was in the Navy, and have not been able to go near it since then :joy:


Most store bought rum is too sweet for my taste. But yeah, I get you. I’m glad I never made a habit of hard drinking. I can count on one hand the times I’ve been falling down stupid drunk. It happened once when I got to drinking with my friend Jeff. I was 16 and he was 15. He stole a couple of fifths of Southern Comfort from his dad and we decided to race to the bottom of the bottles. We matched drink for drink. Really, I thought my stomach was empty but it definitely wasn’t. I couldn’t look at a bottle of that sweet whiskey for at least ten years. It was a horrible day in the Ozarks. That may be why I never made a habit of hard drinking. lol

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If you want a really smooth sipping whiskey, try Redneck Riviera.
The company is run by John Rich of the country duo Big & Rich.
He named it Redneck Riviera for the Gulf Coast of the US. That’s what folks called it that were too poor to go to the French one. Hehe.
It is cured in Oak barrels and has to me, a kind of vanilla aftertaste. It’s good with diet Coke too.


My brother would disown me if I bought “government whiskey”. lol
But it does sound good. I like vanilla a lot.

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I know it would be sacrilege to an old school runner, but Redneck Riviera is something that I would at least have available here in Commiefornia :raised_hands: The only alcohol we have available here is commercial-grade, government-approved, taxed and regulated, and cannot have a higher alcohol content than 151 proof. I will keep an eye out to try the Redneck Riviera, I do have some friends that are always appreciative of a fine bottle.


Well now, what do you do on a night with a slow cold rain coming down?

Hang out with your older brother under a makeshift tent and run some rice whiskey.
He surprised me and hollered “git on over here”!


Hanging with older brother, cool, is that shine i see on the table?


Rice Whiskey

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very nice, does your brother partake in some ganja smoke?


Not until he retires in two years.
His wife has a multitude of health issues. I’ve been giving her edibles for about six months.


That’s a mighty fine looking Speakeasy. Yours definitely sounds like a wonderful way to spend a relaxing Saturday Evening.

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We had a good time. We normally have a run about once a month. Our oldester brother hangs out when health permits. Then it gets real fun. That guy has no off button for his humor. It’s a good thing he’s actually funny. lol


Must be nice having so much family nearby. May I ask? How big is your compound, @MoBilly? Do you have five houses next to each other, or are they spread over 20 square miles :sweat_smile:


Our family live on a 60 acre section. Three brothers each owning 20 acres. The working farm back home was 340 acres. My Uncle and Cousins still run the place. When I got out of the horses my Nephew bought my last stock so they are running his hills. Up till this year I still helped with haying… on the farm. Them boys do it all now and don’t even call when they got something going on. I guess I’m getting too slow for those firebrands. lol


:flushed: Wowzwrs! Thank you for sharing, that sounds AMAZING! That is so much land!!! :joy: You are a part of one lucky family, Mountain William. I have been dreaming of getting an acre or a few for so many years, but land is too expensive here in Cali and my girl is a city girl and wouldn’t be too keen on disappearing into the sticks like I dream of. :sweat_smile::pensive::v:


People are dropping the asking price, somewhat, on land around here due to interest rates going up. If a person had the scratch to buy up some property without having to rely on the banks, now would be the time @herojuana.tom . But I’m sure you wouldn’t want to leave Cali to live in a hunting and fishing paradise with nothing but trees, deer, turkey, bear and rivers and lakes filled to the brim with lunkers…
I mean… who would want that? lol


Yes, please!!!


I know! Right?
What else could a person want. That old song " A Country Boy Can Survive" only works if there’s critters and fish around to survive on. lol
This old boy would not bode well in a city if the economy failed further but put me out in a Missouri forest and I’ll feed myself and then some. Shoot, I even know where some dry caves are and I am not above living in one push come to shove.