Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

I kind of agree with the rest. I’ve only used vermiculite in my PF Tek jars, once I spawn to sub, that sub is 100% coco coir.


I know some people swear by horse manure mixed in with the coco, but I just haven’t had a need for it with cubes. I put plenty of grain in my tubs for it to feed off of.


I got a Fresh pack of lions mane from the grocery store and started some agar with tissue samples. I can’t get a clear pic through the glass jar I used for the agar, but both are looking good. I did one agar with three rice sized pieces I cut from inside the mushroom, then the other one I did with a biopsy sample with a needle. The one I did with a needle was squirted onto the agar, and that one colonized the plate much faster. There were individual cells or pieces that were scattered with the squirt, and those grew out much more vigorous than from the solid biopsy piece or the chunks in the other plate.
This is the best I could do for a pic of the plate with the bigger samples

I need to start pouring agar and get some real plates so I can see better. The No pour agar with modified lids are super convenient and perfect for testing LC, but can’t see very clearly.

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Finally got around to getting my next batch into bulk. I two pint jars of mazatat on brown rice went into each shoebox, I mixed it with two qts of CV for a 2:1 ratio this time. I also did one pint of Koh samui into the Tupperware container


Hey y’all I was working in the yard today…moving some shingles (not nailed or glued or anything to attach them) from some wet boards (been laying in the same spot about a year or so) and some mycelium had essentially glued the shingles and the board together!! Amazing! Is it me or is it wild that the mycelium is running through the contours of the shingles?!!

Forgive me if this is the wrong thread…


That’s pretty freaking cool. Lately I’ve come to really appreciate how amazing fungi can be.


Absolutely astounding. I could stare all day :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: and they’re such a pure white! And they were holding it together like tape!


Where does one obtain all the stuff needed for growing these?
Have multiple family members with PTSD that might benefit…


I guess that depends on your budget and goals.

In my particular case, I didn’t have a pressure cooker and wanted the absolute cheapest route I could take to get some meds as quickly as possible, so I ordered a spore syringe from Sporeworks, a dozen bags of Uncle Ben’s pre-cooked “90 Second” rice from Amazon, and already had some tubs and coco around from growing cannabis, then followed the advice from r/UncleBens on Reddit while reading everything I could on the Shroomery forums about how to do it “right”.

I was pretty lucky (it doesn’t always turn out great going that route), and that was enough to get me started, and now I have enough meds to last me for a bit and am shutting down for the time being.


One of those bags I had neglected gave me a surprise second flush :laughing:

It’s probably spent by now since it was only eight ounces of brown rice to begin with, but I’ll be burying it outside with the rest later today just to see if it produces anything further.

EDITED TO ADD the partially dehydrated cap from the mushroom in my hand above, just because I think it looks kinda neat :grinning:


Nice little bonus!


This little guy is looking very pale. I kinda dig how it looks, even if it’s not the healthiest.

Looks pretty neat with flash on.


This one six inches or so away looks a bit healthier, though.

[EDIT] The mushroom in the previous picture above now looks like this:

Pretty impressed by how hard these tossed subs try to keep going :laughing:



Got any idea what they are? They’re very attractive, whatever it is.

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Put my golden teacher rice bags in sub yesterday. Was planning on sterilizing some grain jars but never got around to it. I have some other types of cubes I want to work with waiting on swabs and in syringes in the fridge anyway so this is just a quick restock grow and I’ll play with the other genetics a bit more


So just outta curiosity, how are those ‘shrooms, uh, “eating,” @Howard.Crane? Yours always look gorgeous, but you never comment on what they’re doing for you… haha.


Heh. Well, I haven’t started medicating yet, for reasons that I’m not gonna get into here, and now I have more than enough to get by for a while and decided to stop growing for the time being.

I made an unmedicated batch of test gummies a few days ago to test out the recipe and check my math, and they came out fantastic, so as soon as the heat lets up enough to wanna be in the kitchen again I’ll be making a medicated batch at microdose levels. I’ll report back when I’ve had a chance to properly evaluate those.


Okay, for sure. I get that. I’ve actually been eating mushrooms way more often than I’ve been blazing lately. And I will also not get into the reasons why haha. But I get it. I was just kinda curious to hear your thoughts, but I can wait.

Cool! I didn’t even know “shroom gummies” were a thing. That’s your preferred method of, uh, ingesting? Or whatever? I always just swallow caps haha. But if they’re helping your buddy out, I guess who cares about the method of delivery.


I hadn’t, either, until about ten months ago. Maybe not “decades,” but the last time I ate shrooms was at least twelve years ago. I did eat some acid about six years back, for the first time in 20+ years. It was fucking gawdawful. I mean, the acid itself was super-strong and very good, but it would not wear-the-fuck-off, I was tripping HARD for at least 24 hours. Acid is just a whole other thing. I’ve eaten it at least a hundred times throughout my life, but I’ll never eat it again. It’s way too possible to go over to the Dark Side on acid haha.

Shrooms, though… I’ve never had a bad experience on them. And I don’t microdose haha. I understand that microdosing helps some people, though, for sure. I mean, whatever works. But I prefer to just trip balls every now and then. That’s just me, though. Obviously.

I do wonder, though, if microdosing is kinda becoming the new “cure-all”-type thing, the same way CBD was supposed to be a few years back and whatever all else the latest sorta “fad” drug was before that. Ayahuasca was the thing a while ago… DMT… Remember DMT? It’s always some drug, even shit like Prozac or whatever. Everybody takes it for a while, yet everybody’s still fucked-up and depressed and anxious and shit. I mean, I’ve never eaten Prozac haha, but you know what I’m saying.

To me, it’s not a magic bullet. Nothing is. I get the feeling that a lot of people (not everybody, but a lot of people) may be getting the idea that psychedelics are gonna sorta rid them of all that ails them and improve their lives in ways that were never possible before. And maybe they will. Maybe some people just need that sorta,”Wow, okay, I get it now,” experience. But I’ve suffered from panic attacks off and on for like fifteen years, I have no idea why. I’m not stressed or anything, they just started happening one night years ago. Sometimes I’ll go a few years without having one and sometimes I have them every day. Eating shrooms hasn’t changed that. And I didn’t expect it to, either. Maybe if I microdosed with shrooms it would, instead of eating the occasional, like, two or three or four (or five or six haha) grams, but I don’t think so.

There’s no cure-all, is what I’m saying. But you know that, I’m sure.


Shrooms can definitely increase anxiety. Nothing is a cure all unless you work on your mental state.

Do you go to the gym and expect to pick up 300lbs? How do you expect your brain to do the same, especially in today’s society of easy dopamine boosts built right into the object at your hand.

This stuff is to help you on a daily emotional Rollercoaster so instead of being too low or too high you stay on an even plane. That’s the issue that people suffering from memtal disorders face, they can’t snap themselves out of the moods, whereas SSRIs, and mental drugs allow them to stay more balanced, so they can deal with the issue underlying without having an emotional response. However, it’s not sexy like the gym, because you can’t see results, and there’s no one who can do the actual work but you. That’s why people search for a magic just like with fat burners and such for looking good physically when the formula is literally just calculate your calories.

Capsules are good because you can get exact dose for micro. 13 grams of dry mush = 100 capsules at .13 grams. Honey, is even easier to make than gummies. Grind and mix, teaspoon in the AM daily.

Checkout Paul Stamets. He’s become a sellout of sorts, but he’s the godfather of microddosing. I don’t really recommend the niacin as much in his stack though, it can
mess with your liver. 3 days on 2 days off.

If you are taking them more than once a month on a macro scale, you will have diminished results. . :peace_symbol: