Mother’s Milk F2 reproduction

Very freaking cool bud! Glad to see ur getting good use from the beans and found at least one lady! Keep up the good work!


For sure, I have all kinds of stuff I could pick from to hit with chocolate diesel so I can give back to the community. I’m getting ready to hit superskunk w/ uncle fester skunk pollen this weekend. I’ll send back the love in seed form.:green_heart:


Ya no problem, just shoot over that addy and I’ll get it out asap


It’s basically what I’m shooting for as well (living soil) but I’m still incredibly new to the whole growing thing in general, so just struggling along as I learn :laughing:. Just dumped my earth boxes last week on a big tarp to re-ammend, then it’s all going in the actual garden. I had already made a batch of (what I had available) of peat, castings and pearlite with a bunch of the b.a.s amendments since it was nice and simple. Let it cook for a couple weeks and hopefully my JTR doesn’t take a shit in it :grimacing:


Hey man plant a cover crop mix in there from buildasoil before you plant and let it get started first and your plants will be much happier. It helps get the soil going and balanced.


Too late. Already been in there since the 24th. They appear to be thriving though, so I’m going to keep my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2: I’ve got an old mushroom straw block I thought about using to hold in some of the moisture, but we’ll see

We have been trying a more natural approach to the garden this year though. Anything not detrimental stays and as it gets too big just do the ol chop n drop.


From experience, also have a plan to terminate the millet and the flax before they get 4 feet tall…:roll_eyes:


You mean like this?


Lol, exactly like that! I actually harvested flax and millet seed from my outdoor cover crop, but I didn’t realize that there were tall plants when I sowed them in my indoor pots… that doesn’t work for my space :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crazy_face:


I’m using them to shade the fig tree till the heat passes :joy:


MM31 at 77 days just before coming down.


Look at those stacked spiralling mugs! :heart_eyes: They are beautiful buds with with great calyx to leaf ratio! Real nice! :grin::fire::+1:


I almost 100% agree with you :smirk:

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That’s close enough! I’ll take it! :joy:

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I like the spiraling nugs though :laughing::laughing::laughing:

@Loggershands is totally right though. The spiraling is gorgeous, and that leaf ratio… That’s going to take like two seconds to trim! Nice grow @catapult !!


These things yield well too. Stretch is at least double but the results are awesome. Easy to over dry and it will drop tons of kief if you do.
Mother’s Milk f2 # 2


Great job with the Mothers Milk @Catapult.

Love that photo at 77 days.

I feel extremely blessed to have Mothers Milk seeds from Bodhi, Useful, and some of yours. That’ll be a heck of a good time when I get to pop em.


Beautiful. Got similar pics from last fall AND got 2 more packs of seeds from Red @3Thirteen. I can’t share enough how good that cream flavor is and how good mixing it is with the fruit flavors. I’ve got clones from a plant I ran sumer 22. I plan on running and breeding them this winter. I wanna keep this around and try crossing with the fruit flavors I’ve got (GDP & BBHP).


Heres those crosses you made minus the lower left corner. 1 Star Dawg x JTR back right corner, 4 Mothers Milk F3 front right and middle, 4 Cat Scratch Skunk back wall and left. The skunks; one in particular, have been showing the most early frost and smell, star dawg is really starting to pack on the frost, and just as expected the MM were slow to come on but getting frosty and stacked, one is showing completely different fan leaves and internode spacing, she also has a very rotten smell to her; the one directly in the middle.

~ Day 18 ~

~ Day 35 (defoliated quite a bit, moved that rotten MM to the right ~

Cat Scratch Skunk - The frosty ones

(Stardawg x JTR) x Mothers Milk f2

Mothers Milk F3 - Not the frostiest or smelliest of the bunch, but damn she is packing on the weight!


Very superb @Varuna!!