Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

I couldn’t get my mycelium to grow. You’ve already got farther than I did. :sunglasses:


I was getting the ready to go grain bags too, then I got my pc and haven’t successfully colonized grain since. I can’t seam to get it right.
I tried to order some grain bags but they are shut down.
I’ve been trying different teks from shroomery but still nothing. Maybe it’s the LC that I made, it looks fine but I’ve had it for a little while now

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Always test your LC on agar, sometimes hard to tell if it’s contaminated. Moisture content of the grains is important, too dry or wet can cause stalls or encourage any hidden bacteria. Make sure you’re letting you’re PC vent after it comes up to a boil before you put the weight on. With the standard weight on the presto, it releases at 15psi, so doesn’t truely hold 15psi. it’s important to go longer on the cook time, or do the BOD modification to get it to hold 15psi or above. I taped two quarters on top of my weight, it holds 16.5psi when I turn it down to a simmer and the weight barely jiggles.

These are my first APE pins, damn these are slow! Supposed to be the Starry night pheno, hope the caps turn black.


Ya apes are very slow even once piined. Looking good though. What type of oats do you use? I’ve fought with producers pride whole oats then I found producers pride race oats seem to be way cleaner and less problems. Oats are great but damn are slower that wbs. Have you tried wbs with millet and Milo hell cubes even eat the hell out of the sunflower seeds.(I don’t pick them out)


Yea I’ve heard mixed results with producers pride from tractor supply, I got mine from a feed store and they sell Poulin Grain brand. Same with the millet. I haven’t used WBS yet, but I might considering the cost and convenience of not going out of the way for grains.

Smiths, Ralphs well any Kroger store has a finch birdseed Milo, millet, and <3% black sunflower seed $8 for 20 lb bag. I think I got about 60 mycoquarts out of it. Also has little calcium carbonate help control pH even though you can rinse right off pretty easily.


I’m in the north east, I don’t have any of those stores here, but we do have a Walmart lol. many people use their value bird seed, though it does have cracked corn which I’ve read can make for a bit of a mess, not that the mycelium cares.

Any Kroger store the go under many names across the country. I imagine Google Kroger stores near me and it’ll give you an affiliate store. The cracked corn turns to an awful paste so you can’t shake your jars. It’s like hulled grains but if you don’t have to shake you are good. Most finch type birdseed will get you there just avoid nuts and fruit.


I was just researching " hydrated lime cold pasteurization " for straw, to use with blue oysters. Whats your take on Lime? Thanks

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For “cold pasteurization” you’ll need to use calcium hydroxide
Calcium carbonate won’t raise the pH high enough to kill off the nasties


This what you mean, will this be enough?


That should do the trick


I don’t know who all is on the Canadian side of the border in this thread but I want to let everyone know about spores lab in canada. I don’t usually talk about vendors but the level of customer service I just received was top notch.
I ordered a 1 litre master culture of golden emperor from them yesterday. I got an email today saying that the websites inventory system is a little messed up because if one person puts something in their cart and doesn’t pay right away it show still in stock. So they said it would be two weeks before they had more ready to sell.
So I went on their site and checked the price of LC for the same kind that I wanted. Two LC’s were like a dollar more so I figured that wouldn’t be asking too much to send two of those instead of the master culture because I won’t be around in two weeks to receive it.
Their response was “we can absolutely send the LC instead and we will send 3 bonus LC’s for the inconvenience.”
So they are sending 5 instead of the 2 I asked for and they were super friendly.
I’m really not the kind of person that makes these long replies on here but customer service like that goes a long way with me and just thought everyone should know.


I just ordered a Pan cyan culture, cube culture USA is having a 20% Memorial Day sale till the 10th (mushmem20). Of course I’m going to test it on agar when it arrives, but now I need to read up on Pans and what it takes for a nutrient substrate. I was told by one guy it doesn’t need to be manure compost, they used the coast of Maine lobster compost. Otherwise I’m going to try with with hay dust and Guinea pig poo, I have lots of that on hand :crazy_face:. I’ll pile some Gpig poo in bucket and let it compost a little and rinse though like it would get rained on outside. I’ve read it’s as much about texture as it is the nutrient content, need to hold moisture without being fine like mud, so I’ll have to play with ratios.


Have you grown these previously?! I’ve always been curious about their legendary potency, but haven’t tried them myself

NM I see this is new for you. My understanding is that substrate can be similar to cubes; I knew a former shroomery member who did a run on straw very successfully.


I believe they need a wood substrate and to be fruited at cooler temps


I think you may be getting these two species muddled

Panaeolus cyanescens are found in warm climates primarily on dung of grass eating animals

Psilocybe cyanescens are found in cooler climates on various rotting/decomposing wood substrates


Lol my bad. They are pretty close



You got the dark caps you wanted! Alright