Motorcycles you have owned or own

I had one of the F versions…an '05 grey & black. Definitely a fun bike, especially for a beginner.

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A stable like that …and … no Bultaco??
WTF George?? :astonished:
… I loved the 350 Shirpa… :heart_eyes:



It was a question of rivalry, my elder brothers were Montesa fans, they had:




Montesa Cota 247 Trial, has won many championships. Those were the first bikes I was riding before having my own, my first “big one”:




Loved this one, VTwin cylinders, you had power with low rpm, since then I sticked to Honda and VTwin, my first VFR 750:

The photographer of the ferry in Plymouth made it. My battery was coitus in Wales and there was no replacement available (was very little) so I had to travel with a car battery in the back seat (you can see the cable) and just fonctioned until I was 100 km near home in Spain :sweat_smile:. More than 120.000 km with that bike.

Then came another VFR 800:


but a car bumped it parked while going rear, felt down and since then I had the feeling the handlebar was bent and couldn’t mend it, so bought another of the next generation:


I won’t say it will be the last, won’t be a Harley Davidson like Floyd frech|nullxnull, I am thinking in this automated and comfortable one:


750 powerful cc. Love Honda bikes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, once you’ve got one you cannot change to another brand … beer3|nullxnull


v-twins :wink:


The verified fastest I’ve gone on a bike was 230 kmh, which we call 143 mph here in the states. I was hit by radar and decided to pull over (which surprised the cop). I had a freshly packed bowl in my coat pocket that I forgot about from the night before. The cop found it because he arrested me for reckless driving. I went to jail for it, but hired an attorney and went to court. I walked away with a possession charge and everything else was dismissed. I was actually pretty lucky, but it took me a long time to realize that.


last old Harley I owned had to sell it 1997 and a few other to pay a Scumbag Lawyer to defend me

when the FEDs (Rudy) thought I had a RICO problem :frowning:

10 months and 150 grand later they dropped the charges

be safe and stay free



My brother in-law owns a 74 Kawasaki 750 H2 and recently sold his 74 500 H1 and 75 400 S3 . He was trying to trade me the 750 for my boat last year. I don’t know how serious he was , but i wasn’t interested in trading . I like putting around on my Harley . :sunglasses:


You meet the nicest people on a Honda.


Wise move Arriba|nullxnull, did they call her the widowmaker? :scream:

The man in the garage who repairs my Honda has a RC30 for sale, 30 years before I would have bought it, but now … :sweat:


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Yeah that’s what he said . Lol . His is green as I recall .

I love that RC30. Unfortunately, like a lot of sportbikes, I don’t fit it with my 6’5” height and 36” inseam. My Blackbird fits me perfectly and I can handily beat the young squids on their light bikes.

Conversely, my 37” arm length makes cafe bikes comfortable. I’m currently building a couple from the ground up - a ‘73 CB750 for me and a ‘75 CB550 for my youngest son.

I love the smell of petrol in the morning.

Kev :motorcycle:

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Were you in the University Basket team? frech|nullxnull The Blackbird is a legendary bike, 800 cc is the top for me, enough power and less weight, the older CB’s were beautiful bikes :kissing_heart:, I knew you had a Honda after your first comments … ejem|nullxnull


the 305 dream my god :slight_smile:

I rode with this Dude Tom “The Bomb” he told me that all the time

and to be nice to Citizens “never hurts to smile and wave” :wink:


Basketball and football (what Americans call soccer) were my sports. Whatever chance I had to play either of them professionally was ended by a compound spiral fracture of my tibia and fibula playing hockey. Never been the same since.

It pains me that Ducati makes no bikes I can fit on. I’ve loved them forever but no can do. What fits me best is one of the big ADV bikes and there are many good ones these days. My next bike will probably be a BMW GS or KTM.

Riding is one of the few things that are therapeutic for me. Whether it’s just to clear my head or working on an idea/project, my mental state is consistently improved after riding. Hell, sometimes a ride is the only thing that clears my mind.


Do you know the new Ducati Multistrada V4? icon_e_surprised|nullxnull


I almost bought one of those a few years ago. A neighbor had it buried in his garage. It was a great candidate for restoration. We settled on a price with the plan to help him get it out of there in the next couple weeks.

A couple weeks later I go see him. I say “can we dig out that bike this weekend?” He says he already dug it out because he just sold it to some rando.

He was elderly and just totally forgot what we had discussed and agreed to. Can’t be mad at the old guy but I really wanted to restore that bike for my better half.

Win some, lose some.

Kev :cry:


I know and love the Multistrada. The fit for me is marginal and I look like a circus clown on it; as opposed to the regular clown I am.

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Hey Rhino_buddy,
back 2014 and 2015 I met up with a bunch of Ruckus riders, and Big Ruckus riders, down first in Hickory NC, following year in Greensville NC.
Now most of them loaded up their Rucks into pick up trucks, and drove down. However, I rode with one guy that rode up from Georgia on his 50cc Ruckus, that he did the K-mod to.
I followed behind him for 3 days at steady 54 MPH!! That man has brass!
We also ran into a crew from Charlottesville NC, that had rode to Hickory also.
These guys were a very classy act!! They all had very tricked out wee beasts.
2015 I rode for 5 solid days, around 300-425 miles per day, blistering beautiful fun, even through the violent storm that caught us on Brown Mountain.
I felt unhinged as I was giggling like a school girl, as lighting was crashing nonstop, raining buckets, and winds…that blew me about like never before on my scooter.
30 minutes later, sun came out and beamed, like take that bitches! Just a fantastic ride for me.
3 BR’s 2005’s and a 2006, I think this was Hickory parking lot at the hotel.


Man, those are some modded bikes! I always wanted to extend mine.

That ride sounds great. Furthest distance I rode was 60 miles from kansas city to just outside Lawrence Ks. It was a blast! Saw a sprinkle of rain on that trip but nothing that made me pause.

The image of you giggling in a ferocious storm makes me :rofl:.

I love my ruckus, but it’s been awhile since I’ve been on it due to back issues, but I still have it. Just moved to 20 acres, so I’m gonna use it to putz around the land!

Thanks for sharing all those great pics/stories!


I’d need a new thread entitled all the bikes I’ve bought sold built and worked on. I’ve got a few , here’s 1 for now… parked next to a dumpster cause that’s how I roll.