MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

I have four cuttings in my cloner of Frankenstein. Been in there since I came home with them couple weeks ago. Still not showing any roots. Still green and healthy looking tho.


Good looking plants @MoBilly
Good morning

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Hi @Emeraldgreen and thanks. Sorry for the delay in responding. I’ve been burning brush. I hope you’re having a great day. :v:t4:


Be 2 weeks this coming Tuesday, they should be getting roots any day cuz. Hopefully they pull through ok. If not, you know you can always get more lol


Passing thru for a look at those Frankenstein’s, very healthy, grow conditions perfect, leaves sticking straight out… Definitely great genetics. :sunglasses:


Thanks @Heliosphear ! Very nice ride. lol
I’m going to have to get with you sometime to talk AI. I could use some advice.

As far as the Frankenstein, I have grown very few strains compared to 90% of the folks on here but I would agree with you even if JP wasn’t a friend. lol
I would recommend this strain to someone just starting out in growing. She’s that easy to grow. I think she’s making me look good instead of the other way around.


I think it’s both!


Frankie is great, but you, my friend,have Mad Skillz!


Thanks brother! I appreciate your encouragement. I’m going to have to agree with you though “Frankie is great”.


I don’t have much to show today other than how pretty this Frankenstein is becoming.

And just look at these gals starting to get serious about providing me with an abundance of killer medicine!! They are showing some signs of Nitrogen deficiency again so I’ll raise the amount of nutes and see if I can get that under control again. I believe that the BBP (even though I haven’t been spraying them except once after flip) is still having some residual effects to some extent. The amount of nutrients I’m using should have these girls close to too much but they just keep asking for more. I’m making small adjustments to keep from going overkill but dang!

Here are my two BC that have been flipped. The one in the back got over watered and is not happy with that. Note to remember!

And here are my two BC that are still vegging. It looks like I need to bump up the Nitrogen a bit with these already.

That’s all for now. I never want to forget to thank all of you for your interest in my greenroom.


Looks killer!
Thank you for providing it for us take interest in :crazy_face:

Can’t wait to get into my Frankie crosses. Might have to snag a clone while they are available :thinking:


Thanks @BeagleZ ! I enjoy showing off when it’s going good. lol
I’ve had to post the ugly as well. That’s not near as much fun for some reason.


yeah, I know the feeling, everytime something goes wrong I feel like I let down the community.
But that is how we learn, no good with out the bad :wink:


Did you top these plants or use any other training for them?

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The three Island Sweet Skunk were topped and then allowed to grow to four feet. I then spread out the branches and flipped them.
The Frankenstein (on the left in that closet) was topped and then topped again to produce that many bud sites. The one I reversed (on the right) was not topped as it was destined to make pollen and I didn’t need that many branches for just making pollen for the other and hopefully collecting some for me and Johnny.
None of the Buddha’s Cane have been topped. If I had there would be no room under my lights because of those monster ISS.
I like to train them out into a flat ish canopy but this time I let my ISS go too long waiting for my bud run to finish up in the flowering room.
If you look at my first thread on here you will have a better idea of how I top, train, bend… I really enjoy that aspect of growing.
I have plans to do some more after the ISS are done. Probably starting with my Peanut Butter Breath and the two CBD plants I will be popping soonish. lol
I’m not saying what I WILL be doing anymore. Plans have to adapt sometime with this growing thing and I hate saying “I will do such and such” only to have that plan fall short. Better to just say “look at what I did”. :wink:


Okay great, well overall a great job! I am still taking notes from successful grows, mainly because I am nervous to top as I never have before. I think I will try it on one and see how it goes. Keep up the good work man. I also have wanted to try the peanut butter breath, I have heard a few people say it’s their favorite. It’s on the list of seed wants lol


I would, definitely, top one or two. I like to leave two sets of branches (like the third and fourth set of nodes) and then take any weak branches that will interfere with better, stronger looking branches. After the four branches extend to allow two sets of nodes I’ll cut the end of the branches off. That puts growth towards the small branches that you left on the branch and they will begin growing faster. That creates a plant that has the chance to grow like a table top. Here is an example of a Gelato that I did this way.


Those ISS are crazy huge… take over the whole dang room. How many weeks on are those plants that are nitrogen hungry?


Those Buddha’s Cane are hard to judge their age exactly. I got them from @BigMike55 as clones. They were locked in transit forever (I’m thinking eight days in high temps). Anyway they took a long time to recover from that and I didn’t mark down what day I got them in dirt.
All that said, the best I can figure is they were seven week old when I flipped them. That would make them two months ~ right now.


Great description, I will try that out and hopefully I will get a similar looking plant. Thanks man!

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