Mountain Organics seeds?

Anybody here have any experience with Mountain Organics gear? I was researching some strain yesterday, can’t even remember which one now, and went down the google rabbit hole and came across his beans. I’m familiar with Blue Jay/Mountain Organics from the no-till threads on grasscity, but I didn’t realize he was selling beans now, too. I’m pretty interested in that The One bx and some of the crosses, too. Also, that Acapulco Gold cross he has sounds good, but I searched all over the place for any grow reports and couldn’t find any. Pretty sure there are some on IG, but I don’t have an IG account and don’t want one, either. I actually tried signing up a while back and it wouldn’t let me, for some reason. No idea.

The MO seeds I found were being sold at wellgrownseeds, so if anybody has any experience ordering from them, that info would be appreciated, as well. Thanks.


Nobody? Really? Alright, then, fuck it, guess I won’t grab any of those beans…


I know he has used “The One” from Coot on some of the breeding.


Yeah, I was aware of that, too. I was just wondering if any growers here had some personal experience with MO’s seeds. He’s got a The One bx for sale, that’s one of the strains I was interested in. I dunno. I still might buy a pack or three and check them out. It’s just always nice to hear somebody say,”Yeah, I’ve grown them, they’re good,” or whatever before I buy seeds.


So I changed my mind and ordered a couple packs of seeds from MO last week. Just showed up yesterday. I’m gonna plant some in a couple weeks. I’m curious to see how they turn out. I’m always very leery of shit that gets hyped on instagram without any grow reports anywhere. I feel like it’s my duty to grow those out and document them for all the world to see, without being influenced by the breeder. Seems odd to me that something would get hyped, but nobody’s growing it (or not documenting it, anyway).

Let’s see how they do…


How did it go?


I’m also curious how it went? I had the highest regards for Bluejayway back in the day. However, after he went all money grabbing selling bs tinctures and whatnot I totally lost respect for him. The no bottle guy, selling bottles… and seeds. Makes me not really trust him with genetics.


I haven’t grown them yet. You’re the second person to ask about that in like the last week. Weird. I dunno when I’m gonna grow them, but it’s not gonna be this round. I log everything I grow, though, so all you have to do is search something like “minitiger (insert strain name) grow report” and it’ll come up. That goes for everything I’ve grown in the past six-plus years, too.

For sure, dude. Those bottled tonics or whatever that he’s selling are a fucking joke. And any time I can’t find a grow report for something online, I always get a little leery. But the genetics sounded interesting, anyway, so I bought a couple packs.


I’m asking because I recently grew out his cosmic lotus, maya, and sunshine (freebie pack) …it seems “the one” is the parent to lotus which made a few of his lines. I think the maya was later to flower than other stuff (that was expected due to the Acapulco gold crossed with the maya), we shall see after I smoke it….I can’t get a read on cosmic lotus, sort of peppery on the green flower smell. We shall see after curing.


yes yes and yes
ive grown his lotus and one of his gonzo crosses when he first started making seeds
nothing but impressed with everything about them


What is Gonzo?

And for that matter anyone know what Velvet Rush is?

Looks like the Velvet Rush is a Thai/Afghan cross. But I thought that was what The One was, too. Maybe they’re both Thai/Afghan crosses? With Coot’s The One being his selected phenotype? I dunno. Google is your friend (kind of/not really); I’m not gonna do the research for you haha…

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I thought the same thing regarding the similarity to the one.

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I could be mistaken, but I think I remember Gonzo being The One x NL5/haze.


Thank you!

For anyone interested in the lineage of his other strains, this is some info I’ve collected:

Lotus = The One x Velvet Rush F2

Cosmic Lotus = Gonzo x Lotus

Purple Lotus = Purple Gonzo x Lotus

Blue Lotus = Blue Gonzo x Lotus

SunShine = Gonzo 5 x Lotus

DarkShine = Gonzo 6 x Lotus

Maya = Acapulco Gold x Lotus

Gold Rush = Starfighter x Lotus

Blues OG = (Orange Cookies x Face Off OG) OG phenotype x Lotus

Marmalade is the same as Blues OG except the mom is a pure orange cookies plant whereas Blues OG mom was pure face off OG. You get mostly OG and some orange plants in Blues OG and visa versa in marmalade.


Purple Gonzo, Blue Gonzo and Gonzo are the same strain, but different phenos. What’s Lotus?

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The One x Velvet Rush.


Lotus is 4x females ranging from Afghan to Thai, then 4x males of the same. Old school Thai and afghan expressions … - copied from Mountain Organics Instagram


I have a cutting of Citron2.0 in my garden from a few years back that is just lovely. Reeks of Jack when you smell it but busted up has a heavy dill/pineapple rind scent. She’s the one x J1 (skunk x jack) Unreal internodes and structure. Hoping to have a monster outside here in Canada this summer.