More Legroom: SC Blue Dream, Purple Urkle, Old Soul, Super Yahmba

I’m fine with just continuing this thread, but only if you type out the full name of the plants whenever you post pictures. All of these threads that I’m following, somebody’ll update and be like,”Here’s the ZPT1100 x SMQ” or whatever and I’m always like,”Wait, what’s that one again…?” haha.


I was hoping these two would be pretty evenly matched w/ one another on the stretch, gonna keep a close eye on both of em to figure out how long to veg

Yea man this is a big help, I just fill a measured 5 gal bucket and go, funnel tech FTW.

I hear that, I get caught with shit like that too, gotta try to be better about it.


Currently doing the same. F’ing loved the smoke!


Gonna be a week from transplant tomorrow. Looking healthy but still moving slow, going to hopefully fill the reservoirs in the next couple days and see a little bump in growth speed but fully prepared for this to be a long veg and a battle of the slowest growers :joy::call_me_hand:t2:


Quick update on the first run of plants here. I got the Urkle all trimmed up. The reason for that is because of how very little flower there was on this old gal. She really got the short end of the stick with all those other taller girls shading her out. In addition to that she’s way more seeded from the autoflower pollen than I expected. Said and done I got one little jar of flowers, but with all the negatives against her I will say this: I am in love with this herb!

Smell wise she smells like a grape flintstones vitamin with this musky skunky back note to her. I sampled some of it the other night and goddamn if this isn’t just feel good weed. Effects are like a warm hug, very sleepy but in a really happy comfortable way, exactly what I’m looking for in good smoke. Caveats might be the fact that she was tiny, and seeded, so I might not have the best picture of her real potency potential but I am really happy that I’ve got another cut getting ready to flower because I really want to dig into this variety!

Current update on the bubba and urkle is that today was the first reservoir fill, which is always a little nerve racking and exciting. I started doing a little super cropping and accidentally snapped on of the bubba’s branches, as I seem to do every fucking time at least once. The bubbas stem structure is very papery vs the urkle’s more rubbery stem texture so I just have to remember to be gentle with her. Taped up the split and let her be for a day or two, she’s the one I have my eyes on most now that the reservoirs are full to make sure she’s drinking consistently. That’s it for now. :v:t2::v:t2:


A brief thought after another evening chiefing on the Urkle: it’s 2024 and I really don’t mind seeded smoke at all. Mild inconvenience to pull those little guys out when you’re packing a bowl, but not the end of the world we sometimes let ourselves believe it is. Fear no seeds.


Yeah, its really good. Its like near zero trimming, just clip the buds off stems, but oof that yield. It IS delicious though. Really. I smoked the whole plant down real quick. Got one in flower, one vegging though so lets Gooooo as the kids say.



I think it just depends on the cause of the seeds. In your case, you were flowering males out anyway, so finding some seeds in plants that you weren’t intending to pollinate is still acceptable. Stray pollen is the risk you run.

But when something herms and seeds your plants, smoking that weed is just a reminder of your failure to catch the hermie plant and thus your failure as a grower haha…


I can’t argue with that logic across the board. Although if you look at it right every herm seed is a roll of the dice that you might be holding the next chem/sour/cookies :joy::joy:


Haha, hang on, lemme put on my “look at it right” glasses…

Ohhhhh, okay, yes, I see what you mean now… haha.

I won’t lie, I LOVED that Mexican Melon I grew a couple years ago, but the seeds really did bother me for the exact reason I said: “You fucked up,” haha. That’s all I could ever think about when I blazed it haha.


Fucking killer name! “Mexican Melon” I love it. I get what you mean accidental S1s are hard to feel good about while you’re breaking em outta the buds


Made the call today: tomorrow we’re washing.



Literally thinking this exact thing as I read it, smoking on de-seeded Frogspawn, it’s still good, still great even! The heavily seeded stuff gets harsher but it’s still possible for it to be good, I got lucky and a bunch of mine is only seeded on the tops heavily


Quick update on the current state of the 3x3:

Looking happy and healthy, drinking the first reservoir fill veeeeeerry slooooooowly. I think the bubba might actually be slower than the urkle in veg, which I didn’t really think possible. Just waiting for both these girls to get a little bigger and start showing signs of moving a little faster before we flip to flower.

I did have a question about best practices for the urkle in particular. She’s a wild beast of a plant throwing crazy amounts of smaller leaves along her branches. Last round I did my best to shave her legs but even in flower she tried to put a lot of that foliage back on and I feel like it (amongst other things :joy:) affected yields. Anyone who’s grown her before (@schmarmpit you might have it front of mind given your recent dance with her) did you find any best practices to help her out? Lollipop harder than usual? Less so? So far I’ve just been going in daily and bending out her apical branching to encourage a bushier structure, and was figuring I’d strip leaves at some point just to allow in more light but I’m certainly open to a different approach if someone out there really knows how to get this girl to throw down. Thanks in advance y’all :heart::v:t2:


I never really got Urkle to throw good weight. My best run though I was constantly stripping leaves and trying my best to open her up. The flowers just do not bulk on her if shaded by leaves, and she’s got leaves! You’re doing the right thing. Keep stripping her well into flower.


Awesome dude, I kinda figured that was the ticket but past like week 4 I just feel inherently weird about plucking leaves in bulk, but I’m glad that my instincts were on the right track. Makes sense right? Like if she’s still focused on foliage how can she get around to flowers