MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

You are killing me, @MoBilly. I would love it to death, and my lady too… but she needs amenities close at hand, and convenience so I am stuck here in the city. I would happily move right on in, and enjoy such a glorious existence! And I tend to gravitate towards land with caves or old mines on them because I would totally make a cave-home! Neither pushing nor shoving necessary :joy:


I believe it would be easier to exist owning land, and not having money, than not owning land and having money…but some of us have neither :sweat_smile::raised_hands:


As long as they don’t try taking mine. :wink:


When I moved here it was barely suburbs. We were actually serviced by one city for utilities, had another city for address and lived in a third cities’ school district It’s 20 years later and it’s City.

I liked it better when it was almost country.


The small town near us is expanding. That concerns me quite a bit. If they grow another mile in my direction they may try to call my place part of their town. That isn’t at all acceptable to me or my wife.


The sad part about getting incorporated into any city’s limits is there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it, other than move! Been there, done that…and we moved.

If you bitch about things, they just declare ‘eminent domain’

Hell, they’ll do that even if you don’t gripe!


I have already been talking to my Niece and her husband about selling them my place if that happens. That would give my brother and his, a full 40acre in all.

Then I’ll buy a little bit of land on the border of the State Park that has a dry cave on it. Build a small place at the mouth of said cave and expand the living quarters into that.
I’ve seen it done before and it was an awesome place. It looks like a little three room shack until you walk in. Then your jaw drops


Oh hell yeah cuz! That’s awesome lol I’ve seen similar setups and they’re beyond belief some of em.


I would make my “shack” look like it’s all run down and nobody with anything to steal lives there. I’ve built a lot with reclaimed lumber. Just get some very old siding and put that on a solid frame house. Folks would just drive on by without a second thought.


I missed a lot! Sorry I haven’t popped in, outdoor is all finally down, hanging and drying, some of the 11-12 weekers are done hanging and ready to get trimmed.
I figured I would pop in and see what the hillbilly had going on. Looking good Billy. The heater ordeal sucks, but you gotta learn some things the hard way.
Keep on doin what yer doin buddy.
I have to go now, I have a few long days and nights of hell ahead of me with the trim work.
I plan to keep on it though, as I need to make time to get out in the woods and chase some tails. :sunglasses:



Thanks and thank you for stopping by! I’ll be trimming and shucking soon myself.
That’s going to be so much fun! I, kinda, wish I had some friends to help with that. lol
But I keep a low profile.



Hey @MoBilly
Tell your brother. There’s a moonshine competition coming up on Discovery channel I think starts this month. I believe it will be similar to those cooking competition shows.


You bet! He watches that series every year and records it. lol
I don’t have discovery but I watch their shows after a while on YouTube…
It’s a great show BTW. You should check it out. It’ll get you itching to try it yourself though. lol

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I’m thinking about trying something… interesting. I know it wouldn’t do anything for me but I can put an infuser on my still and run some THC infused whiskey. What do you think @BigMike55 ?
I wonder if it would work. :thinking:


Don’t know. Guess you could try. That may be your million dollar idea.

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It would be a fast track to wasted I bet!


Does anyone else see what I do here?!
look closely at the white area on the side…

lol i know there’s a name for it, but seeing ‘shapes’ is exactly what is going on. There’s another ‘goat’ on the side in white! lol


That’s why I posted it in Mobillys forum JP!


lol ok as long as I’m now sure my imagination isn’t running wild on me!