Mother’s Milk F2 reproduction

Thnx for stopping in @HappyTrees23s

Topped the Ma Milks


The Ma Milks still don’t seem thrilled w me. Coming back from topping, slowly. Runoff ph looks to be around 6.8 (ish, I use drops). Maybe a P or K deficiency? It’s strange because I have other plants in my same soil mix that are half as old but twice as big and happy as hell. So deficiency seems less likely.

Maybe the MM’s don’t like the nutrient balance of my mix. P or K antagonism?

Same soil mix, popped about a month after the Ma milks…
A Sour Bubble, a PCK, and a Night Terror OG

You were referring to herm’s correct? Define quite a few, lol, ratio?

I have heard the same w Ma Milk elsewhere. Based on how these are growing so far, I’m expecting to see some.

I couldnt find it scrolling back, but I thought someone called these an easy growing strain, lol, hmmm.

Continuing the discussion from Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi F2 Mothers Milk - closed:

It seems likely from this comment towards the end of the last Ma Milk run, that these OG F2’s that went around, are from the same batch that ole raynard sent in.


Man dealing with these plants is like arguin with a woman sometimes :joy: it’ll have you sitting there like what the f*** do you want from me


Got me chasing my tail in circles over here :joy_cat:


I’m doing the same right now…got 2 Zeppoli beans from green point and 2 fritter dawg f2s from someone one the site growing everything seems fine except 1 picky mf


I gotta admit she my favorite though…think I over watered her BECAUSE she my favorite I remember doing it :joy:


They are most definitely his F2’s.

Honestly, all but 1 hermed on me, including the males, and that one I kept that didn’t ended herm threw late nanners. Then hermed on me the other two times I tried to flower her out :see_no_evil: the smoke was really good though I miss that plant.

Her offspring has been stable at least.

@Seamonkey84 had roughly the same experience with these F2’s. Got one or two stable and the rest hermed.

A couple others ran packs and didn’t find any herms at all but idk how close they were looking. I also don’t remember having any nute issues really :thinking: Mine were pretty vigorous and did fine being bottom fed my usual gypsym+maxibloom combo. Here’s from way back then:

Leaves look a little N starved so maybe just need to up the feed a bit and they’ll pick right up?

Only other thing to keep in mind once you get to flower is, the branches on these MM’s have a tendancy to just snap off or tear off in late flower.


Not big on mash-ups but this is one of the best

I hope them Mummas start to perk back up for you bro :pray:t4:


Thnx for the info, good to know.

I’d be curious to hear what the community at large and also what the @coopactiongroup would want to see happen if these are all or predominantly show as fems/herms?

Basically just hope for a stable pair?
As I understand it only non-herm pollen should be used for coop preservations. Which does makes sense to me as a general rule, but are there exceptions? Interest in S1 or fem?

I will grow these out either way and we will see what they do. But it would be nice to know if the coop does not want to distribute seed should we have a batch heavy w herms.

Have you seen reports of the F2’s taken to F3 and those offspring are stable? Or do you mean outcrossed?


The ones I’d ran from OleReynard didn’t show any signs but there supposed to be different that the ones your running according to him.


Outcross, sadly. Never got any stable male pollen to make f3s myself.

Id go with whatever is stable.

There were different batches of mamilk f2’s made with different parents so it could’ve just been the batch I and SeaMonkey had that had the issues.


Chiming in here, I ran two females from Ole Reynard’s Ma Milk F2s, which I got directly from him, and saw no signs of sexual instability, and found excellent calming , potent smoke from them. @catapult sorry these are giving you trouble. I’ve still got ten MMs from him that I am planning on f3ing at some point. Not sure if that takes any pressure off this run, but hopefully you can persevere and the plants will cheer up! Good work hanging in there!


If you’re using organic dirt, I suggest giving them a combo topdress of malted barley and a very high quality compost, such as Oly Mountain. It looks like your issues with overwatering and subsequent drybacks to correct it have stunted the soil biology. Adding those two things will get it back for you, and then just water as normal. When in doubt, it’s always better to slightly overwater organic soil, rather than underwater, as the biology requires water to function in symbiosis with the roots.

Hope that helps!

:rainbow: :sun_with_face:


Our official policies are that any herms should be removed from the grow as soon as possible, and only pure f-gens are distributed by the co-op, no member made outcrosses.

let me get caught up on the thread, and then we will be able to weigh in on this more specifically.


@Zepher is correct. All herms are to be pulled. Open pollination of all stable genetics.

:green_heart: :seedling:


That’s great Greasy, always good to have a back-up plan! Plants are my therapy, there’s no unwanted pressure at all. But, thnx mate!

I agree I think it’s mostly a water issue. They get microbes of one sort or another most waterings and I use collected rainwater, so things should be alive. I am running in recycled soil, the only things these plants got that was any different from everything else I have going rn, was some extra compost and ewc from my go to sources, so I don’t think I need more there. But thank you I do appreciate all input and ideas from others!

I think they’ll come around, but unfortunately they are starting to look more like finicky fems than regs, to my eye, at this point. Hopefully I’m wrong :expressionless:

Heard and understood, thanx g-pas. Just wanted to make sure we’re all on the same page:)


Another concern is how far along they are when they show herms as the damage can happen to the crop very quickly. I pulled my Sour Bubble males when they started throwing pistils and showed no real signs of dropping pollen. I grew the females our for bud and they still got a pile of seeds.


Yeah, for me a herm that shows in the first 3-4 weeks of flower is the most problematic and least desirable. Late flower nanners are a different thing to me.

I don’t mind running them to find out and feel perfectly capable of finding any herms that do show before they present a problem.

Was mostly just wanting to toss out some hypotheticals to prepare for whatever comes.


Here’s some mamilk f2 pics from our run last year to keep you motivated :wink:


Ahh yea, she so fine!! Definitely looking forward to running some cuts for sensi