MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Package arrived @MoBilly everything looks great. Should have no problem… thank you so much.


That’s great :+1:t4:!


My package has arrived as well! Thank you MoBilly, I am beyond stoked to give the girl a run or a few.


Glad they made it home! Those cuttings looked like fresh off the mother so I had a feeling that they would make the trip fine. I’m surprised though that they were there so fast.
Anyway. Enjoy!


I was amazed at how fast they came, I would swear they arrived overnight. And they look FANTASTIC! I soaked them in hot water and they are positively glowing.
Thank you once again, brother!

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You are most welcome my friend.


Hey everyone. I flipped the other two Buddha’s Cane today and took a few pics to show the new setup in the Greenroom. I still need to hang my other light over the BC but for the most part I have them settled in and everything got watered to overflow. I didn’t test the runoff but I wanted to water deep once. I’m feeding with every watering on all of them but the ISS are taking about 75% more nutes than I have ever fed. That BBP is still in effect. lol
Here’s a few pics of the ISS and the BC.

Thanks for stopping by.


Looks great! Hope your finding lots of meds for yourself


Well I am. :slight_smile: Thanks for the tags @Emeraldgreen . :pray:t5: lol
I’m done signing up for a bit. Haha.

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So Nice Man!!! :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Thanks @ColeLennon ! Very much appreciate you stopping by. :slight_smile:

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Never done signing up :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Damn mobilly is bringing it over there…really looking top notch.


I knew you were going to do a top notch job on my babies. You ROCK, my brother.


Thanks @Mrgreenthumb ! :wink:

And @BigMike55 , how could I not give it my best efforts with what you gave me? lol
Everything in that room came from you! lol


Well, hell. Out of all those fine looking specimens, you should get at least one plant that will do the trick. Cherish that ISS. Go look on my thread and see what was harvested from one small plant with absolutely no training. Incredible!


I read your post on repins12 thread.
I’m dealing with the same thing. The two Frankenstein that I am using to make seeds with were Huge before I had a good space ready to flip them. So I flipped both on the same day (and still they almost outgrew my closet).
At three and a half weeks I saw open male flowers. Counting five weeks from there puts me at 8 1/2 weeks before the first seeds could be maturing.
Since Frankenstein normally goes 8-9 weeks I should be golden. Right @JohnnyPotseed ? Of course, if needed they will be allowed to go until I get a bunch of good seeds. lol
The next time I do this I will absolutely stagger the flip on them.


yep cuz, that sounds about right!


The problem Is I am with automatic plants.I don’t know if when pollen Is ready,the other flowering plant Is still fertile and can be pollinated.Keeping an auto a couple more weeks Is no problem for seed to mature I think,but the pollen/fertility timing Is my headache


I see. I’m still getting the hang of setting up my schedule for that sort of thing. I’m having to wait now on my next drop because I let my ISS monster out. Those three plants take up half of my light coverage. So I have to push the next drop back even farther. lol
Ain’t juggling fun?