Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Basicaly, you can use any of the ones that have been in circulation for longer. Common names
Once you make a healthy and clean spawn, that’s pretty much it


So this is the bag I bought, it has been injected with 10ml of Golden teachers - about 10 days in now


I still haven’t checked my boxes since surgery…assuming everything is buggered.
Wil be able to start making my way downstairs soon :crossed_fingers:
Thank goodness no plants yet.


So… the 23qt pressure canner barely fits on my stove, not sure if the heating element will be large enough :sweat_smile::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Might have to look for a separate electric range thingy.


lolol, you should be fine, I used mine on an old coil element stove at my last apartment without issue other than taking a bit longer to heat up. A pro-tip is to tape a couple quarters to the pressure weight, keeps it from rattling when you get to the right pressure.


Just buried a cake. After 7 flushes it finally started to mold. Got my Golden Teacher stash replenished and now it’s time to work on some other genetics.


Another option is single gas burner -they get up to heat pretty quick (unless you got one of the induction cookers)


the main thing is making sure it’s easily adjustable and can hold a consistent temp, a smaller burner might take longer to get up to pressure, but only a few minutes, and once the PC is rolling it’s gonna be fine. If your stove you already have can get it up to pressure, which any stovetop ever should be able to, then I wouldn’t go buying anything else unless your stovetop is used too often to give up a couple hours for grain jar sanitizing. FWIW, I always do mine after dinner cleanup so I can let them cool in the pot overnight. Doing agar solution pre-pour I do it anytime because it doesn’t take as long as grain to sanitize and I need to pour it before it starts to set.


Two tubs got set to fruit early yesterday morning. Gonna add some small holes lower, near the substrate for next run.


Pins are coming


So, it’s been two weeks since inoculation, and I’ve varying degrees of growth.

Costa Rican (my slowest strain so far): 3 out of 8 jars showing signs of growth.
Mazatapec: 5 out of 8 jars showing signs of growth.
B+: 4 out of 8 jars showing signs of growth.

Just being patient and letting them do their thing. Still have a ways to go before birthing.


not real sure if im in the right place but if someone could awnser some questions i am just getting started on mushrooms i suffer from depression i have tryed sevral diffrant meds from the doc but none seem to work so i would like to grow one batch so i could start micro dosing and i wanted to know if i bought this and a spore syrenge Premium 5-Grain Spawn Bags Rye spawn bags, bulk grow, casing, homestead, grow bags, mushroom grow bags

Premium 5-Grain Spawn Bags

review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star

(306 Reviews)

Item #: 5grn01 -

Availability: In Stock



(New & Improved Recipe!) Over 10 years ago we introduced the new organic 5-Grain Spawn Bags. We are constantly growing and testing these bags and making sure what you buy today is the best they have ever been. In March of 2022 we improved our bags again by using only the best organic food grade grain available and updating many parts of the production process including: Super clean organic cereal grains eliminate residues and starches. New grain hydrating process and drying stations to…
could i make something happen just want to try them and if it works i will spend the money and do a nice diy set up just dont want to waste the money if they are not going to work for me and any thoughts on what kind i should start with i need a mood lifter thanks in advance for all the help


Quick update of what’s on the go in picture form lol


If you’re going to grow from spores, I would really recommend looking up “PF tek”, it’s just brown rice flour and vermiculite, and can be sterilized in a steam bath. A contaminated spore syringe can quickly ruin a bag of grains. Or, just go with a few 90sec rice bags.


Where would you suggest has clean spore syringes?
I really want to get into it, but money is fairly limited since I take care of my grandmother and if I buy something I’d rather not have the money wasted since every bit kind of counts right now. @Seamonkey84 beautiful work by the way.


Spore works seems to have consistently clean spore syringes from all the results I’ve seen people posting. Just don’t mention growing them at all, since they’re sold for microscope samples.


Might be a Halloween Harvest :ghost: :mushroom: :jack_o_lantern:


Another update on my jars. Corrected the above, I mistakenly saw some moisture in the bottom of 2 Costa Rican jars and thought it was growth. Nope.

So it’s looking like the below is what I’ll end up with once they are all colonized. I’m thinking it’s that they (meaning the syringes) were in the fridge for so long (over a year) and that there was some degradation. Oh well, it’s better than nothing, and I still might get surprised by a late jar or two.

Costa Rican (my slowest strain so far): 1 out of 8 jars showing signs of growth.
Mazatapec: 5 out of 8 jars showing signs of growth.
B+: 4 out of 8 jars showing signs of growth.


thank you for all the info i will be getting into this soon cant wait to grow my own meds still in resurch mode but its starting to come together for me


Did you make sure to shake up the syringe very well to mix up the spores and break up clumps?

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