Multi strain test run

Green curry x snow lotus in a octopot.


hps lighting ?

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Yes still old school in the tin box

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nothing wrong with that. but i will say i dont miss trying to take pics or vids under those things haha.

altho i do miss the humming buzz sometimes

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Too expensive to do the whole room with decent led right for now got my first led a few weeks back a used mars hydro TS 3000 using it for veg at the moment .
I used my hps glasses over the lens seems to help a bit still hard to take a decent pic though.


idk man i bet those hps still get shit done, you would need like 5 k canadian just to light whats in that pic with led. 4 sf7000 bar lights might do it


I’d sooner do 4x progrow 2100 from growlightscience. I think they ship up there :thinking:
Regardless, don’t fix what ain’t broken, can still get it done with the HPS np. Cheech Wizard lookin good over there!


That would be my choice also although the 4200 would be insane.

Exchange rate is in the toilet so that 480 price would be 600 probably.


looking better by alot! the! so things turned out fine?!

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Alien OG

On the left is road kill skunk and the other 2 beside it are SN x CDLC x Gamlin x Blueberry autos .

And a clone photo bombing in the square pot.


I’ve already looked into it too and with shipping and exchange duty it’s ridiculous, turns into Gavita and almost Fohse prices over here. Which if I could get ANYTHING it would be a full Fohse setup personally. Keep an eye out , mass people selling off certain HLG stuff as it ages but I’m sure it’s still got 5/6/7 years left easy. I also know the US HLG distributor he may be able to help when u have the cash too. Man you’ll love it once you switch , especially in that tin box! It’ll be epic. Trust me I know the struggles/pains of needing lights etc.


Ya it’s out of my price range at present . A cannatrol is next on my list before new lighting hopefully.

Heres the clones that got potted a week or so back lost one and a second snowlotus green curry not doing great but she should recover .


If u want help when the time comes just ask, got you👊🏻

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Cuts all look great! Were those from the fridge?


No fridge clones still perfect shape there next on deck possibly even today they’ll hit the cloner just need to get my ass in gear and clean it .


I was really hoping for 15 /20 new seeds to start got 6 possible that will make it.
Gonna pop some different seeds shortly can alway turf extra clones if they do I guess .

Try to keep my numbers around 50 plants this next round which in reality will probably change depending on my kill factor of seedlings.


What I’d really like is jets clones if there as good as he says I’d toss pretty much everything else I’m growing .
Run 50 of those get a reserve built up and then go back to hunting seeds . Lol


They are :heart_eyes:


Pretty easily obtainable, I’ve only got one of those from him and it’s W.C . Cough, BD not really production, continual shit imo


@Justblazin has all of them available on our side right now