MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

I forgot where I seen this done…
I have faith
Can’t wait to see the plot unfold !

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Espalier! :grapes:


You are exactly right @GREANDAL . I have seen some real artwork with the right plants. Willow works great. I did some landscaping for a man that had built a living willow hideaway (bench and canopy) beside his pond.
I have been thinking about doing that since I started growing. Still thinking. lol


I put in a few small vineyards for some folks with more money than sense. lol


As they say, “Out with the old…

in with the new”. We’ll start harvesting the buds tomorrow. The AP’s will be first then the CC and CY then finally the OGxGG4 RIL

Sorry about the blurples. but here are my Buddha’s Cane and the two Frankenstein crosses.

I certainly don’t want to leave the ISS out of the update. The baby buds are showing now. I’ll have hedgehogs before long. lol
I love how they reach for the sky. :slight_smile:

There’s my little update. Thanks to all of you out there that follow along. :slight_smile:


Those ISS? Every place you have a leaf node, you will have two rock hard nugs each about the size of a golf ball. Good work Mobilly. Right on track for some top shelf buds.


Looking beautiful, @MoBilly. I love the blurple pics. And those little ones are sure looking mighty healthy.

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Thanks @herojuana.tom . :slight_smile: The room those little ones are in is staying a little too cool. I think they are growing a little slow but they look healthy enough. :+1:

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Then I shall have a boatload of top shelf ganja! I’m thinking about dusting a branch or two with some pollen I have set back since I kept all three clones. I really don’t need that much smoking bud. Does an ISS x PPP sounds cool, or how about ISS x DBHP? If I get any Frankenstein fem pollen you can bet I’ll be using a little of that. The other two… maybe. lol
But then again, I do have some bubble bags that I still haven’t used yet… :thinking:


I’m all caught up, nice little operation you got going on. I can’t wait to see this wall of a plant. :wink:


Lookin good in your hood.

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Looking good, real good props :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :fire: :peace_symbol:

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All looking happy and healthy , thoseISS are gonna be some frosty nugs


Made a old goat smile :slightly_smiling_face: keep on OverGrow’n.


Thanks for stopping by @Ris! I believe it will be glorious! lol

Thanks @ShiskaberrySavior ! I’m trying to emulate the great by snagging ideas from my friends lol. I think it’s working. :wink:

Thanks @ColeLennon . I appreciate your interest and support man.

@Mrgreenthumb , I have seen @BigMike55 's plants and one picture of @Oldjoints (amazing trichomes on both) so I’m busting out with anticipation! LOL

And @Heliosphear . It’s always a pleasure to see you on here. I’m glad you got a smile. Dad used to say that he felt he didn’t accomplish all he wanted to in a day if he couldn’t get a laugh out of someone. That old man was a full blown nut at times.


So how’s this for a kick in the nuts? Missouri changed their rules about just what I can legally grow. I’m not talking about the new law. This happened a while back and for some reason the government never saw fit to send an email or call or any dang thing to let me know it changed. Because of this I have been on the outside of the law. It was six in flower, six in veg and six clones. They changed it at some time to “six shorter than 14”, six over 14" and six in flower. Shit, I never flip at 14" and all that sounds like a timing nightmare. What do you guys think?
I know it’s all about to change again but I think this was just screwed up. Especially the fact that I got zero notification! I’d have been screwed had they checked my grow and “ignorance of the law is no excuse”.


I still like Nevada’s growing laws the best… it’s legal to grow there, possibly with some plant limits that I don’t really remember, but if a dispensary opens up within 25 miles of you it becomes illegal. Let’s hear it for corporate cannabis lobbyists writing our laws for us! :roll_eyes:


Sounds like the ‘same ol shit’ that a lot of states are pulling/pulled cuz. It sux, but them politicians with their hands in the corporate pockets are doing their best to shortstop or hinder anyone growing personal.
That would mean there’s a couple of dollars they missed in fees and fines and sales


Y’know? I’m gonna stop worrying about the plant count. There are so many people out here growing cannabis I think it would be a huge long shot for the law to come looking at each individual. There’s not enuff manpower to check everyone. As long as I grow for myself and keep my mouth shut, I don’t think I will ever have a problem.
I think you’ll be OK Mo.


Not going to put a like on that either. I am turning even more sour on the government being led by the nose by corporations, lobbyists and anyone else that has leverage over them. What happened to “By the people” and “FOR the people”?