MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Time to break out the nets keep everything short but wide . Shouldn’t be able to bust you with a 6 ft square plant that’s 18 inches tall.


I think the ‘political powers that be’ consider that to be more a suggestion than actually what they should be doing.


I like the way you think. lol
Looks like you’ve skinned a few cats in your day. :wink:


They’ve thought of that too. Corporations are people now, we need to be tolerant of their customs even if those customs involve slowly stripping the rest of us of all our rights and leaving us dependant on them for everything. Anything else would be discrimination, I guess…


I guess it should be changed then to “By the rich and for the rich”.


lol that’s in the fine print cuz, always has been


Yeah, just ask all the folks that broke their backs and died building railroads across the nation for Huntington, Mark Hopkins, and Charles Crocker and Leland Stanford. How many folks got buried out in the wilderness, just to the side of those railroad tracks. I guess it’s always been that way but I always wanted to believe in the “idea” of a country governed by the people. I guess that was just a pipe dream.
Speaking of, it’s time to wake and bake I think.


I’m never disappointed in any politician’s actions…that’s because no matter the party affiliation, they’re almost always self-serving.


True words. I’m about to get real political if I continue. lol
So I better just get high and play my guitar for a bit to settle my soul.


I would like this conversation if I had any.
My .02 cents @MoBilly is carry on like you are!
Plant counts make no sense in my mind. I just can’t wrap my head around the idea.
I agree with politicians ALWAYS being self serving. They have been spectacularly successfully at keeping the status quo in place. This benefits a very specific group of people in this society.
Fantastic looking grow!

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Look up the act of 1871. America was broke after the civil war and basically was sold back to the London central banks, turning it into the United States Corporation. You and me are all collateral, we’re not free people, hence all Capitol letters with any court documents. We’re owned by the central banks and the Vatican. Oh it gets deep. We been lied to about virtually everything. Pure complete control and brainwashing to keep the sheep in line and unwilling participants in a slave system. America! Fuck ya! It’s all changing though, I wish everyone could see that. But I’ll leave it at that before I get suspended lol


I get that lol. Seen it a few times.


Thank you @Emeraldgreen . :slight_smile:
And yeah, it’s the world we live in. I try to be self reliant because I can’t rely on them to keep me going. I’m one of the expendable ones in their eyes. LO friggin L


@MoBilly least you can still grow legal… don’t know how it feels.

I hope you have all been good growers this year, Canna Claus is coming to town. :rofl:


Can you tell me what breed of goat this is @Heliosphear ? I want to get some! It looks like they could really protect themselves! LOL

OH and love the Johnny Potseed looking Santa. :wink:


The ol’irish triple horn goats of yore. :rofl: Not for sale. :sunglasses:
I’m tired of same old Santa pictures…


Well Sir, that’s not one of them. lol




I haven’t been posting much because there hasn’t been much to show.
My reversal of Johnny’s Frankenstein is proving to be just as hard as the first attempt. This is a very strongly set plant (genetically speaking). From what I have read, a female plant that is sprayed won’t produce female hormones for five days and then you spray again. Last time I had to spray every three days before I had any results. I’m doing that this time and this is what I’m seeing.

I began spraying two weeks before flipping. Isn’t that a perfect looking female bud?!
OK so now I begin spraying STS every other day. I’ll have some flowers or she’ll die in the attempt.
My next try, if this doesn’t work, is obtaining another cutting and begin spraying minute amounts even while they are in the cloner. Then building up dosages as it grows in 12/12 from start to finish. I believe that may make the difference. Any ideas out there would be appreciated.

Here is the closet. The one on the right is the treated one. I thinned out the one on the left a little to uncover some bud sites but the one I’m reversing hasn’t been thinned. I believe I shall do that today when I spray.

There you go everyone.
Thanks again for dropping by.


I had to take her out fot spraying so I took the chance to get some individual shots.

It’s the light coming from the closet that makes the yellow look on that one picture. :slight_smile: