Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

@Seamonkey84 I had the heat mat with a temp controller set to 77 so I just ran down to turn it off. Maybe the others can be salvageable if it’s not too late. What’s the difference between bacterial and mold? Is there a way to tell?


Bacterial contamination would stink, whereas molds often do not, but what you’re really looking for is visible growth that isn’t white. You would know within 48-72 hours of contaminant spore "germination"because molds grow very quickly in that environment
Anything that grows on and up above the grain (like a wispy puff on top) and is white is cobweb mold, other fungal colors: yellow, pink, red, black, green. If any of that shows up, that jar is chalked.


With out a doubt I agree! Popcorn can be very tricky and eye berries aren’t very forgiving. Get a wild bird seed blend with millet, Milo, if some sunflower seeds that’s fine usually have calcium carbonate in it to help birds digestion that’s fine. No nuts or fruit also cracked corn will make a sticky mess. Also you can get 20lbs for like $10 and I got 50+ quarts of spawn from a 20lb bag. If all else fails start with pf Tek that will help with contamination. Your prep process sounds fine like @Seamonkey84 said it’s probably your lc before grains. Instead of lc make a spore syringe and use it for pf Tek or put it to agar then noc up with agar.
Also I’ve seen many people use like a hand held cheese grater to make pieces smaller to turn of Tek to bulk but crumbling is fine imo. You can also take a colonized pf cake and use it as a master that is put part of fully colonized cake into grain jars to noc them up same idea as having masters with grain. I’ve yet to see the need for a heating mat maybe in a basement at winter time or maybe some edibles. Relative humidity is more important than that cooler just means a little slower but most people keep houses at temps good for mushrooms.


What’s the best way to start from spore? I’ve tried spores on agar but they didn’t start. Is the pf tek best for starting from spore?
I just like having a known genetic that’s why I am drawn more to the LC.


There are vendors in Canada that sell LC, someone posted about it here like a week ago I think. But yes, ideally spores should go on agar or PF tek. But if you have clean spores, you can get good success with starting a few 90sec rice bags. Once you have your first fruit on the BRF cake or from rice bag, clone it to agar, or if you’re careful, clone directly to a fresh jar or LC. Using a needle to biopsy the inside of the stem is your best bet if you try that. I cloned into no pour agar and into LC using just a syringe and needle full of sterile water with good results. It’s a good idea to run a jar of just water with you’re next PC session, very convenient to have on hand.


Lc isn’t a known genetic unless is taken from a tissue sample to agar then to lc. Otherwise lc is just as random as spores most lc are spores to agar to lc to make sure is clean. Lc being bad is very common because it will “look” good but still be contaminated. You should start with spore syringe with pf Tek just because of the issues you’ve been having or put spores to agar if you really want to use grain. Pf Tek doesn’t seem as productive as bulk grains but they are very productive and stable. It’s a good way to start and get things dialed in even though you have grown before you should start from beginning when it comes to self sterilizing and using/making lc. Your previous growing knowledge will help you greatly for growing conditions but these basic beginning steps will really expand your mushroom game imo.


I think that was me that mentioned that company, their website says they have hunted and tested all the genetics. Their descriptions are very detailed. But the don’t sell spores. Only LC and masters.


Agar is something else I need to work on lol. I should probably go through my fridge and test what I have. I kinda jumped into this after i got my first fruits so my fridge is full on LC I made and a couple slants. Maybe test everything and if find issues toss everything so I can start fresh. I probably have enough to last a lifetime in there if it’s actually any good


I still test LC that I ordered, no pour agar with an injection port is my lazy man mycology method lol. But I don’t actually wait for the test, I inoculate the agar and the LC jar at the same time, if the agar comes out clean, I’ll let the LC grow out, then I test that LC mid way through so I know it’s clean before I use it. Bacteria and yeast can be obvious in a LC, but mold still hides, but will sporulate fast on agar.


Agar is super cheap and easy to make yourself. You can buy premade lc broth that needs to be noc’ed up but it’s $$$. Spore prints will give lc for a lifetime. You should only expand lc so far or it loses vigor. Spores are the base to start with and store long time. If you did slants I believe they use agar right? Agar agar is cheap and with that just water and nutes. Same as lc ingredients for the most part(personal preference) just has agar agar in it available at most Asian supermarkets or online.


I have John Allen prints if anyone wants one just dm me. Thanks no strings attached no trades needed.


Was wondering if any chance someone could direct me to some blue meanies? Print, spore, or live I’m not picky. They are drag you through all the dirt you have done in your life. But it was needed I quit sodas, learned to lower my voice when talking because I’m passionate and some are intimidated. But 6 hours of tears healed me in so many ways.


@Blueridge Canada or USA?


Usa sir ……


Ok, I was gonna say in Canada there’s delivery services and a couple vendors but I cant say what’s what on that side of the border


I’m out of town . But I might still have a print of Blue Meanies. One of my favorites. I’ll check when I get back. If you’re still interested. @Blueridge


That would be awesome just message when you have a chance. I appreciate you reaching out. :v:


First titime
From spore syringe
PF classic


“Blue meanies” the cube variety, or the species known as blue meanies (Pan Cyan). Pans are tiny, a bit harder to grow, but are much stronger than cubes. I got my Pan cyan culture from cube culture usa, I just got it and expanding it now, but haven’t put any to grain to grow yet.


I might have some blue meanie spores syringe but like @Seamonkey84 said these are the cubes not the pan cyan that are true blue meanies. I’ll check they are yours if I have if not hopefully @bobgrows got you. I have John Allen prints if you’d like imo much better than blue meanies(cubes)

@hapi I see some definite contam spots in those plates. You should do some transfers. Find clean leading edge mycelium cut little piece and drop on to plate. Got some good germination going.
Good luck!