Mother’s Milk F2 reproduction

@catapult how effective is it for sleep? I haven’t tried a cbd product yet.

I usually take melatonin and an antihistamine like benadryl when I’m having trouble… but I recently ordered some cbd/cbg “healing honey” from Strayfox/Healing Genetics to give a try. Might go well with some chamomile tea I imagine.


@MonsterDrank I wouldn’t say CBD puts me out at all. If I’m having trouble sleeping it is one of the things I use to try to down regulate my nervous system, I also use magnesium supplement, herbal teas along w cbd gummies and lotions to help try to relax. Often it’s helpful, but for my occasional bouts of hard insomnia it does not really cut through it. To deal w that i usually find some form of exercise or deep cleaning of the house to be beneficial.


do you consume THC too? I have some very good knock you out kind of crosses. When strains like Death Bubba don’t put me to sleep, my crosses do. If you’d like I can send you a pack of something. :v:


I find most strains keep me awake. I appreciate the offer but I have a refrigerator full of seeds… all kinds of strains including some very narcotic like ones like Black Triangle and a variety of Indica strains. That’s really nice of you though.


Mmm that’s what I’m talking about! Glad you’re seeing it. I think these ended up coming out more like @theshowmehomie’s cut I grew out a couple years ago than the pack I grew out afterwards. Regardless, :fire: :fire: that’s still my wife’s favorite plant.


mmm yeah those terps sound tasty af :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


For sleep, you will need a dose above 1000mg CBD for restful sleep. Once you get your hands on some 1:1 ratio of CBD/THC, you really see how effective CBD is for sleep, healing and recovery. The entourage effect of CBD/THC really works well.


I convert THC to CBN and it works very well for sleep.


would you mind elaborating on that?

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For myself and the Mrs., CBD strains are very calming. Not sleepy, not stoned like some indicas, just CALM is the perfect 1-word description for the effects imho.
After dinner or before bedtime is ideal.

Not great before a party or work though, a bit too “chill” for doing activities or socializing.


I liked CBD a lot in the morning like if I woke up too early or if I had tasks to do but nowhere to be, that was the perfect time for a CBD bowl! I can’t say there’s any science behind it but it felt like my first evening bowl always hit harder on days I had some CBD first.


might have possibly been that 48hrs soak instead of maybe a 24hr…they could of drowned before you started fella…and that has happened to me I will add…I go 36hrs now absolute tops on soaking.just a thought looking in…I don’t question your skills at all btw…or alternatively it may have just been duff seeds but all 9 leads to poss mass drowning.

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CBN is a great sleep aid. When THC is exposed to sunlight and oxygen, it converts to CBN. What I do is place some cured Indica flowers inside of a canning jar and place it on a window sill for several months, where it will get sunlight everyday. I will open the jar every week or so, so that there’s an air exchange and then reseal it. Test it after a couple of months to determine if it’s strong enough.


Had no idea about this! Thank you


That’s ok, I do all the time, haha. I’ve heard of this drowning fear w seeds before, but I’m not sure that’s really a thing. I do soaks longer than 24hrs quite regularly, it consistently leads to tails sprouting.

I blame the soil I attempted to start the first batch of seeds in. Specifically, most likely, I think it was fungus gnat larva that cleaned out the first round…or some kind of mould or pathogen since I re-use my soil both indoors and out.

I use a longer decarboxylation to achieve a similar sedative result w my edibles (at least I think it’s a similar process of THC converting to CBN to make more sleepy weed)


I agree :v:t4:


hmm very interesting!

A long decarb should have similar effects?


Yes that is my understanding. Also, I believe one can cook their butter / oil for a really long time at a steady low temp (8-12hrs long) to achieve a similar result.


yeah I found that out by mistake a long time ago, then learned the science behind later on. Decarbed for like 3 hours because I was stoned and forgot put oil in the trim. But the end result was much more calming and relaxing (CBN), versus being intense and anxiety (THC) (at very high doses).

This also happens very slowly over time. Bud cured for 2 weeks in a jar versus bud cured for 1 year in a jar may have noticeably difference in high.


It’s not a thing. Seeds cannot drown. I soak seeds in a shot glass or medicine cup until they pop out of their shells. Longest has been two weeks soaking. The plants will pop out of the seed and just float at the top thanks to water tension and whatnot. I’ve had full blown seedlings in a shot glass for days after sprouting while soaking in one because i forgot they were in there. Just pulled out the mostly white seedling and stuck it in some coco and a few days later was off to the races.