Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

So my first order showed up today. The mush box mini. It came in an unmarked box, with the box for the kit inside.
It looks pretty simple it has the inoculated substrate, a small bag of casing and 2 paper clips.
When I ordered there was a note saying the mini kit comes with b+ or golden teacher but it showed up with penis envy.


This is my first time attempting this but the directions say to open the bag and put the casing on top of the substrate, mist the inside of the bag fold once and use paper clips to hold closed and leave in the dark until the casing is 50% inoculated before giving light.

Everything Iā€™ve been reading and seeing, it should be covered with mycelium before the casing is added. The substrate only has a little bit of white on it. Should I wait until the substrate is all white or should I just follow the directions for the kit?


Prolly just follow directions but yeah, casing is usually once you spawn to bulk


That bag looks a little off to me for some reasonā€¦
Seems a tad wet and grains donā€™t seem very colonized with mycelium.May have just been recently spawned and needs some more time to get going

Did you give it a massage//shake?

But you are correct-
Do not open the bag to apply your casing before your substrate is 100% colonized with strong white healthy mycelium growth (with no visible contamination)


@Skyf Thatā€™s what I thought. I will wait it out. When I ordered it said there was only b+ or golden teacher available so maybe they ran out of those put some pe in a bag and sent it off.
It doesnā€™t smell awful or anything it just looks really fresh but this is my first experience with this so anything I think is just a guess
No I didnā€™t massage or shake. Should I?


Just leave for the moment
Maybe theyve used a LC to noc it up so wait till you see about 30%growth and you can then gently massage //roll around to help spread and even out growth
As long as you seeing white growth with not too much moisture//funky colours itā€™s good and just wait for 100 %colonization before laying your casing on


Looks like I might have some blobs growing from my phobos shoebox. Thereā€™s 5 of these boxes, and I set two to fruiting conditions soon after mixing them. The grain spawn looked like it had a bacterial problem, but they usually still fruit for a flush or two. This culture is known to grow a dense canopy, letā€™s see how I do with it.
The more blobby looking box

The box that is a bit further along looks like it has a couple, but otherwise a regular looking pin set.

I threw some spilled grain spawn (roughly a teaspoons worth) into this mini flower pot along with straight coir, then buried the base into more moist coir to wick up more water. A random seedling sprouted from the pot, but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s mycelium that I see growing along the surface of the coir.


I grew mushrooms with a buddy about 15 years ago. We totally warped the hardwood floors of the upstairs rooms of the house I was renting. rip :skull_and_crossbones:ā€¦lol.
Iā€™m gonna get back into it while waiting for winter to start up my garden.
I remember some of the basics but donā€™t have a still air box or filtered air box.
Iā€™ve got my jars, barley, pressure cooker and all this ready to go. But I was wondering if I could skip a whole whack of shitty work by just buying this and making a few jars of grain spawn (g2g) and using the rest for a small/medium sized monotub woth coco coir casing.



Thatā€™s where I placed both my orders from. I thought about grabbing one of those but they were out of stock at the time.


The boys on shroomery say donā€™t do itā€¦but Iā€™m a gambling manā€¦lolā€¦just bought the minibox and 1 lbs of the grain spawnā€¦lol.


Get a still air box and you should be good to go! If the vendor is at least half way competent, a grain to grain transfer from their spawn should work fine. Just put like a tablespoon or so worth into a grain jar and spawn the rest into a shoebox with coir. When you get it, post a pic of the spawn! If you were in the US Iā€™d send some genetics to get you started.
Shroomery people are all about doing everything yourself, they donā€™t think getting pre sterilized grain bags ordered is a good idea either (though I kinda understand why). If your going to get into the hobby and strive for optimizing your grows then yea. But if you just want some fruits, those kits and Ben tek will work fine. Just need clean spores or LC, even bacteria contaminated grain spawn will still produce a decent flush or two. Mold is another story.


Will def post some updates when I get going.
Basically have a makeshift still air box made out of an old aquarium and some shrink wrap. I think itā€™ll be fine. If one of my 3 grain jars takes, that good enough for me for now. Would be nice to actually get an army of grain spawn going and just do a couple large runs.


Phobos box 1 a few of the early ones are starting to open

Phobos box 2 Blobs and mutants


Many opened up overnight, I picked the two big clusters. These are a bit harder to harvest, hard to reach down to the base. If there were more of them Iā€™d prob have to take the whole block out to cut them from the side.


So does this look like normal growth? Seams extremely slow to me but being my first time I could be spending too much time checking on it lol kinda like the first time you grow weed

Should I be keeping it warmer or something?


Just from the pic, it looks a little wetā€¦was the casing at field capacity when applied?


Very nice!!! Is that the dub-tub tek Iā€™ve been reading about lately? Mushroom growing has come so far in the last 15+ years!!
Has been fun searching shroomery and finding 20 year old posts that helped me 15 years agoā€¦like a time machine


Itā€™s a mush box mini kit. The bag is pre sealed and inoculated thatā€™s how I received it and Ive just been waiting for it to grow since I got it.
The casing hasnā€™t been applied yet because itā€™s supposed to be fully colonized first


Have you been misting it?


No, itā€™s a sealed bag, I didnā€™t want to open it until it was ready for the casing.