Multi strain flood and drain

blueberry auto coming out of the space and being hardened on a windowsill for now to be planted out soon.

The burnt leaf one was close to the fan and dried the medium a bit. Be alright though.

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4 JR in the F and D. 2 more JR to pot up. (Only to 1l pots) to stay alongside these until its time to spray CS :wink:
Ice cream cake #5 can be potted up to 1l pot for now too. Try and keep it semi small but big enough to take cuts the end of this run. So will be placing this and OZK under a lowish power light. After a few weeks.

Seemed a good day to start hardening them off. So far I’ve seen 2 spider mites, a wasp and fungus gnats in my space in the loft.

Ran out of gabapentin (for a car crash spine injury/fracture) and smoking swag. Having to take time off work. Need to figure some extremely cheap/free ways to make a space I can control environment properly and feed a hydro system. This runs looking fantastic already :sweat:

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Bottom-today after a bit of rain.
These look happier under natural light.


Me and the little lady (6yo) named these ladies between us. So we have strawberry (stupid name for a blueberry plant) shatilda, cale, shaneequa, ellie and shawanda.

They can have a few more days. The mrs has said just stick them in the garden. Don’t think it would be the best move :joy:


Vitalink clay pebbles. Managed to get 10l at the hydro shop for £3 which I’m sure was a mistake. But certainly not complaining. And a litre of chemgen A&B base nutrients. £15/1l.
Set my timers for lights to go to 18/6.
And to start flooding 3x a day.

Super duper. Except the feed pump doesn’t work. The flume pump is fluming at least. (Not enough pressure to make the buckets or I’d use that for now.

I measured with a tape measure and used a volume calculator to determine my res had 124l

So added 372ml A&B.

In an ideal world I’d be rocking.
Sonoff th16 x 2 (one for the res temps controlling a fish tank heater, and one for the rooms temps and humidity)

A sonoff basic to control the feed pump instead of the 4ch pro.

An actual tent :joy:


Lights went out to 18/6 from 10am to 4pm today. I’m still going to have to hand feed the hydro plants a few times for the next couple of days until I can go get a pump sorted. Just have to keep it fluming for the time being :100::sweat:

The blueberry autos seem to be happy enough outside except ellie. I’m still going to use coco and hand water these. But have to use small pots to keep them somewhat disguised from the neighbours. Any suggestions to companion plants to add more camouflage whilst still keeping good light?


Each pot hand dripped 500ml of nutrient solution from the res.
The 2 JR in coco is one for reversal using CS and the other to be hit with the pollen. Ice cream cake is for the future.


I took apart my pump. Figured looking at components. It was trying to intake too much water causing a rattle which eventually stopped the motor.
A small bit of duct tape to stem the flow a bit actually worked a treat. There’s kinks in the feed hose meaning slow flow at the moment. And leaks from 3 out of 4 pots. (There always is when you set a new system up) all the water drains straight back into the res anyway. But I will be going round with PTFE tape between feeds.

Just managed to score a 2x4x5ft tent off Facebook marketplace for £20 about 2 miles away.

Do I wait for res change time to move it in or do I bail into storage tubs and refill inside the tent. Can start paying better attention to my environment then :thinking:

Incoming concise list of every want and need with prices. Give myself some goals to work towards.

2x4x5ft tent for £20. Lifted the res in whilst full. Wouldn’t recommend but achieved it :muscle::joy:

Just got the light to hang now. And the big circulation fan to go in.

After that it’s time to start dialling in the environment.

Yes I have had to duct tape the light up for now :joy: got a digi key basket lined up with 16 4ft eb gen 2 strips and 2 meanwell xlg240–l-ab drivers.


Added half minimum strength ryzo and chemzyme. (Seeing as though I’m running the chem gen range) to the res. And an air pump suited to 90l. So next res chance I’ll probably dial it back to 70l with 23l of pots on top including the control with weekly changes. Save money on feed that way

Looking great bro, what a steal on that tent! EVERYTIME I look at your setup I love it, always looks so professional and clean, very cool bro

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Honestly bro. It ain’t perfect. It’s the maiden voyage so working out the kinks. The controller only let’s me set 8 schedules. Meaning 4 feeds and nothing else so need to swap that out. I have no idea what the temps or humidity are to try and keep VPD in check. Don’t know my pH or EC levels. This is literally winging it on this run whilst getting the bits I need slowly.
I did actually top the auto garden plants last night. Today I’ve added the air pump. Ryzo and chemzyme.

Professional. My light is held up with duct tape brother :joy:

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Hahaha I know, I know but you know what I mean, lol I miss my RDWC grows very much, I’d even like to incorporate both once I have the space , and I’d need a new tent or two , I do need a tent or two and if I can find steals like you I’d be ecstatic!

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I do know what you mean. Nice, clean and all contained is what I aim for. The system is designed for an 80x80cm tent. But works in a 120x60cm. Keep an eye on marketplace In your area. This was listed at £30. Sent an offer for £20 and collected on my way to work bro.
Build your system slowly. Few bits at a time. You’ll make it :100:

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Added 125ml ryzo
125ml chemzym to the res. And an air pump. They were topped a few days ago except the breeding pair in coco pots.
Will be topping again in a couple more nodes. Maybe even weave a net over them. Really want more power for flower. 150w is just a little too low for me. 240w would be okay. Eventually want to build a 400w light though :100:


Looking nice and clean I like your set up. One question what is that Boobie looking thing between your pots is it a diffuser? Glad you have gotten the kinks worked out

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That boobie thing is a boobie stress ball bro. But also works as a cover for the nute/ec/ph hole. Kinks are almost worked out but still got a few bits to correct :100: