Mother’s Milk F2 reproduction

Water to runoff for checking ph, not as a regular thing. Right now these plants go about 4+ days after getting 12oz of water. They get water when their pots are lighter to the touch. I have other younger plants drinking double that.

I alternate waterings roughly pure rain water (x2) alternating w a microbe source plus pure rainwater (winds up about once a month)

True, it’s just odd to me, to see this one strain, a poly-hybrid that should be used to indoor growing, acting so differently than every other plant that I have going in the same mix.

Ma milks (on the right in both) were popped 6 weeks ahead of every other plant in the tent. They were supposed to get to the flower tent 8 weeks ahead of my other plants that were supposed to get vegged a bit longer. But, well things don’t always go exactly as planned in this game do they.


You are going to want to pop one out of its pot and see what the roots look like. I am thinking for one reason or another they are not liking your soil. But getting a look at the roots will tell you alot


Yeah I have, they definitely are not looking like what I’m used to seeing. Added perlite last time thinking they were needing more air. Didn’t seem to help.


I am thinking your soil is too hot


I’ve had poor results using rain water check it’s ph and ppm .


Interesting, I typically have the opposite results. My tap is fine, plants don’t seem to mind it at all, but the collected rainwater they seem to prefer. Especially this time of year (not summer). I don’t have a ppm meter, but the ph is usually perfect for me (I don’t honestly check pH unless I’m seeing issues, every time I have checked the rain water over the years it’s been spot on). I live in the semi rural Northeast away from major industrial pollution.

At this point, it’s a good thought and worth a try, I will put the MM’s on a tap only regime for a bit and see if that helps anything.


Rain water works for me, too.


Picked out some new shoes for everyone this morning, their roots as a whole were looking better than I expected. Maybe this will be the thing they need to pick it up a notch. Let’s put some vibes on and light it up Ma Milk’s


How do those roots look on the MM’s? Are they filling the pot? She looks like OG kush when it is given too much water: The wrinkled leaves are saying to me that the plants roots are being kept too wet. I might try allowing extended drybacks (only water once the leaves begin to droop) and give less water per watering…maybe water from the bottom if possible. That will ensure that the roots stretch out to find water and hopefully better permeate the soil. Most plants may like to be watered until runoff, but some plants look awful when given that same runoff volume and need to be kept drier. Overall, the plants don’t look too bad at all… the Eminem’s just need a little dialing in. :v:


I think it was an early over watering at the last transplant that set them back and that may have been compounded by subsequent dry backs not to their liking.

The roots don’t fill the base as per usual, but they are looking nice and vigorous around the lowest portions of soil. So that is a good sign to me.

I do bottom waterings about 25 percent of the time already.


Well, they look it to me but, what do I know. I can’t germ or get over 2" tall.


It’s all good bud. I might be high w my expectations.


I’ve had issues this time of year, when i put too much water in soil, and the roots get too cold during lights out. Even if ph is good. How cold does it get in there at night at floor level?


What are the soil temps? Also some of these plants can get…quite large… yellowing can be a symptom of too small a pot. :smiley:



Give them some alfalfa meal. That will stimulate new growth and resolve most nutrient deficiency issues. Lactobacilli is another method give them a boost on bacterial level that creates plant sugars, sorta like giving them an energy drink.


Gotta echo the questions about the temps at the floor level, I ended up cutting pieces of foam insulation to fit the interior of my tent floors and putting all my pots on risers to get the roots away from the cooler concrete floor of my basement, I was seeing similar issues as you. Colder root zones meant less drinking and easier to overwater


Tent is on second floor of a heated space that drops down to 63-65 at night. So, not too bad, but some strains might not like that much of a drop. I think you have a good point about the overwatering plus cold feet combo.


Put those suckers in a 5 or 7 gallon pot…lotsa water IMO!



here is what I use: to make “taricontinal” = natural growth stimulator
alfalfa meal
humic acid


63 isn’t too cold i think. I have definitely stunted plants development by letting my organic soil dry out too much in between waterings.
On this matter, i will defer to the knowledge of other members.