MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Yes, I hope everyone using BBP understands that it’s cumulative effect on metabolic efficiency is a huge benefit to both plant and bud development.

If you want more bud, you have to expect to supply more nutrient to make it happen !
MANY if not MOST of my growers indicate they are feeding 150-200% of recommended nutrient rates from late veg through flower…in fact if you watch those Grow Strong Cup Challenge videos I posted, Chris (wow_arizona) mentions it a couple times…
The major BBP benefit here is after applying multiple times in veg…it’s literally eliminated chances of lock-out !

As Jps has mentioned, if you’re producing more bud it may take longer for it to fill, thereby lengthening your grow.


I sure was sorry about that delay. But you forced an incredible comeback.


That hasn’t been researched in depth ( as of yet) but the evidence is empirical from where I sit. I can only go by what I’ve seen with my own eyes in my growing. Every strain I’ve grown since starting to use BBP has taken longer in the flowering cycle, than any of the grow guides say for the strains. By at least 2 weeks in any case, some 3 weeks and from the way they looked, I could’ve gone longer lol But the other plants were stacking up waiting for the space.
Usually the plant will start to ‘die back’ when it reaches it’s ‘grow/flower time limit’ but with the BBP they stayed healthy and lush green all the way until harvested. This is why I said I think they could’ve possibly gone even longer!


Thanks for the input Johnny ! It’s all good, and I think it’s a consideration growers should be aware of.
I guess it’s a grower choice…if the bud continues to stack, you can make a judgement call !


Just to be clear on this lol
I’m not complaining a bit about it! I love it that the plants go longer, building up bigger & better budage! I just wasn’t prepared in my scheduling lol


No, I fully understood your context !
I do believe it’s a viable consideration and I’m glad you brought it to light !


You are very welcome. Show some pictures when please.


Thanks @BudBusterPro and @JohnnyPotseed . this confirmed what my wife and I thought. I’ll keep hitting them with more.


I decided to put up some more pictures today since I had to make some decisions about my Frankenstein seed run.
That closet is getting way and I mean WAY too humid after watering. I have had a small dehumidifier ordered from Amazon since before the holidays but I guess the strike is keeping me from receiving it.
I don’t like to defoliate much at all. Those leaves are the fuel pump for the plant so I like to leave as much as possible. But less leaves equals less transpiration so… And that takes a back seat to keeping mold and mildew off of my darlings so I needed as much air flow as possible between those branches.
Here is the butchery. I hope I didn’t overdo it… :thinking: What say you @JohnnyPotseed ? I think there’s enough left. There certainly are a lot of nice plump buds on her. Also, I am seeing some pistols start to brown up like they might have been pollinated. Maybe a couple of those flowers have indeed opened up… :thinking:


I’ve never defoliated this late in flower before either.
Here is the reversed Frankenstein. I’m torn about whether to spray again tomorrow. I know as soon as I do, she’s going to want to go all girlie on me again. Thoughts anyone?

Now a few random pics. First the Island Sweet Skunk…
I’m liking the way the buds are developing on the ISS. They look about the same no matter where they are located on the girl. There will be some nice buds from her when all is said and done.

And here are a couple of shots of my Buddha’s Cane. I really do wish I had waited to flip the first two but that’s done so I’ll just hope they surprise me. I don’t like that 14" rule at all!

The two still in veg look like they will be ready to flip in about a week. ~

Well there you go. There isn’t much change from my last post except the defoliation but I got snap happy with the camera again.
Thank you all for your interest and support. It means so very much.


Looking good @MoBilly


Thank you Floyd. :slight_smile:


Darn, I was concerned about that. Is it too late to return the 4" fan and exchange it for a 6"? :sweat_smile: I have an extra one if you need it… I feel your space is a little large for a 4". I always defoliate the heck outta my girls… I think you will be better off with at least a little defoliation. It won’t hurt the plants as much as too much moisture. :v:


Everything looks healthy and beautiful, @MoBilly. You have done some great work here. In my humble opinion, you can make just as many seeds with a single male branch as with a whole plant. Plus, the fact that the male has been sprayed and cannot be smoked, it would seem that if you need to clear out some space, you might consider trimming the male down?


Garden is looking stellar, feller! I like it a lot.


Thank you @herojuana.tom . I may do that. I want to try and collect some pollen if possible but I may have to cut it back some. :thinking:

Thank you @BigMike55 . They put a smile on the old kisser every time I look at them. lol


Turn of events @!
Extra extra read all about it !!
Mobilly can post them updates !
And step outside the box
Nice looks on the defoliation brother !
Hope all goes as “planned”


Thank you @Rabeats2093 ! lol
There is almost always a way if I keep my head and think it through. :slight_smile:
I have a new, better alternative on the way. I just have to keep the humidity down until my 6" fan and dehumidifier shows up in a week. ~
Then I’ll be running on all 8 cylinders again.


14" rule sux!
The Frankie looks great cuz! Hell, lol ALL of them plants are looking great! I thin the leaves out also when in bud cycle, and it doesn’t look like you over-did it there. That’ll definitely help with holding budrot, PM, or mold down. The pollen pods hopefully will open before too much longer, cause that gal is soooo ready to be preggers! lol


Easier said then done .
Dont Sweat IT :sweat_smile:
Keep on chugging brother


Thanks Johnny. And I know! Right? I really should have staggered the flip. Live and learn though. I started spraying BBP again so we shall see if that extends the flowering period long enough for a good crop of seeds.

This is my new motto for growing pot! It’s about all one can do unless you are weak willed and chuck the whole idea of growing your own.
That is not an option for me. “Mule headed” dad always said.