MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Time for me to call it for the night too.
Good night my friends!

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I’ll be hitting the rack when the pain lets me lol usually around 12
@MoBilly Rest easy cuz!


Pretty sure Im out likes
Tomorrow we see the sunrise again fellas
Till then :love_you_gesture:


I hope you have luck tonight brother.


Happy Dayz… Say hello to the Fonz!
Have a great Monday, Good to see you smiling @MoBilly :sunglasses:
Smells like peanut butter in here!


Looks good @MoBilly. Like someone already mentioned spinning it in the bag will get excess water out of it. I also will let it sit on a 25 micron sheet. with a couple paper towels under it for 10 - 15 mins before chopping it up and putting it in the freezer.
You can get the 25 micron sheets off Amazon cheap.


Do you think I should purchase and pop some Jelly Breath beans? Cross a good male JB and a Peanut Butter Breath.
PB&JB anyone?


lol one of my sons has a couple pitbulls, he named one Peanutbutter and the other jelly

PB&J is one of our favorite ‘go - to’ midnight snacks


Well, he’s creative. lol
That sounds exactly like something my daughter would do.


All I could do was SMH lol but he came by the love of PB&J honestly, lol inherited it from mom n me!

Also, to be fair, the dogs DO remind ya of the namesake lol one is a peanut butter color, while the other is almost the purple overtone of Grape jam/jelly

Boy and girl, of course lol


You guys are into the Pit breed quite a bit it seems. They can be great dogs when raised by the right people but a lot of potential for heartbreak in the wrong hands.


The ‘Nanny dog’ can be some of the sweetest pups you’ll ever find!

Our Rotties and pitbulls are damn good dogs, loving, smart, playful

Also, spoiled rotten!! :wink: :rofl: :+1:


Tell some people that Pits in Europe are called Nanny dogs and they’ll look at you like you just fell off a turnip truck.

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That was their nickname for many years, they truly are ‘nannys’ lol
I’m sure there’s places they still call em that

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I tried to take a mix (Pit and Chocolate Lab) in years back. This SOB at six months old tried to kill every dog we had, males and females. I couldn’t get that aggressive behavior under control.
He was great with people but anything else, he wouldn’t quit till it’s dead.
I’m a good hand with dogs and owned some powerful animals but this boy just enjoyed killing.


Yeah, the treatment they get at first is important in how they become
That sux to hear cuz

I’ve always owned big dogs, only had one that was ‘bad’, rescued a 1yr old English Sheepdog, that boy just wanted to bite everyone, including me! Big ‘no-no’


Makes you wonder what was done to that olde english to bring out that kind of aggression. They are naturally a pretty docile breed with a whole lot of bark and not much bite.


I haven’t shown any pics of the Frankenstein in a while so here you go @JohnnyPotseed and everyone else. lol

I had to tie everything up on the seeded girl. The buds were on the way to the floor. I’m starting to see a lot more cloudy trichomes on her too. :slight_smile:

The reversed one will be chopped and the seeds harvested very soon. I’m thinking before the weekend. A lot of the seeds are mature but I see a bunch that could use some more time to be certain that they are ready. Since a few others have some about ready as well, I feel like I should be patient if at all possible. lol


I think I said this before, but why waste all the time & labor you put into something by trying to rush it at the end? It just doesn’t compute lol they’re ready when they’re ready, mother nature isn’t in a rush and us mere mortals gotta take it as she dishes it!

BTW… Them gals are pretty cuz!


Yep, and you were right then too.