MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Beautiful! You sure have some beasts in that flower room… they are huge! I sure hope they show signs of reversal soon. It does seem a little odd that the STS isn’t working yet but I have heard of it taking up to 3-4 weeks to actually reverse some plants.


Thanks @herojuana.tom
This is the end of the fourth week of spraying to the day (2 before flip and 2 after).


@MoBilly you certainly got that flowering green cannabis thumb. Top shelf fo-sure!

Always enjoy coming to see your garden. Beautiful work bro.

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Thanks man. Coming from you makes it extra special!

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They look pretty healthy to me.
Lots of bud sites. :grin:

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Should be be some giant. Colas on those big girls…wow. very nice

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@Floyd and @Mrgreenthumb
Thanks. I’m pretty excited about those Frankenstein’s.


Pardon the watering day pictures but I hadn’t posted any shots of the ISS clones from @BigMike55 in a while. I got some little baby buds going. Ain’t they precious? :slight_smile:


Nice growing @MoBilly everything looks top notch, man!

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Thank you brother. :+1:

Isn’t the STS like super dangerous? Like you can’t breath in the fumes or something?? Too scary for me no no no thank you. I hope it starts working soon!


STS is not super dangerous, fumes are not a problem as its components are in crystal/powdered form until mixed with distilled water, but I wouldn’t recommend snorting or drinking it though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You got this by the short & curlies cuz. Looks damn good there!


Thank you guys. :slight_smile:
Yeah @Dalorean , @Shadey is right. The only precaution I use is surgical gloves and eye protection. It’s safe enough if you are careful. It would make a bad mixer for your whiskey though.


Lookin good mobilly, got some bud porn going on there


I juuuuuuust started my first STS job; Sebring says dilute 1:9, SCJedi says 1:7. :nerd_face:
I sprayed the day of flip, will do again 3x with 3 days in between, which is 4 total & 1 more than the Jedi recommended.

It apparently depends on the quality of the spray too & water PPM. I used steam distilled water but it’s near impossible to keep it all sano & sterile, at least at my hippie shack in the rainforest. :laughing:



@cannabissequoia, Thanks for the input. :+1: I appreciate it very much.
When we mixed the spray, we used distilled water and mixed to the specifications Sebring laid out in his video. Then we kept it wrapped up and in the fridge like Sebring said. I know the mix works because it reversed one Frankenstein last grow. It took a lot of spraying but I ended up with some pollen that I screwed up when processing and shipping. I have very little doubt that it will work again. It’ll just take some work. and a lot of STS. I believe that this strain is dang near impervious to reversing sprays. Last time I sprayed all the way up till I saw flowers opening up. As soon as I quit spraying all the buds began throwing pistols and growing the prettiest female buds you ever saw. It went right back to producing female buds (like 3 days after the last spray). You might ask @JohnnyPotseed about his earlier attempts. “Not much success” was the way he put it I believe. It looks like one of us, that are trying to make fem Frankenstein seeds has some coming on though.
I’ll get this done. What you quoted is my last ditch effort if this doesn’t get the results I am after. I figure I’ll just stop all female hormones from day one and see what happens.
It’ll work or it won’t. lol


Good morning Johnny!


So very true cuz! lol After I first bred Frankenstein, I spent about 1&1/2yrs ‘smoothing her out’ … I kicked, abused, stressed, you name it. anything that even looked like it might hermie got tossed and discontinued. Keeping only the most stable plants as mothers. Seeds weren’t wanted at that time.
Now, 20+yrs later lol I find a need for seeds. Frankenstein is a very stable hardcore female, very hard to reverse, but not impossible.
In an effort to do a reversal on one Frankenstein, in two treatments, I used a whole bottle of the eliteXelite ‘one-and-done’ spray… weeks later, there’s a ton of female flowers coming along and so far not a single pod! I’ll be trying again, using CS this time…