MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

It is…but not this time!


More mountain goat shaped, but it’s definitely a goat on a goat lol.

When humans see patterns that look like something it’s called pareidolia.


How the heck did I miss this post @CanuckistanPete ? lol
I guess I saw Mike post and clicked on that, bypassing this one. lol
I have seen a spotted horse with a horse head marking on the side but never this. :rofl:


I thought you might like it!

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I would love to have something that unique. lol
What would you name it though? … :thinking: How about

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I’d name it "Mo-Billie" :slightly_smiling_face:


Is it wierd of me to see @Slick1 punching a baby giraffe?


@BigMike55 ,
Just lay back and relax… Now, let’s have a talk about how things are going with the voices… Are they all getting along? :face_with_monocle:
Remember… this is a safe place…


I will be traveling back to the motherland for the holidays, so if you need a Guinea pig, I will take one for the team!!! :sunglasses:


@Emeraldgreen & @Budderton ,
The seeds have arrived in good shape. :slight_smile:
Thanks again


Hows grow room looking today @MoBilly ? All the ladies getting fat?

Most are ready for the chop. I have GOT to get my clones in there! I only have the one room that is light proof so I keep holding off on flipping my clones. It’s frustrating as you can imagine.
Lights are off but I’ll take a pic tomorrow.
I just now took a few shots of the clones so I can at least show something @Mrgreenthumb .


I just have too dang many irons in the fire. Those will be magnificent when I spread that out under my big lights.
That’s another thing I haven’t mentioned that I should have. I have to run the lights on my clones 24/7 until I have another room closed in tight. It’s all a work in progress.

Very nice, your clones are going to be monsters after a few weeks in flower. Gonna be some time spent in trim jail after the Choo, better start stretching and getting ready to do some heavy trimming…should be fun. :grinning::grinning:

Glad everything got to you in good shape. Your veg looks great! Just a little overgrown :joy:
The solution is more tents!

You got that right man! lol

My new closet is nearing completion, the flowering plants are ready-ish for chop, my clones can be put in there with the timers set differently for Winter, I have some BC that have finally started to take off a little, I have two AP x Frankenstein seedlings that I plan to grow out.
Whew! :sweat:
What I’m saying is it’s about to get interesting in the greenroom. LOL


New pics over in my MH thread.

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So… describe coastal Missouri for us please? :sweat_smile: Missabama?

:evergreen_tree: lost :world_map:


Rorschach ink blot test.

That’s what I’m seeing too.

How often do you see me in things like goat sides and burnt into toast?

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I’ve seen the ocean. Without a boat it’s a wasted space.
Think of all the forest that could fill that puddle. lol
Of course we would have to find a big deep lake to put the whales. I like whales. lol
Besides, y’all don’t swim alone. lol