Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Man you guys rock i have a little bit of tidal waves maybe 5 ml live culture if anyone is interested. Yeah the ones I had were maybe a inch long and blue and grey. Iā€™m color blind lol but man Iā€™ve never had anything like that in my life. I was hurting but being healed at the same time. Keeping to much inside better to deal with when it happens instead of waiting 20 plus years. I also tried some called ghost that had me laughing my ass off. I definitely like them as well the yetiā€™s ape I wasnā€™t impressed but need to try again before I say anything bad. Also have a lot of beans if someone comes through Iā€™ll send something for blessing me


Tried growing ā€œGhostā€ . Was going good, until it wasnā€™tā€¦:confused:
All at once I had contaminationā€¦bummed ! Especially with the way you described! Sounds like a fun strain!
Finally have the ā€œNatalansisā€ pinning and ā€œPenis Envyā€! Woo Hoo!
@420noob can you tell me a little about either of those? :pray:


Yep nats are pretty forgiving not a cube but grows like one. Trip is milder but more makes more intense of course but itā€™s a little different. Pe are strongest cube they are slow growing and could use a pseudo casing to help provide moisture. Pe are very commonly grown and there is a lot of info on them. They are very area specific so what works for me high temps low low rh is going to be different to more temperate with higher humidity. @seamonkey84 is closer to your environment he might be able to help some more. Oh ya the nats do good in higher or lower rh and temps I found them very forgiving.


Thank you for the explanation.


woop woop - excellent


Iā€™ve only had the one shoebox of APE so far. Only got the one good fruit before it started turning green, I know the spawn was bacterial so not too surprised and it took sooo long to get that one fruit to grow. I already have two more jar of spawn going, so Iā€™ll be trying again and again lol.


Iā€™ve always known Natalensis to be stronger than cubes, a lot more of a brighter/ positive experience and way less body load as opposed to cubes although they grow pretty much the same.

Iā€™m sure everybody is different when it comes to the effects from them, but the general consensus from what Iā€™ve gathered is that people seem to like them a lot more than cubes for a variety of reasons


New dehydrator worked a treat. 8 hours and the one tray was cracker dry. Snapped no problem.

One shoebox is giving me incremental harvests (I never can manage a full-shoebox canopy). The other two shoeboxes are a few days behind.


Glad the dehydrator works! The shoebox takes some time once you get it dialed in youā€™ll get full canopy.


Itā€™s more of a bragging right than anything. Both ways result in shrooms, so Iā€™m not complaining!


Ok so @bobgrows I kinda just side stepped your question. I can still help you with a few points but the fruiting is environment specific. What grain are you using? Is the grain still colonizing? Do you have plans for a substrate? What are you using as a fruiting chamber and what are you fruiting in shoebox, mod tub, unmod,


I have both fruiting now.
The ghost became contaminated.
I use rye grain, fully colonized.
Substrate is50% coco choir, 50% vermiculite teaspoon of Gypsum. Then i covered with a very thin layer of vermiculite. I use a mono tub with perlite and distilled water. Put my shoebox in that with a heat mat under and light for about 6 hours a day.
I was asking what the effects and intensity of what those strains where. @420noob


I suspect that cubensis have a higher amount of harmalas which potentiate psilocybin and tend to have more of a physical bodyload, and natalensis tends to not have as much harmala and maybe even higher in plain tryptamine (greenish hue in aqueous/the fruit body) which could smooth over the effects.

I think there is something to be said about the medicinal effect of harmalas though. They are strong antidepressants.

@Bobgrows - you were asking about spore syringe producing, it is recommended to print twice in still air conditions off the surface of foil. So, use a sterile wire rack to hold your caps above foil, and usually you want it to drop for 12-24hr to ā€œdrop contaminants,ā€ then move it to a second spot for a cleaner print. Sterilize 10ml syringe full of water and an air bubble and then squirt over the print into a sterile cup or jar and suck it back up. Should be clean enough, but working agar to get LC/LI is cleaner and more effective. Roughly as simple. Poke biopsies are a way to get smaller and cleaner transfers, especially into LC which is notoriously difficult to ensure cleanliness.


Well said and for more info on the poke biopsy Josexā€™s clean yo shit has picks and describes this process.


Ok I thought you were asking about growing well I guess you asked The PE , is that the ghost, is stronger than a normal cube by at least double. If you take 3 grams of golden teacher about 1.5g of most pe varities will be about equal but is a cube so expect about the same. For me the nats were very heady but not strong visually for me at least. Still opens doors and lets you out of your body but itā€™s different.idk apparently I get different effects than say @Illicitmango . I personally only know one other person who has tried them is my girl and she would rather John allens than nats.šŸ¤·. Rye berries are great food source but also have a little higher chance of contaminating. Imo you might want to try wild bird seed for pe varities they hold moisture and have a nice protective shell for the mycelium. I canā€™t explain why I suggest this, canā€™t put into words all the info in my head, but seems like a common issue with pe. So you are spawning in shoebox and using basically a humidity chamber for fruiting. How do you like that set up? In the summer here I struggle with to much heat not enough rh and that seems easier to handle than a water tub.


This whole print twice idea. When I read the Bod Tek on shroomery, he mentions making two prints, but for different purposes. Says to save the first print for yourself and the second oneā€™s for trading. I guess Iā€™m still wondering whether itā€™s fine to just use a single, first print for myself (either fresh or dried).


More about the psilocybe mushroom and cultivar potency differences, here is a preliminary chart from the Psilocybin Cup a few years back, from Oakland Hyphae. Basically, a bunch of samples were collected and tested, mostly for total psilocybin and psilocin (and total tryptamine content,) but the prelim also showed qualitatively, if harmane or harmine was contained. I think this is a very important consideration when evaluating the differences especially with ā€œPenis xyzā€ cultivars, vs other more typical varieties.

This paper and article discuss that, showing how harmane is in the leading growing edge of mycelium.

The theory is that MAOIs like harmane and harmine help prevent the breakdown of psilocybin/psilocin into less active forms (indole acetaldehyde metabolites).

One of the notable things about the qualitative preliminary Cup research is that it shows not only higher total % tryptamines (1.5-3%+) but it shows a positive indication for harmine AND harmane. I would very much like to see more quantitative data regarding secondary metabolites, non-psilo metabolites, because it seems thatā€™s where a lot of the qualitative effects can differ. They discuss more about baeo and norbaeo, but overall more research needs to be done.

Harmalas are obviously active compounds, and are known to potentiate tryptamines like psilocybin and psilocin. Traditionally, Banisteriopsis caapi is the source of harmalas (a wide variety of them exist naturally) in the use of ayahuasca, where a DMT source plant is combined for a strongly psychedelic effect - DMT would otherwise be rapidly broken down by the enzymes MAO-A and some by MAO-B. Harmalas are also found in tobacco in varying amounts, and may have a lot to do with the potency and experiential difference between N. tabacum and N. rustica or the wild species of tobacco. (Lots of analogies with tobacco, like the nicotine vs cotinine vs anabasine content of cultivated vs wild type. )

That paper especially discusses P. mexicana (a traditional use and sclerotia forming species) vs P. cubensis, you can see there is a substantial difference in harmala content.

Here is the next yearā€™s Psilocybin Cup data

Note the higher content of adenosine in natalensis and Melmac-type cubensis. Reportedly more relaxed experience, possibly because of adenosine.


Spores are spores but cleanliness is next to godliness, or whatever. :innocent:


If youā€™re growing I n a shoe box, you really shouldnā€™t have to do the whole fruiting chamber thing. Just set the lid on then dub tub it if you need to. That would depend on how much substrate you filled the box with and how tall your fruits get.
I only use unmodified shoebox, wet coir (no verm) squeezed until it just barely drips, I then set it to fruiting/growing conditions right away. As in I put the lid on without being latched down on one side so it fruits as itā€™s ready. But if you want to let it colonize more before letting it fruit, push lid down all the way, I only do that when I want to stagger the harvest between boxes. But some boxes have enough FAE that itā€™ll fruit even with the top ā€œlatchedā€. Just donā€™t weight the lid down, so no stacking totes. No fanning or misting from spawn through first flush, then I just bottom water and set the lid back on loosely.


Thatā€™s my usual way of doing things lol always looking to do it differently so no kiss.lmao