MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Yep cuz, I have a walker and need a scooter. It is what it is. Always been self employed, so no workman’s comp for me.


Yes. Life IS tough.
But we can divide our time into good times and bad times.
The bad times are important. It makes you appreciate and cherish those good times even more.
Hang in there buddy. Sorry you’re hurting.


I’ve pretty much always work for myself also. There’s been a few times I have work for people. I am one of those that really do not get along with people. Let’s say trashy people. I believe we are men.


I’m a lot better than when I was. I’ve had to do it on my own. Therapy and stuff like that. I am fixing to get surgery done the summer or spring. I played pretty hard man. I am not gonna lie to you. I’ve had a good life. Sometimes things are a little tough on me because I don’t have a lot of money that comes in. But I think most of that is self inflicted. I was not having this problem last year. Yes I’m wore out but he hurt me. I’ve tried to get a lawyer. It is so hard to sue a doctor now. When he done that, I did see another doctor like the next day. I just haven’t done the paperwork for malpractice yet. I have a very bad temper sometimes. I just don’t want to talk about stuff because I’m aggravated. I’m sure some of you were the same way.
Anyway, one love it is not that bad. I am sitting here smoking. I did join the gym, so I’m getting ready to go do that. Growing has really helped me. I have a few cars work on, but I don’t wanna do it. I don’t have a big shop most of the stuff I do outside and it is cold. And I do not have a fire drum. @BigMike55 I had a decent shop a few years ago. It was small. I pretty much just like doing painting and that’s it. The little scuff and shines from car lots. I did that for years out of old tobacco barn. Grew weed. I tried to be like. @JohnnyPotseed in all those high times stories. Loved those magazines. They changed in the late 90’s. I haven’t looked at one in years.


I collected workman’s comp when I cut my little finger off. They put it back on but it was a few weeks before it healed enough to go back to work. That’s the only time I ever had to do that.

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I had that happen to one finger. I had a friend out west. He smashed his finger pretty bad. They had like a plastic straw so the bones grow up around it.

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It’s amazing what they can do now.

Did you say it amazes me what they can’t do? Lol haaa!
I think to take care of animals better. I think if I was a horse, I wouldn’t be having these problems with my legs. They have those infrared lights that they put it on their knees. I just want to go to a nude beach and just lay out. Give me some banana hammock underwear. And a corona.

I guess it’s been about 20 years ago. I was living in Colorado. I was gonna move this town called Kremlin. I got to looking at some of the pictures on the wall. The people didn’t have clothes on. It was old nudist colony. I never figured that. Why in the hell would you want to be naked in the wilderness like that? That place had mosquitoes bad. I’m not making this stuff up. But you can see them like a fog. It was crazy. Great big mosquitoes to.

DUDE!!! I’m eating breakfast!!! Now I have to close my eyes and picture fuzzy bunnies or something to change that image seared into my brain!!!


That’s what I’m talking about. Maybe there’s some things you don’t need to think about. I was just trying to see if anybody was listening. I sat down one time and thought I sat in some chewing gum. You got to be careful about eating around big Mike.


I’m a go eat me some grits and some ham.

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Believe it or not. The property we own was at one time a nudest colony. That was back in the 60’s. When folks around here ask me where I live, and I tell them, they say “OH you own the old nudist camp”!
That is absolutely hilarious to me! My straight laced parents bought land from a bunch of pot smoking hippy nudists!


It seems like I remember you have said something like that before. I don’t think I could handle that kind of stuff. Some people are just ugly naked. Not all women look like they come out of the playboy magazine. I don’t like that kind of stuff. I’d like for a woman to show a little bit what she has but I don’t like seeing stuff hanging all out.

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Yeah, I think I did. I just think it’s cool. lol

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Oh, I think it is I like stories. I got to get it going. Talk to y’all guys later.


I hate seeing the bottom of the coffee cup. Gotta go make more. lol

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Already out of likes …I think …
Damn woke up at 700 looked outside holy shit
We got dumped on …
Looks like I’ll have to siphon some gas from the other machines :sweat_smile:


The weather forecaster puts us in the 9-12" area on the map. I’m not liking the sound of that @Rabeats2093 .

I have little problem getting around on the road but slippery is not good on fake knees.