MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

I am still going to play with the cbd plants but I went and bought 10g of cbd isolate to make edibles with. At about $150 for it I am not sure I could grow an equal amount for the price. I have dissolved some in coconut oil and take it orally when needed. Fast relief but I want something I only need to take 2-3 times a day.


I hadn’t thought about that. Mo just went legal so you can, probably, go to a dispensary and buy some CBD concentrate.


I was told about it from someone here (can’t remember who) that said it is dirt cheap to buy. I only seen the price from government approved sellers here that seen it as a cash cow. Found some online sellers in Canada that charged a lot less. It was even cheaper in the US.I did a quick search and came up with this, $10 for 10g?


Can’t beat those prices. Kills me when I see cbd products for essentially 60-80 a gram of cbd.


Thanks @bunny .
I’m going to look into that as soon as I get home.
I hate using the phone for Internet stuff.

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If you blend the cbd isolate with concentres for edibles you’ll be happy. You can control the ratio and see what one you like.
Nice find @bunny

It would be interesting to know if I benefit from using it. There’s so many things that don’t work on me. I wonder sometimes if my liver is the reason it’s so hard to find a BP meds that work for me.
Either way I’m going to try, and I bet my wife will get some relief from it anyway, so… win!

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I’m sure she will. Hopefully you do as well.
I made some cookies for my buddy’s wife. She had trouble sleeping. Gram of isolate and a gram of wax. She said they put her to sleep in 20 minutes. She preferred it to straight thc, clearer the next morning

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When I had that 30:1 Ratio I would blend it with my strongest smoke. That helped me for a while. Its going to be a trick, switching up how I medicate so I don’t become burnt out and it stops working.

Let the experiment begin :joy:

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Sorry Im so late @MoBilly, but happy anniversary anyway. :smiley: :+1:

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Thanks @Floyd . It was a very good day.


Sure does not make me feel good, 10g @ $150 compared to $25 US. Actually no, happy to see it can be dirt cheap there. Even at my price, if it gives me a better life I am happy. I also plan on mixing a little of the cbd strains I have as the entourage effect has you using less cbd. Keep us posted MoBilly.

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I will do that @bunny . I’m looking forward to trying it myself.


My buddy would buy isolate for like 2 per gram. He’d mix a gram into mct oil put a label on it and sell them for 60 a pop. He actually was selling what he said it was. No oversight, some cbd products had no actual cbd in them.
We did figure out adding even small amount of rso really improved the medicinal benefits


What is a normal dose of that isolate?

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Yes, I’ve grown them before…that’s how I was able to make F2’s :wink:

Mine never looked like yours. I dug up some pics of the parent plants of your F2’s and will show you what they looked like at various stages…

Feb 14th

Feb 17th


March 13th (the males)


March 13 (the ladies)



(better lighting for pictures)

March 20th





March 26th



OK, I don’t want to hijack your awesome thread, but you get the idea. The plants were happy and healthy with perfect color and structure. It wasn’t until they were late into flowering that I stressed them out BIG TIME by cranking up the LED light too much :confounded:


Yeah, I knew that. lol
I do state the obvious sometimes.
I think you’re right. They were stressed out early on and never bounced back. I had to leave them to the care of another for a while and they didn’t do well.
They’ll bounce back with care.


I actually have no idea

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