MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Thanks @Pigeonman . My daughter and granddaughter are in a safe place now. Everything else is nothing but an aggravation in comparison.


Solid perspective @MoBilly



@Mobilly Whoop it Gangnam Style.


You keep me smiling @Heliosphear !

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Happy New Year @MoBilly.

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Happy New Year bro!

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How is the garden coming along?getting everything back in order?

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Yeah @Mrgreenthumb .
I plan to drop seeds later this week. I have had my new lineup planned for some time but the timing was off considerably. This run will have two CBD rich strains that I have been itching to grow.


Hope you have a ISS That will be ready for flower. Get that flower room rockin


This thread is flyin as usual.
Gotta catch up real quick.
@MoBilly Merry Christmas and Happy new year.
I missed all the trouble, but send you well wishes now.
The words this too shall pass come to mind. :heart_eyes:

I missed the coming out party or as @Slick1 said more like Kiss Unmasked.
I did get a good laugh from that, so thanks…LOL
It was good to meet everyone,cool to put a name with a face.
In the last few years I have met many online persona.
All great giving folks you love to have and be around.

This is what I tell everyone I look like…

But take away the internet filters and you get this…or just add about 30 years :rofl:
Ya, I need some work in the beard department too…but I am only supposed to be shaggy :relaxed:

Anyway welcome back brother!
So yea, lets get to seed poppin’…LOL


I don’t have any right now. That seems to be a white whale for me. lol
I’ve decided to step back from them for this next grow. I know someone who plans to make some fem ISS and when he does I’ll be right there with my hand outstretched. :rofl:
Won’t I @BigMike55 !


It looks to me like you could grow a good beard bro. :wink:
You also look like family… You know of any randy ancestors that might have traveled through West Virginia?


I gotta say, that is one monster looking joint bro! :rofl:


He is tryin’ to make up for lack of beard, you know the whole compensation thing…
All in good fun I hope…
BTW @Ris
I am thick skinned feel free to fire back if you got some good jokes.
I can take a good rippin’ no worries there.


Who knows my brother from another mother…LOL
Whenever I hit the WV mountains I feel like I am home, so there may be something to that… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Long lost family members found each other on overgrow!


@MoBilly Thats just a standard daytime J.
@shag - Ya i assume its all fun and games, But just incase its not…

I don’t need to over compensate for anything…

Look how big im… it is


I lived in northern WV, I found it to be a beautiful but found the people around me to very unhappy with most on drugs. I consider it to be on of the best drive through states though. If you find a decent area there is some cheap land though because it’s all hills


My family live right on the state line between West Virginia and Virginia. Yeah, it’s a rough area. It was hard to make a living back there even before the coal industry fell apart. Dad moved away because he didn’t want to see any of his boys die from black lung.
Now there’s nothing back in them hills to brag about except the land and 80% of the people.


Yeah I was on the line between Pennsylvania and WV for 15 years. Not long enough to experience the coal industry, but right time to experience the gas and oil companies in their prime. There is an FBI facility there and no other jobs. But like always, one of the best drive through states to go through, very beautiful hills!