MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

In my wildest dreams. lol
No, I’m the lead singer in our band. I play guitar, mandolin and harmonica. But really, I’d just rather play backup music and find someone (preferably a woman with the voice of a Rhonda Vincent ~) to take over lead and let me sing harmony.
I’m not impressive in any way shape or form but I have fun and I know the folks at the assisted living homes appreciate our music. Covid pretty much shut down most of our paying gigs. Some of the businesses actually folded up because of all that.
We play a lot of Gospel music and bluegrass for those folks that still have us out.


Most awesome! Thanks for letting me know. :slight_smile:

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I love this pic. That’s the Jesus I know. The Good Physician.

I’ve picked a guitar up maybe 2 times in my life. Trust me I’ll make you sound like a genius :joy:

Sorry to hear about the businesses closing. It has been a rough time

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I wish we lived nearby each other @Emeraldgreen .
One of my joys in life is teaching guitar. I can get someone, that actually wants to learn enough to put in the work, up to an intermediate level. After that, it’s on them. There are a few, that I got started, that outshine me tenfold. I get a kick out of jamming with them now. And I don’t hesitate to remind them where the got their basics from. lol


Good growing brother. As always.

Ain’t nothing wrong with a little foot-stompin’ music to get the blood flowing good.
I have recently started diving into alternate tunings on acoustic guitar. It is fascinating.


@BigMike55 ,
Drop D is awesome! I mess around with that tuning all the time. lol I just love experimenting with different tuning and techniques.

If you get off on interesting techniques, check out Trace Bundy.


Mmmmmm peanut butter! Looking good, I know @Purple-N-Hairy is a outstanding OG with grow skills and a good heart for OverGrow’n. Do what you do and make em gorgeous.

Looking forward to your first jar…


I’ll give her all I got. :slight_smile:
Thanks again.
Edit: I’m stealing that last pic. :slight_smile:


Almost all of Jimmy Page’s Acoustic work with Led Zeppelin was done in alternate tunings. Notably DADGAD.


Hello all! I had a little extra time this morning since my good wife did a lot of the chores before my internal alarm went off so I took the time to take a bunch of pictures.
First, here is one of the Peanut Butter Breath sprouts. Both of them look like they have nice and sturdy stems.

Here are the two Buddha’s Cane that didn’t get flipped yet. I just couldn’t get myself to cull that fourth BC. @BigMike55’s looked so beautiful I had to let four grow out. I was over my “clone limit” so I wasn’t going to show her but that doesn’t matter now and she is such a nice plant.

The next two are my AracKenstein fems.

Here are the two BC that were put in the flower room. I hope that works out. I like big plants but the rules, for now, state “six over 14” and six under 14". " I guess I’ll see what I get by flipping this soon on these two. My other two will get bigger before I put them into flower. 4 sure.

This is what the ISS are looking like. I expected more stretch but they just sit there and build buds without much reaching out. The secondary branches are lengthening and reaching up out of the foliage, but the overall branches are not getting much longer.

And last but never least, here are the Frankenstein couple! I had just pulled her out and sprayed her so they are separated quite a bit in case all the STS hadn’t dried off yet when I put her back in the closet.

I defoliated the reversed Frankie like I said I was going to. It sure saves on how much spray I had to use.

I believe you can see the pollen sacks fairly well in the next two pictures. That is making this old goat roper very happy.

I realized that I hadn’t put up any bud shots of the Frankie that will be, hopefully, very very pregnant soon. lol
They are beautiful looking buds for only being in 12/12 for 18 days. They are showing some frost too. @JohnnyPotseed , do you think those pollen sacks will open soon enough or are they too far behind the one that will carry the seeds? I wanted to stagger the flip and give the reversed one a week or so head start but I got anxious to flip both. I hope I didn’t mess up. COME ON POLLEN SACKS!!!

I also have some ISS clones that will be going out to two of my friends on here in the next day or two. These will be the first rooted cuttings I have ever sent out.
When you get a chance, please send me an address and I’ll get some of these out to you.

That’s all I have to show right now. Sorry about the long post but I haven’t been showing much. I been busy as a three peckered billy goat in a breeding pen trying to get caught up before the cold sets in hard.
Thanks for dropping by. I appreciate you all. Know that.


The timing is always a bit tricky on that cuz. The Frankenstein will/can go 8-10 weeks before harvest, so as long as you get the pods open by week 4-5 in flower. You should be good. By week 10 she’s usually shot and will start to die back. For the best smoke, I harvest at 8, but sometimes I let her go 9. Did you spray the BBP on them much? That can prolong the flower time also.


I sprayed the seed girl with BBP all the way to flip and then once after that. I was sure she would completely take over that closet if I kept spraying during stretch. You can clearly see that she is thicker and taller than the one I reversed. Of course the reversed one wasn’t topped. I would think that the stretch is over so I might just go back to applying BBP.

I wouldn’t think interrupting the schedule for two and a half weeks and then going back to spraying would be a bad thing.What do you think @BudBusterPro ? Now that the stretch is over I think I can contain the girl even if she does get much bigger.
It’s not a big thing if the reversed is kinda cramped to the side. It wouldn’t hurt it’s pollen production at all.


I think I remember you saying that the spray extended your flower time by a week or more Johnny?


I’d say capture all of the pollen you can. If the pods don’t open in time, you can always toss another clone into flower and use the collected/stored pollen on that one, leaving the one you originally intended to pollinate, for smoke.


“All roads lead to Rome” they say. lol
I’d say that would work.


Good luck with sending the clones, Just out of curiosity. How would you send them? I feel like its hard enough to get seeds sometimes


We’ll use the $10.70 USPS small flat-rate priority box. The rooted clones will have their roots wrapped up in moist paper towels. Then they are put into a ziplock bag (along with a few cuttings). Since the temps are very low up North right now I’ll wrap it all up in aluminum foil for a little protection from the cold.
Then I’ll cross my fingers and say a few prayers. lol


You’re absolutely correct…remember, large plants in veg have more foliage ‘density’ so more of the BBP you apply is actually absorbed and metabolized.
Any applications you do make will be beneficial, however, it’s designed as a ‘tool’ that gives growers pretty wide flexability !


I can see that

Using it during flower will be interesting. I got a bump in growth after every use in veg. Postponing the spray during the first of flip kept the growth down for a bit. I was also eager to use on the flowers so now I’ll begin spraying again. Just as you said, It’s given me a chance to set up the growth intensity in a way that suited this particular grow. Talk about dialing in a grow! lol