Monstercropping. Whats the latest you've taken a cut from a flowering plant?

I’ve got a Hazeman blue cheese plant that is about 1.5 months into flower. She reeks like daaaank blueberry gooey goodness and of course i didnt take a cut. I just took two cuttings off of her and hoping she will re veg. Curious whats the latest you’ve taken a cut off of a flowering plant?


Could you do something like an 80% harvest and flip the remainder plant back into reveg? Already having a solid root system in place.


exactly what i was thinking


For sure! In fact that is called revegging, though for getting clones of flowering plants I will go as far as they arent already forming the clusters, like just sexed or a couple weeks more, bit thats it.


I’d say about 5 or 6 weeks was my latest. None from my first late batch at 3 weeks took so I panicked and grabbed more. Had a couple tiny rooted christmas trees for a month until things popped out


I go more by the size/structure of the buds…when still young and fluffy with lots of hairs and not solid yet…
Otherwise, I leave buds/leaf on the bottom part of the plant and reveg it for more clones!


I’ve saved and rooted a bud from harvest. Took forever to get back to “normal” vegetative growth but that’s how I saved my Lemongrass last year.


Thats awesome

I only have a pic from their restart of veg, and I guess it was earlier this year, seems a longer time ago


how long do they take to root?

The latest i have is 4 weeks.

I recently put a 5 week cut to clone, but didnt root. should have left there to see if it did anything… but gave up after a week or so.

EDIT i still have another 5 week cut, just checked… hasnt rooted. will keep it just in case it does something someday.

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I’m not A.B.O.K., but mine took 12 days to get ¼inch root starts. But that was saving them at harvest.

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Four weeks in the flowering stage.

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