Mother’s Milk F2 reproduction

I hope so, I miss the smells.

I hardly had any head congestion w the infection. But I had a lot of back pain and inflammation and the loss of smell for a couple months now.


That horrible.
Well I’ll definitely be praying it comes back to you.
I assume it affects taste as well ?

My friend had it really bad last year. Said he felt like his entire body was covered in a bruise.

He couldn’t get out of bed for 3 days.
I think he mentioned smell loss, but I believe it’s back to normal now.
I’ll ask him how long it took.

I know someone else who tested positive for it and didn’t even feel sick.

I can’t believe that stuff affects people is so many different ways.


aw that really sucks! I never lost mine completely but it definitely dulled it. Was like a 75% loss or something. and it stayed that way for over a year until I got massive sinus infection around 6-8 months ago or so. Something with that sinus infection completely reset all that back to pre-covid conditions. I could smell everything after I got over that sinus infection, it was crazy. Felt better than I ever remember being able to smell before. Hopefully you don’t need that and it just comes back soon. Not wishing any sickness on anyone. but it strangely made all the difference for me :thinking:


That’s very interesting…Well I’m glad your better at least :raised_hands:

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Had the same thing happen to me plus messed up my taste for a good bit. It does ease off after some time thankfully. Hang in there @catapult


My sincerest apologies Cat, I hope that returns to you soon! When Covid went crazy at my old workplace I just put my notice in and didn’t go back! I’m not scared of getting Covid, I’d really just rather not deal with any of the symptoms at all! Been avoiding it like the plague


I got Covid too… Dec 21st, right before Christmas & for the very first time. I had to send my 12 year old daughter away with relatives and I spent Christmas alone in quarantine. It sucked. I never lost the sense of smell however. I wonder why some people do and others don’t. It’s strange. Maybe it depends on the variant.


Thanks for all the empathy everyone. I’m hopeful my sense of smell will return eventually. Others had far worse to deal w than I, that’s for sure. Keep ya spirits lifted OG🔥


The girls are all quite frosty. I kept everyone small in 2ga of soil cause my space is limited. Here is MM7 she is packed w seeds I like the bud formation on this one

MM8 continues to eat itself but is stacking up some of the bigger buds. I’m gonna give everyone a top dressing this week.

MM6 has grown on me, she was the slowest

MM2 also loaded up well w seed and still the fav


They all look awesome, I have some bubble milk to try yet. Thanks for the show :peace_symbol:


Nice work @catapult !! B-U-T-Full!!


Beautiful work! Hope you feel better fast and everything returns to normal


Man they look super healthy for being in 2gals. Kudos!


We’re about 10 weeks in, buts it’s only been 4 weeks since the boys were removed, so im trying to keep the girls going for another 2 weeks for maximum seed maturation.

Another week or so for drying and processing puts us well into April before these babies are ready. So unfortunately, these prob won’t make it into the spring box. But, they’ll certainly be ready for the fall one.






Nice, very nice!

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Agree, great job done :+1:, I still wonder if seeds continue to ripen once the bud is chopped icon_e_confused|nullxnull, actually testing … angeldevil|nullxnull


What types of smells and stem rub fragrances are you getting at this point in the grow? Did you come across the “candy hearts/powdered milk phenotypes”?


I’m also inclined to think that seed will continue to ripen up threw the drying process, well to an extent at least.

Since I kept these girls fairly small, it seems worth it to give them as much time as they will take.

My sense of smell is only starting to come back. It hasn’t been functioning for most of this grow (since a late Dec bout w Covid)

I can’t really distinguish discernible differences between the MM girls at this point. I do get a bit of a gassy/chem smell from them all. I’d say my nose is at best working at 25% tho, so hard to really say unfortunately.


The honesty is much appreciated.

Consider taking CBG capsules, it will neutralize Covid spike proteins in your system. It binds to the spike proteins and makes them inactive. Really cool stuff, look into it.

A separate team reported recently in the Journal of Natural Products that high doses of CBG and CBDA do prevent the coronavirus from breaking into cells.

Richard van Breemen from Oregon State University told Reuters that the doses his team tested were non-toxic to cells. It is not clear yet that similarly high doses would be safe for humans, his team said.

“You want the lowest possible effective dose,” Rosner said, because of potential side effects as the drug is filtered through the liver.


I have seen some of these reports as well @RoryBorealis I’m intrigued, maybe I should start taking my cbd gummies more regularly. I do consumer cbd occasionally for sleep already.

Here we have MM#9 the plant removed from the grow for throwing sacs in early flower. Instead of culling, I clipped sacs and she sat in a sunny bathroom window (well away from the MM tent) for 4 or 5 weeks and stopped producing sacs. She got a couple weeks of LED lighting again before harvest. No more sacs grew after the first bunch of them. Prob got a couple eighths of little tester buds to try out and mmm boy I am a fan so far. Im getting a mentholated/ eucalyptus type smell w strong Chem overtones off this one. And it’s potent smoke too, it’s quickly jumped to the top of my list of what I have available to smoke rn.