Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Thank you for the heads up. Appreciate it.


Good for jumping in feet first. Your hooked now. lol



These are the steps I usually follow

*Cut cap from stem
*Placed cap on clean aluminum foil (usually in still air box)
*Cover cap with jar/or with bottom half of cut water bottle.
*Wait 6hrs or longer for heavier print
*Remove cap from foil
Fold edges of foil over on itself to “seal/protect” print
*Repeat steps 1-5 on new foil

This is a Golden Teacher print I took back in December.
Normally wouldn’t want to open in exposed air due to contams falling on it, but I wanted to take a picture. I took multiple prints so sacrificing one isn’t an issue.
Plus, agar/transfers can help clean up contams.

And here is one that is laminated.
Edit, the laminated one is just for viewing.


@ColeLennon you betcha!
Aaaandd!! The fact they work so well relieving my spasms!! Also the satisfaction in a good result much quicker . They grow within hours!! :flushed::mushroom:

@Illicitmango Laminated sealed??? Please explain? Do you just cover it ? Doesn’t the laminate stick to the print?
Sorry for all the questions. But ??? :grin::v:


@Bobgrows lol the laminated one is just for the viewing pleasure. No intentions of using that one. I love how they look, so I’m going to laminate 1 print from each kind I do so i can display them :rofl:
Maybe put them in a collector card binder or something. Just having fun with it


Thank you for clearing that up…before I went ahead and tried it! :flushed::rofl::v::mushroom:
Because I would have! Lol


I edited the original post too now lol.

I’m still so fascinated with the way they look so the idea is to laminate 1 of each kind, then I can put them all in a binder/ cardholder/picture frame kinda like a way to look at what I’ve done so far and display them.

And then find the ones that drop different colored spores. I think it’s a neat idea. Similar to the cannabis cards floating around here on OG.


That is a neat idea! Use them in art!
Now you got me thinking…:thinking:
They Are very unique.


I know huh!!! It’s a bloom lovers dream!!! :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:
Plus since I’m only growing outdoor right now. Keeps me sane in the winter. That gift growing gives back to us.


I just clicked this thread because I saw it in the list and wanted to read something interesting for a couple minutes. I’m not a ‘mushroom’ guy, but I was doing some “interest” watching/reading several weeks ago and came across a podcast that might be of interest to some people here. Supposedly the man being interviewed is the creator of the “penis envy” variety of mushroom.
I found the link again
Some of it was probably more long winded than some would like to listen to.


Doing something new. I bought this Food Dehydrator about a year and half ago. For drying mushrooms. I have never grown enough to use it lol. I would just let them air dry in the trays. Since Creeper strain is so dense of a fungi. I fired it up with the two trays from the first flush. Trays on the bottom set for 1hr at the lowest heat 100 degrees. Lets see where that leaves them.


Sent you a pm I didn’t vent my PC while sterilizing oats so thays what’s wrong. I had jars will foil on lid still contam so not the lc just me screwing up the sterilizing


Well that was failed experiment. However you want to look at it. The caps opened up with the 1 hr at 100 degrees and dumped spores all on the tray down that happened to have a cover. I did my first spore print. “Spore Tray” lol :rofl: :rofl: I’m sure they are contaminated or dead from 100 degress and open air.

Oh and 1 hour at 100 degrees not near enough. Still wet. Air dry from now on.


What do you mean by failed experiment?

I run my dehydrator at 120 degrees for as much as 24 hours if they’re big. Normally sized shrooms usually take 12-14 hours for me.


I guess its not failed. I washed the tray covered in spores. I don’t like the looks of them when they open up all the way. I am just going to let them air dry. Sounds like a hair dryer running the whole time. I don’t like how it opened the caps. :upside_down_face: This thing might as well be a boat anchor with drying trays now. :rofl:


I guess I could run it in the garage for 12-14 hours. I don’t know if its my anxiety or ptsd. That hair dryer sound drives me batshit.


Yeah I have to put mine in the garage but I like that it gets them completely dry for better shelf life. The air here isn’t dry enough to get them cracker crispy dry haha

Edit: it’s odd to me though that yours released spores in the dehydrator, I’ve never had that happen. I’ve only done B+ and golden teachers so maybe it’s that variety?


I dry mine in my toaster oven, right around 90 to 100f. Convection fan on for air circulation, with the door cracked. Smaller mushrooms dry in a couple hours, fatter ones take 12+ hours, sometimes all day for the chunkers. They dry nicely/ cracker dry/ snaps not bends.

Mine are usually already opened though when I dry them. And the inside area of the veil is pretty much black with spores. But they are stuck to it and dont maken any mess during drying.

Just a wild guess, but maybe the spores that drop on yours are the ones that would be naturally stuck to the veil when it tears (under natural/moisture opening) . But the dehydrator opening them Is causing the spores to get everywhere because the veil is opening faster under the dry dehydrator air so the veil isn’t catching the initial load. I could be totally wrong but in theory it sounds like a possibility.


Yeah @pharmerfil and @Illicitmango I read my instructions on this food dehydrator its takes a hell of a lot longer than an 1 hour at 100 degrees. lol. Mine dry with room temp here very well. Fuckin spores everywhere. My allergies are telling me that releasing spore like that in an open room with the fan from the dehydrator was no bueno. I like how they dry naturally much better, with caps rounded. I was’nt expecting spores to cover that tray like that. I’m going to clean the whole food dehydrator today.

This could be how “The Last of Us” started. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: What if my lungs start growing creeper fungi and I turn into a zombie ruled by mycelium creeper fungi. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie:


If the breath holes that are covered with pore tape get rust on them… do you clean them? Or is it OK to leave it?