Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

I just spray and wipe down my whole tub after my strain is done fully flushing and use an iso wipe to wipe around the edges of the pore tape and filters. I havenā€™t had any problem with that rust tint on the pore tape or filters.


Update: the 3 other shoeboxes have been put into the fruiting chamber.


Bring On The Pins!!! :100: :100: :100: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:


Tried my first dose off creepers at 30 mins ago approx 3/4 of a gram. Thought I would post before they kick. They are coming on


Intense, HEAVY. visuals and audio. I am watching Disjointed to lighten the mood. If you have any negativity in your life This strain helps you face the shadow. You canā€™t avoid it. Make sure your set and setting are perfect.


Sounds good I took some Daddy Longlegs about an hour ago only 0.25 g but itā€™s pretty strong, just have the queezy tum atm as I have not eaten yet today I will probably eat in an hour or so if I can manage to make a cheese and onion omelet lol


I just ate 1.5g of golden Teachers


Not the most positive experience. Very intense and dark. I can see the benefits of facing the shadow. This strain had me questioning even finishing flushes of this strain. I see it as a powerful micro dosing strain. As far as Macro. Itā€™s not the one for me. :upside_down_face:


Has anyone ever dosed a strain and been completely turned off even finishing the flushes? Anyone else dosed the creeper strain and what was your experience?


Ive had certain kinds before and had bad trips, most of them I eventually tried again and things were decent.
Iā€™m certainly no expert, but how were you feeling before you ate them?
Iā€™m sorry you had a negative experience


It was a impulsive dosing. Your probably right. Could of been more set and setting. That fuckin shadow was leaning hard yesterday. Also I think the experience was so much different than the positive John Allen experience I had a few weeks ago.


Air drying usually wonā€™t get cracker crisp for storage. A little moisture in a little stem is enough for the whole bag to rot. My dehydrator runs at least 24 hrs. Big blue meanies a little longwr.


Yes I have grown and dosed creeper. It was normal cube for most part. Now what you eat and your enviroment can effect your trip I would try again with smaller dose way small just to see if you get the feel good giggles. If not not for you but Iā€™ve had good and bad from same strain so ID say it tottally your choice. I would start new jars and let these flush until ready to spawn new jars. Just my .02


Yeah, Iā€™m going to let them go. Appreciate the tips and encouragement guys. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


I know anytime I am going to eat them, I usually try to think about it for a bit and really decide if I want to. Ive had some terrifying experiences on them, but I also had some great ones regardless of set and setting. Sometimes theyā€™re just like that, but everybody is different. Hopefully ya get a positive experience if you do decide to try them again.

I ended up eating 1.5g orginally last night. Then throughout the night, I kept eating .2s just to see where it would go. [Iā€™m off duty this weekend] I was feeling good, donā€™t know how many .2s I ate lol. But then I took another 1g . Iā€™m thinking I was somewhere around 3.5-4g last night. Overall really good experience although a few times i felt myself slipping into the ā€˜darkā€™


Iā€™m still very green around the gills. Iā€™ve only dosed maybe 7-8 times period. Learning for sure. Iā€™ve had more good than bad trips. Also I wouldnā€™t say the creeper trip was bad. It was just really powerful and intense. Lots of intense visuals and audio trips. Maybe that was just a sign that I need to embrace that.


I used to do them a bunch in my teens, then stopped for a long time. The growing aspect is new to me, but not eating them. Trying to recognize thought patterns has helped me few times.
I donā€™t know if itā€™s something in my brain doing it or what, but I noticed when my overall feeling starts to get even slightly gloomy or when things get too weird it starts to go south. And anytime I get trapped in my own head definitely brings on the scary stuff.

Even if nobodyā€™s with you, talking out loud has seemed to help, and putting on some of your favorite music seems to help as well. Keeping things light and familiar. Once again everybody is different, if I do take some and Iā€™m feeling the slightest bit unsure after ive had some, keeping all the lights on helps. I found itā€™s easier to take them earlier in the day while itā€™s still light out too. The majority of my bad trips have come from taking them either later in the day or at night


Thatā€™s all great advice thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Anytime! They certainly are different in terms of what they do to you lol. Every time I smoke bud, I kind of know exactly what to expect, the mushrooms arenā€™t as straightforward at least in my experience


Yeah, they were so beautiful and looking at the fruiting chamber last night they looked ugly lol. :rofl: They donā€™t look so bad this morning. :slightly_smiling_face: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom: