Mother’s Milk F2 reproduction

If you please, will there be a sign-up post for this MM f2 repro?
Your post #2 states “Post sign up tbd”.

I do see MM f2 listed in the Spring Box 2023 thread.

Thank you much!


I don’t think they’re gonna make the Spring Box seed receipt cutoff @BudWhisperer , no way they’ll be shucked, dried and shipped in time.
Next fall box is most likely.
OP said 2 more weeks 12 days ago, and I think the cutoff is April 1


Thank you much for the update.
If there’s 1 thing i’ve learned from weed, is the art of being patient. Though i have to re-learn it daily.


@HeadyBearAdventures is right. I didn’t make the cutoff for the spring box.

So we will have to wait for the fall box for coop distribution.


@catapult pssssss………i think what @BudWhisperer was really asking is When is the sign up? :grin:


And wasn’t the only one… em198|nullxnull


See for me working out or excercise woke me up even more. Same with a hot shower, it just perkes me up.
Melatonin worked a few times, but then stopped helping. I read taking it regularly can mess.uo your bodies natural production of it, so I stopped taking it all together, I definitely don’t want that.

I have horrible insomnia and sleep apnea. Sometimes I’m up for 3 days, sometimes I’m asleep for over 48 hours, wake up and am exhausted.

If you ever find a strain expessially good for sleep, please let me know. And I will do the same for you.
I’ve tried a few in the past, but it didn’t make me want to sleep, just made me really stoned and lazy haha.
Been having to stay up for a few days, and staying active, which then I eventually start noding off to sleep. It sucks.


I did make some Canna Cob with some Indica, and that did seem to get my body in a place I could sleep. No real head high, just body relaxation and steady buzz.


Have you ever tried any afghani landrace that’s got full amber trichs for maximum amount of CBN? From my experience with insomnia, afghani landraces crossed with cultivars like: Sensi Star, Black Domina, Ortega, Rare Darkness or even NL5. Will have knockout power, Euphoria and if you let them go long enough, some sleepy sleepy CBN :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Unfortunately, PTB all I got for ya, is that it’s still TBD:)

Chopped, washed, and hung the girls today tho, so one step closer to seeing if I can meet the quota for the coop.

If, by chance I don’t have the numbers for full distribution, I’ll do a reduced personal distribution for those that want in.



Based off some pics of your girls, I don’t think you’ll have any trouble with the co-op distribution when it comes :raised_hands:

Thank you for this run. I would really love to try some. Nice genetics in this cross.
I also like the structures of the girls you used. Definitely some amazing plants to be found in your F2s :yum:


Well folks unfortunately I have to report that I will not have enough Ma Milk F3’s for the coop distribution. @coopactiongroup

I’ve only gone through one and a half plants, but it’s already clear. I’m getting only 10-20% of the F3’s that look viable.

The MM8 was full of mostly small aborted white shells, w maybe 10% looking viable. The MM7 was about the same, maybe slightly higher, w 20-25% looking viable and the rest small white aborted shells. From my early investigations, the MM2 is looking similar w only 10-15% viable and many aborted shells. The MM6 was unique in that it had very few seeds at all, in it. The seeds it did have, are mostly mature, but it’s likely to be only around 25 seeds for the whole plant.

So for now, the pure Ma Milk’s will remain elusive.

I do have, as a consolation, a handful of my keeper clones that were touched w the MaMilk pollens. If there’s interest, I’ll post up some giveaways in the upcoming weeks.

Initial investigations into the crosses have shown much better results w/ predominantly viable looking seeds on all.

Clones that were hit: Mendo Breath S1, Sour 91, Chocolate Lava Cake, SpiritTrain, Stardawg x JTR, and my baby; Ma Super Skunk 18 x <Black Poison Skunk / WoMo>

I’ll post up some pics soon.


I would like a couple of the stardog x jtr if possible

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Well that’s a bit of bad luck @catapult , sorry that it didn’t work out as well as you wanted. Still appreciate you putting in the time and energy to do the run. At least you got some viable seeds so it wasn’t a total loss for you. Best of luck with your next one. :v:


It happens my man. Thanks so much for giving it a go. I am glad you got some seeds outta it for another try!


Black poison skunk milk sounds scary.


That’s sad news. Nature is frustrating sometimes.
Hopefully you can use the few viable seeds for yourself to benefit from. Good thinking on your part that you pollenated those other strain clones.
Cheers and best of luck to you going forward!


I’d love to try any you think would do good outdoors

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I’ve been thinking that one might be ready for a name; I kinda like
Cat Scratch Skunk.


Tell me which one you like more. Cat Scratch Jackie, or Jackie Scratch Fever… I love them both!

Edit: It’s a super (I guess) obscure “That 70’s Show” reference… I thought it was obvious, but after googling it a couple different ways, nothing popped up. So it might be misconstrued. My bad. The episode is hilarious

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