Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Nice work in here

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What is the best way to store spore prints long term? I was gifted some prints, but will be a while until I might use them. Can I store them in the freezer?

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Most important thing is to Just keep them dry, I’ve seen reports of them being years old in a drawer. But yea, a freezer would be fine as long as it’s sealed in a bag


I figured as much…dry in freezer, but I’m inexperienced with it.

Thanks for the reply. Peace :v:




So I didnt have much luck, pulled a couple of lovely ones but the rest are all sort of small and blue and stunted, so I threw the rest out and have started again.

I think I know what went wrong so better luck this time


At least you got a couple of nice looking fruits, where do you think it went wrong?

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Thanks Seamonkey - so, I injected the tub which had grain in, left it until it caked up, then opened the tub, gave a little misting and sat in a plastic breathable tent to flower. After about a week nothing, so I misted again but heavier, after that mist it worked but I think the water was just lacking, as the ones that came out stopped at about an inch and went blue - these two were teh only two that came up. So my assumption is, after letting the grain cake up, to give it a good soak before putting in tent to fruit. Does that make sense?


Oh, was was straight off the grains? Don’t soak the block before first flish, sometime not even needed for second. Usually as long as theirs some condensation on the sides, there’s enough moisture, too damp can cause some issues if there’s pooling. There needs to be enough air as well, but not enough to remove condensation. Depending on your situation/environment, you can usually get easier control of moisture if you mix in with some coco coir, or at least add it as a layer on top of the grains.


Thanks you Seamonkey - really appreciated!
Yes it was straight on the grains, this bag is already mixed with grain and coco so hoping that helps, and the idea with it is to just inject and forget until opening - we shall see.

I wil go for another run in grain and try as you say with coco on top for control. Thanks again


Already mixed??? The all in one bags I’ve seen had them layered, you mix after the grains are colonized. Especially If it’s spores you’re injecting, I would think that’s going to be very hit or miss. Also, if starting with spores, only add a small amount of the solution, like 1ml at most. Spores are like seeds, adding too much can make for more competition, and the excess moisture promotes bacteria. If it’s live liquid culture your adding, then more is fine as long as you’re not making it too wet in there.


this is what the blurb is on their site about this bag - optimally hydrated millet, coco coir, vermiculite and gypsum. MushBag Grow Kit | Buy Online | Martian Mushrooms UK

We are limited I think with choice in the UK - their sister site `Martian Genetics sells the spores in injections - 10ml I got.
Interesting point about the quanitity - in the grain i ran and failed I put 10ml in a smallish tub. this kit is 2 litres


So my tub looks similar to yours for a couple of weeks now. My temps were in the mid 60’s and it’s now 70, could that have stalled the mycelium?


72-76 is ideal, cooler and it will be slower, warmer will promote bacteria to grow faster than the mycelium.


Figured I should join the fun in the official mushroom thread :upside_down_face:

These are some small tubs I have going. I can’t tend them until Monday but they’re fully colonized at this point so I’ll be initializing fruiting on Monday. I’ve got another bag of grain spawn and plenty of coir/verm left so I’ll likely do another run in the tubs with that spawn while I wait for any cultures I take to colonize onto agar. Looking forward to getting back into some cube heaven :slight_smile:


I got a nice size grain bag building mycelium right now penis envy also. It colonizes fast :sunglasses: :fire: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


I’ve been working rounds of flushes for about 2 years. Some ok and some flush and some like a few only. Keep on keepin on :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Could be.
It’s a long period. It used to happen to me and I’m sure that too much moisture in the substrate was the problem. Try introducing fresh air. Ventilate well, then lift the lid a little and keep it like that the whole time. At lower temperatures, condensation is high and probably the moisture on the surface of the substrate is too high
In general, I think the concern about humidity is overblown. And that it creates problems.
It’s been so much easier since I did this. Before the substrate is colonized

I don’t spray, I don’t ventilate… When the substrate is ready, it starts to flush
This picture is 16 hours after previous post


I’ve been trying to perfect a pet pioneer humidifier in a homemade tub

I started figuring out that I don’t need it and it just causes more problems. This tube wants to be misted on the sides once a day tops. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

Two separate strains those are Mazatapecs only got a few and the others B+ fucked it up never took I didn’t let either colonize properly


I really want to get into growing shrooms. Haven’t eaten any in a few years. What would be a better choice to start growing. Golden teacher or B+? Or is there another kind that is easier/faster? Not totally concerned with potency. I just wanna grow em lol