Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

I think thatā€™s what I ordered too. From


Yes that the kit


I ordered other stuff too. I just grabbed the kit to try while I was waiting, I thought it would be farther ahead


Iā€™ve heard penis envy takes a bit longer than other strains, but much more potent than other strains too.
I think this is a situation where some of our old saying can be applied.
LITFA leave it the fuhk alone


Lmao, that probably it. Like waiting for that first seed to sprout
I will have lots of doubts and uncertainty being my first go at this lol.
I have read that about the pe, I just wasnā€™t sure what normal growth was. Everything I read says 10 days or so to colonize the substrate.


The Japanese have an interesting way of keeping dementia awayā€¦

Always try and learn something new everyday.

I know this may seem very plain, but if you think about it, it makes sense, just like maths and other logical activities that stimulate the brain.


Yeah, Iā€™m gonna try a g2g in a diy aquarium stillbox with the 1 pound grain spawn. Also got the minikit because shipping was already $30 so figured add it in there and get some fruiting sooner.

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Exactly like thatā€¦lol.

Did you get a choice of which strain you received?
Edit 2.
Did you happen to buy any of the spawned grain?


No, when I ordered the site said the kits came with golden teacher or b+ and they would just send what they had ready at the time.
I was a little surprised when or showed up


I miss playing around with mushrooms and spawnā€¦ but the edible ones that is.

Did some playing around with boletus, tuber aestivarium, amanita muscaris, macrolepiota procera. Also had a go at morchela esculenta but that was a total flop.


Iā€™m curious as to what Iā€™ll get nowā€¦very exciting!! Hope yours works out well and is very ā€œfruitfulā€ :smirk:


I didnā€™t buy the spawned grain. I got grain bags , substrate, casing and LC of tidal wave.
I think I will order a few more things now that I know the syringe will do more the 1lb grain bag


Iā€™m not sure where your at but the shipping coast to coast was a week I think. Keep us updated with what ya get! If I get one to pop up it will be a success lol


I just found that Uncle Ben tekā€¦holy fuhk manā€¦people are hardcoreā€¦lol. genius


I glanced over that. Do you think it would work good? I already got stuff for the first go but a cheaper option would be nice


It sound like it cuts out a lot of work, but very small portions. Saw some pics on reddit and it didnā€™t look great, bit it was working. Great idea for a small shoebox tub.


Iā€™m trying to figure out what direction I want to go lol. I like the idea of monotub spawned to bulk with a fogger because misting multiple times a day will be difficult for me but at the same time spawning to bulk makes me nervous when it comes to contamination


Yoloā€¦go big or go homeā€¦lol.
Sounds like you and I are in the same kind of position. Minibox to get a first run under my beltā€¦I got the 1 pound grain spawn to make more grain jars and start a shoeboxā€¦if the g2g works, Iā€™ll do more and try to do a nice monotub or 2. But it could easily all go sideways and I donā€™t get a shroom at allā€¦lol.

How was the mycelium in your kit? Nice and white, smelled ā€œfreshā€?

This means when your trying to create more spawn, right? Or is this the mixing of colonized spawn in another bulk substrate and waiting for that to colonize before adding casing?

Iā€™ve gotta keep read lerning, I suppose.


@Tappy That bag that looks too wet is all that came in the kit the grains are pre mixed in the substrate. Smelled like shit to be honest lol but I figured thatā€™s just because thatā€™s what they use in the mix. The white it those pics I posted is all I have seen so far.

Spawning to bulk is mixing the colonized grain to the substrate in the tub and letting it do itā€™s thing.

I ordered 1lb grain bag, 3lbs of substrate, and casing.
Apparently you only need 2ml per lb of grain so Iā€™m going to order enough grain and substrate to use 8ml and Iā€™m going to stick the last bit on agar.
Well thatā€™s the plan anyways lol

Edit: after typing that out it seams a bit much to bite off right out of the gate lol


So they had everything mixed already? You didnā€™t have to add the casing layer or whatever on top?