More Legroom: SC Blue Dream, Purple Urkle, Old Soul, Super Yahmba

@minitiger heres the info from kid Kaya:

The rozay x the white is the part of the cross that intrigued me the most, depending on which online source you believe the rozay is either a skittles pheno or this from relentless genetics:

Either way it’s some hype-y stuff, I had gotten a free three pack and just popped em to see what was up, got three females and kept one that had nice terps and a good smoke to see it grown out a little better since the first one was in a 1 gallon just to see what there was in there


Ah, okay. I thought it was some sorta “exotic Sativa” haha, both because of the name and because of how big she got. Interesting…


Yea, no by the pedigree it’s just some “Za za” type stuff but pretty pleasant smoke and from what I know of the breeder he seems like a good dude who knows his shit so I figured I’d give it a go


You would get to full auto by popping these fast photos, then crossing those. The resulting progeny of the fast photo x fast photo would be approx %25 full auto.


Oh no way, I thought it was like 1/3 1/3 1/3 between faster photoperiods, regular photoperiods, and then full blown autos, meaning you’d need to cross the auto flowering phenos together to begin a stable auto line. Sounds like no though?


You pretty much nailed it, but at step two where you’ve crossed the f1 that you created. Here is the maths per Night Owl…


I actually posted that same Mendelian chart from the night owl packaging on the thread I started for that auto seed increase! I guess I shoulda read a little closer :joy::joy::joy:


Hey yall, quick update: the plants came down at day 72 the other day. Would have taken them sooner but I was waiting on the old soul and blue dream to finish drinking their last reservoir. We’re on about day two of drying at the moment. Appreciate everyone hangin out with me here, I’ll plan to post some bug shots and whatnot when I get into the trimming portion of things. :heart::v:t2:


@LegsMahoney @potpotpot if you guys ever want to get those hard wired into your house electrics the main manufacturer of them has an American branch now and they’re pretty cheap with unterminated mains leads, I would like to someday switch to a grow room custom built with these wired into a thermostat for heat. Might get some and wire them up myself as portable ones tho first one of these winters, doesn’t look too hard.


Whoa that’s pretty cool, and pretty affordable too. I’m with you in wanting a properly dedicated room at some point in the future. Truth be told though I’d probably just invest in a mini split if I went that route, we’ve got one for the first floor of the house and it does an excellent job heating and cooling as needed. I’m still curious about those tube heaters for the tent though. The ceramic heat bulb things work well but I don’t like them hanging down in my face when I’m trying to work in the tent, and I just have this internal notion that I want the heat at the ground level warming the root zone as opposed to coming down from above like it is now, but that backs me right into the floor space issue. I feel like heating these damned little tents will be an ongoing source of tinkering haha


Wow, they are pretty cool little heaters! I may want to check them out sometime.

I use these little dinky 200W Lasko heaters in my tents in the winter. WAY more efficient to have one of these in each tent compared with trying to run an oil heater or something similar in the lung room, which all pull around 600-800W even at the lowest setting. These little Laskos have been clutch for me. I have one in every tent because my basement is so cold in the winter. They are all plugged into temp controllers and mainly just come on at night to keep the temp from dropping below 65F.


Yea I love those things, have a couple for around the house. I tried using one in my tent but it was too big, though it made a bit of a difference. I’m definitely planning on using one or more of those for seed starting on the sunporch in the spring tho, to heat up a little greenhouse tent. I also have these chicken heater panels that work good and are nice and safe for floor use up against pots, but I didn’t need them this year in the basement. I use one in the attic as a foot warmer at my desk and it’s great tho! I swear they went way up in price tho, I think I paid like $40 each for mine:


That’s awesome, I’ve looked at both of these options in the past, too funny. Glad to know that we’re on the same arc though trying to solve this problem

@schmarmpit have you ever had any trouble with those things? I just know those forced air heaters are trouble if they’re too close to anything like tent walls or plants etc. that’s mainly what kept me from using em up to this point.

@Dirt_Wizard how does that cool heater do at warming the whole tent? I looked at those but a buddy of mine said he had one for his chicken coop and said that it basically did nothing for them unless they were stood right up against it. Granted that was a wooden coop outside in negative degree weather but it was enough to steer me toward a mini oil heater, but I like that those things are contact safe

This discussion is actually pretty poignant as I need a heater of some kind for my veg tent right now. Got some veg plants starting to purple in the leaves :joy:. Figures that the dialed in conditions for drying and curing are the exact opposite that you want for vegging plants right?


Not much! I use it down at the root zone to keep it warmer there and figure the canopy overhead absorbs a bunch on the way up but the air temp in the tent barely changes

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Surprisingly very few issues with them after several years of use in the winter. I think because they’re so low wattage that there’s not as many problems as the ones that are more commonly 800-1500W. You know me, I’m limited on tent space. This heater is pointed between the small space between two fabric pots, but it’s basically blowing directly on them.

I did have one where the fan seized up. It took a few days to realize and nothing overheated or anything. It was easily replaced with a computer fan of the same size. Some have tip-over protection which I usually disable with a piece of tape. Of course it fell over one day, and even then, did not burn a hole in the tent floor or anything. I couldn’t believe it.

That being said they are so weak that you can’t have your exhaust on at all or they simply won’t be able to keep up. But they do an awesome job for me in the winter keeping my tents from getting too cold at night.


So I’m helping out a local breeder friend of
Mine here with designing a catalog of all the varieties he’s trying to bring to market next year. I shot over to his place to talk about the project at lunch this afternoon and dude had
Some pretty rad places he gave me as a thank you for helping him out:

The options for the next seed pop just keep getting harder and harder!!


Very nice man! That baba kush is some really tasty bud - super chill weighted blanket high to it. Have only sampled some, but from iamyouyouareme’s grow journal they all looked super photogenic and delish.


Alright gang, probably the fastest I’ve turned over the flower tent to date. Up next is the Berger cut of Bubba Kush, generously shared with my by @iamyou_youareme and a re-run of the Purple Urkel since she didn’t really have a good chance to show me what she had that last run.

Debating whether or not I should start a separate thread for these gals or just keep this one going. Sound off if you’ve got an opinion on the matter. :v:t2::heart:


I only grew out 1 Baba Kush but it was very nice - very high odor & great taste. Good mellow buzz like most SSDD crosses. IAY’s phenos looked even nicer. I have a Bubba Kush berger cut entering flower as well, interested to see how it performs for you!


Nice! Looking good over there! Keep in mind the Bubba doesn’t like to stretch too much, but the Purple Urkle doesn’t either, so I think you’ll be good there… I like that everyone is using the funnel tek on their SIPs, haha that what I do too!