Mother’s Milk F2 reproduction

Nice work @Varuna thnx for posting up pics!!

Here’s my tent atm. I have one cat scratch skunk going inside; she’s back right.

Back left is a Stardawg x JTR

And front center is my single JTR girl to survive.

Closeup of the CSS somewhere around day 35


Just for accuracy sake, I believe these that I sent to you are; (Stardawg x JTR) x Mothers Milk f2

Edit: Also @Varuna curious what you saw for M/F ratio?

I popped x10 CSS and didn’t baby them at all; x9 survived. 3M/ 5F x1 runt killed pre-sexed. I have the other girls going outside.


looking great! :heart_eyes: :100:


I cant remember exactly I had all of the males together, meant to snap a photo, tried to mind link with you, maybe you heard a whisper in the wind :laughing: it was something like…
2 of 3 seeds male (Stardawg x JTR) x Mothers Milk f2
2 of 6 seeds male Mothers Milk F3
2 of 6 seeds male Cat Scratch Skunk

Made that edit for you as well, loving the shots of yours, gonna tease the outdoors ones but not show em :sunglasses:

The plants are doing most of the work as always, I might be pushing them a bit hard; High EC, high PPFD and they are only in half a gallon or so of coco/peat/perlite but they are taking it with grace :slight_smile:


Yea, I do like a little teasing:)

And, I will get to an outdoor update one of these days. A few plants have just started into flower for me. Everyone is looking pretty good out there, got a handful of small to medium sized bushes going.

Glad to hear you got some males, that’s a good sign:)


Yeaaaah about that, they were incredibly healthy, one CSS was overtly smelly too, totally meant to save some pollen from him, but after sieving through thousands of seeds the past few years, I am happy to report the garden has been sinsemilla, wasnt willing to risk it.

What would be nice is to make a closed off pheno area where its 12/12 from seed in 4" or smaller, possibly even rockwool, let the pollen fly, spray down with water, repeat as needed…


Here’s my four CSS going outside: first is my favorite so far


Hot Damn do they ever look related @catapult. 1st one looks a little miserable though. Keep a good distance


Nicely done, really liking #2 bush mode!

Heres my favorite CSS up close @ Day 42

(Stardawg x JTR) x Mothers Milk f2

Also I dont know what the hell is going on, boron deficiency? First for me… this is one of the CSS, spreading rapidly, might have to cull once it hits the flowers…


Those are some fat colas, great job @Varuna


Exactly what I do. If it starts to out complete the plant it’s gets the old chop and drop!

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Bless up mi gato, you’re a true OGheee


Check the PPM drainage indicators …
On all plants signs of overeating, the latter - burns.
I can be mistaken, however …


EC is high in the rootzone, burnt tips are ‘normal’ for me, but this is much different.


Mother’s Milk 31

She has a really lovely smell. When I open the jar, I get a spicy creamy Chem nose. I was just trying to figure out which spice it is, it’s almost chai-like but not so forward or strong. I think the spice that’s closest is Cardamon. Spicy in a soft and sweet way.

Potency is great, strong and forward, I wouldn’t call it particularly energetic, but for me, it’s more to that side of the spectrum than couch lock.

Smoking it; I like its flavor, it mixes really well w other flavors and can often enhance or improve them in a cool way. That being said, I could stand for it to have a little more terps on its own, if I’m going to critique it.

Structure of the buds also checks a lot of my boxes, little to no trimming needed, great bud density, but big stretch can be problematic and needs staking cause she outgrows herself quite readily.

And then also my Cat Scratch Skunk #3 had to come down today. Wish I could give another week or two to fatten up, but it’s raining for the next few days and the first few spots of bud mold just showed up, so she came down.
Here she was just before

She smells a lot like the Ma milk but stronger and more complex and forward. Not as subtle as the Ma milk. Very vigorous growth too and stout branches, I see some of the WoMo structure in her leaf shape. I like her a lot, excited to see what she does under some lights next:)


looks good


those flower pics and description make me want to run the MM next :stuck_out_tongue: :fire:

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The sun grown Mothers Milk31 has cured into some lovely, incredibly sticky, og dank. She has a depth to her that is missing w the LED version. She doesn’t look nearly as pretty as the indoor, but she smokes a lot like my sun grown pine pheno of goji og that I had a couple summers ago.

I also just hit another MM31 inside at three weeks into flower, w stored MMf2 pollens from my freezer. I covered her top to bottom. Full pollination and it appears to have taken, pistils have all withered back.


After trying both from you, I would agree, the sun grown MM31 was ridiculous, as dense and potent as the best indoor but with the depth of good outdoor! I am super impressed with this cut and it’s moved right to the front of my plans


Cat you’re really the milkman now days! Happy you found a real lovely gal in the 31 bunch