MOTR grows with OniTenshu

Oh. My bad…I didn’t recognize the stem part in the pics lol New set up looks great!

Pretty much :wink:


Temp is 82f and humidity dropped like stone to 16% from 25-30%:sweat_smile: it’ll eventually be better I hope. I should be asleep soon as I have plans all day tomorrow I need to be awake for. Damn insomnia


The air flow has to stabilize in the tent before readings are even close to accurate. Usually 24 - 48 hrs for major adjustments whereas, minor adjustments tends to take ~12-24 hrs…the exhaust probably needs to be turned down to low though don’t change a thing for now. Tomorrow evening/night or Tuesday morning is the only time to record readings as the environment fluctuates a bit as the airflow moves to a new pattern :wink:


Okay. That let’s me relax and pass out soon😃


Just to be clear here, you need twice the area for intake as exhaust. Not twice the radius. A circles area increases with the radius squared. A 2" radius circle has an area of 12.75 square inches. A 4" radius circle has an area of 50.27 square inches. In this situation, not too bad, but let’s pretend you went with 8 1" holes, that would only be 6.32 square inches. A far cry from the 25.5 square inches required…

Actually if you cross a photo (PP) with an auto (pp) all of your F1 generation will be photos (Pp). Its not until the F2 generation that you get 25% autos (pp) 25% photos (PP) and 50% photos (pP/Pp).


I wasn’t sure about that, but glad my memory serves me right on auto genetics.

Question though have you ever heard of a autoflower landrace sativa crossed with anything to make a different kind of auto? I know people talk about it, but I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of it being done yet. Though I’m not a expert or know everything, so that’s why I’m asking others if they know.


A lot of sativas will auto flower when root bound. I dont think it’s the same. Perhaps they are using long flowering sativas to make these “super autos” I keep hearing about…


Someone here had talked about it once, but I can’t remember who or what thread ATM. Supposedly there are some landrace sativa that autoflower outdoors. If not ah well it’s a pipe dream, but if it’s really true I wonder if the super autos could come from the crossing of auto/landrace and another sativa variety to get that long time that they have.


That is a MUCH better explanation than I did…Thank you for clarifying it - I may have become to depend upon it :kissing_heart:


Your welcome, it’s not intuitive. Also, just type “area of circle” and Google will give you an applet that let’s you enter the radius and gives you the answer.


Nice! A new math “cheat” :stuck_out_tongue:


2-3 germinated so far. Finding a new spray bottle or at least a new nozzle for my now clogged spray bottle


Nice! Where are your temps at now?


My bad😅 I got busy out of nowhere for once. I woke up and scrambled to get shit done.

This is from a few minutes ago

Another has popped out

Almost looks like a before and after with all 3 rn😍
I’m a total nerd and love watching my plants grow. To others it’s like watching pain dry. To me it’s watching nature in action at every little stage. Talking to my babies and telling them how good they are. If nothing else all the co2 I release is what’s helping. IDC. Ritual must be performed always.


No worries :wink: Ok the temp is a bit on the low side…turn your extraction fan down to medium and we’ll see where its at in ~8 hrs


Okay. It’s lights off at 7, so let’s see if it helps them to breathe better


Yeah, I am looking for ~68-72F night and 80-83F day as the plants prefer those temps with these qb’s.

If it helps to ease your mind, here are my Lucky 7’s this morning at 86.18F with 26% rh

and DBHP F2’s at 94F with 20%rh yesterday

Of course, that is too high and got it back down after ~4hrs…just showing they can handle it :wink:


I went in and saw I still had the overhead light on oops. Ah well. I used the light to see the fan control knob and I saw it was already on medium right in the middle. I put it on the end of low right behind the border of low and medium.

Or in other words I had the fan on 50% and I turned it down to 30%


Sounds good to me :stuck_out_tongue:


Question though: if I could put together a small propagation room for 24 cycle, should I do that for the seedlings or keep them in the tent on 18/6?