Mother’s Milk F2 reproduction

Agreed. They look great. I love that show you mentioned earlier too… “The Boys” and whenever a new season drops I binge all of it. It’s so good and unique the way they portray these modern superheros like the evil Homelander. He’s such a good character. Everything about that snow is fantastic. A real 10/10 series. Can’t wait for Season 4 to drop.


I have the highest level of disregard for ticks and their affinity to pass disease to mammals. Parasites are such a strange species to wrap ones mind around.

Hope the antibiotics work well @catapult I too have the pleasure of them feasting on my blood each year :partying_face:

Heres them seedlings again Day 21 or so, think its time to get them into bigger pots, thinking I might throw them under 12/12 removing the males from the population later on instead of waiting for them to show sex. Really enjoying the vigor on all of these.


Happy to report that I’ve been feeling much better. I took about four or five days of taking the doxy to really see the effects. But it has knocked out the symptoms entirely now. Hopefully for good:)

I also finally got this last round of milks out today.



Glad to hear it cat, fuck those little bloodsucking bastards


Nope, never did get supports in. Headed into the final few laps without a seat belt :rofl:

Gave em some extra silica (aka diatomaceous earth) instead.


Ah, hopefully be good then! I know with homies cut, it was only the last week or so that she was massively at risk. branches bending down at 45+ degree angles. Before then she looked fine. No experience with the 31 tho. Everything’s lookin great from here!


Thanks, just gonna ride it out and see what happens! I figure, worst case scenario is, I’ll have to suffer through an early taste test, lol.

Tent could really have used another thinning out this time anyways.


Like that was gonna work, lol. Strings, that’s what I meant; I’m gonna use strings:)


How much longer are you going to let this one go @catapult ? Looks like those colas are hella heavy :joy:


I think it’s more to do with sativas liking their soil a little dryer perhaps… Could it be? :thinking:

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I use heavy duty fishing line. :laughing:


She started flopping on me in week 6, she’s about 8 deep now, gonna see if she’ll last another week or two. I’ll pull some more lowers to keep my curiosity at bay.


Zooming in on the pic they definitely look nice and dense :ok_hand:t2: How’s it smell?

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She smells great. She has a softness to her that should not be confused for weak at all; just not abrasive. It starts w creamy overtones that give way to a gassy Chem finish.


Interesting thought; I haven’t heard that, but I have yet to really venture into full sativa land, so idk. Has this been your experience @Rogue that sativa’s prefer a dry environment?

(Note: I still think it was my super soil being too hot, in addition to a poorly timed overwatering/ up potting situation that pissed the milks off early on. And then took them some time to recover from. But, I do like the feedback as well:)


I have 2 currently in flower. #11 is at 9 weeks and I think I took it at ten last time. But I think it could go 10 days at least. Maybe 2 weeks more. Mine have a soft fruitness that borders on overripe.


What a fun and specific description! One of these days I hope to have that kind of distinguishing pallet :laughing:


Well… when looking at the origin of sativa’s or where they thrive, it’s usually very hot and dry climate. Narrow leaves adapted to overabundance of sun and heat.
Indica structure seems to have originated more in colder wetter places with less sun, broader and darker leaves to catch more light and warmth.
I have a few different plants in the same pot atm and I overwatered again, the sativa dominant ones in structure are suffering more. :thinking:


This is a nice one. I just 30 minutes ago took 3 cuts. Creamy. Amazing. Mixed with GDP in a jay it becomes creamy grapes and berries. I’ve still got some seeds but plan on reversing a female clone soon. I’ve kept this one going about a year now. I never would have picked this one but it’s a great strain, freebie from HydroRed. Big buds outdoors too😉


Have u been smoking a lot of Mothers Milk Catapult? If so… how is it?