Mother’s Milk F2 reproduction

What size pot do you have it in? Impressive!


There’s a couple different ones from different growers pictured there. The one I had in the 3rd/4th pics was in a 5inch pot but its in a flood and drain table so kinda cheating :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: The other’s would’ve been in 1-3 gallons mostly.


Slowly coming along. Hoping to flip in a week or so


I love mashups, but only the good ones, and this is one of the best IMO:


“Smoking bones (joints) in the staircase, although I dont know why I chose to smoke ses(simella), I guess thats the times im not depressed”


@Hapi That line is the story of my life!

Can’t wait to see these plants start knocking boots @catapult :wink:


That sounds like a plan and the are looking good.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Haven’t heard Gravediggaz in years, nice! :ghost:


Wu Tang 4 Eva!!!


Those are good looking plants.


Sorry folks but I have to disagree, these plants are not looking good to me at all. They are continuing to slowly put out one yellowing leaf set after another. I have plants half as old as them that are twice as big in smaller pots. I would typically wait until any issues in veg get resolved before flipping, but these plants are not responding well to anything I try. I’m thinking I will try one more up-potting into 1 gallons and then toss them into flower whether they come around or not.

What do you all think?

Happy to have any input or suggestions.


hmm going back through the last logs I and some others did last year. I don’t see any mention of these being heavy feeders from others nor myself. That being said, almost every picture I saw from all of us had plants with light green and occasionally yellow leaves :sweat_smile: Damn near just like yours. So maybe they’re just heavy feeders? Up-potting can’t hurt.


Thanks HA I will keep that in mind. I run in a custom recycled super soil mix that typically tends to be on the hot side. I use roots organics elemental (CaMg) as an occasional top dressing, but most of my feeding nutrients get added to my soil in advance. I have an aloe FPJ I apply foliar that other plants typically love, not so much w the ma milk so far. Been using Fish shit and Miko’s and molasses, they don’t seem to like anything, while all my other plants are looking great like normal.

I haven’t had any super-thrive for a little minute, maybe I should try some of that.


Okay I don’t want to throw like a bonehead suggestion out there but what if you just run them on water alone for a week and see what happens?


No that’s a good thought, but I have been doing that as well.


I think @HolyAngel is right about Mother’s Milk having lighter green leaves. My guess it’s from all the sativa Skunk genes in the Appalachia male. A Mountain Temple was also light green like your Mama Milks.

They should be OK as long as the bottom (oldest) leaves are staying light green, and not turning from yellow to brown, and shriveling up.

It can’t hurt to check the ph of the grow medium. Then like @Sodapop suggested just water for a week maybe?


I’m glad you all are holding out hope!! Your giving me a little boost, but unfortunately the yellowing leaves are going necrotic and shriveling up. It’s a mix of tops and bottoms. I’ll get some picks up later this evening.

It’s not just the coloration either. Their stalks are flimsy and thin, the root development is slow and stunted compared to what I’m used to seeing.

I’ll take another ph reading off my run-off next watering. Last check about a month ago was on point right around 6.8 (I use the strips)


For a mix like yours, if it’s as hot as mine, I’d think water only is all that’s needed. If you’ve got a good living soil, ph shouldn’t be an issue either. What always seems to help in an organic grow when something is off is ewc tea.

It’s hard to know how hot is hot though with a reamended recycled soil without a full blown soil test. In the beginning i used to think my mix was hot but found it really wasn’t. Maybe yours isn’t as hot as you think?

Also, I don’t ever water to runoff with organic soil. I don’t think it’s required like it is in soiless. I’m assuming you dry back though, if not maybe they are a little over watered? That would explain the light colour and yellowing


I think up potting is a good move, I don’t see them that bad. I run some mamilks OleReynard kindly sent me and failed with them, specially after seeing HolyAngel beauties :kissing_heart:. Maybe it’s not an easy strain to deal with but it’s worth and you shouldn’t give up in any case … beer3|nullxnull


I figured you had already been checking all the bases! I just like suggesting the basics in case all else fails