Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Hard to say. Although the blue is caused by enzymatic degradation of psilocin by the PsiL enzyme, you may have just separated the fruits without overly damaging them where the volva attaches to the main mycelial mass. Alternatively, this batch could be a weak batch with less psilocin, or a normal-stength batch with a good level of psilocin but low levels of the PsiL enzyme, not bruising as much as a batch containing higher levels the enzyme. You can cut one in half to see if it bruises any more or micro dose a small section to test potency


Lost my ā€œPenis Envyā€ :sob:
Contaminationā€¦Damn it man!


I have tried 3xs to run them. Never made it. Donā€™t feel bad.


It happens and pe are very common for contam. The extra time they take can make it difficult. Iā€™ve lost many before consolidation even occurs. I found with pe is to have a couple clean agar dishes so if jars or tubs contam you have agar ready to go so donā€™t have to wait as long. Youā€™ll get it.


I only got the one good fruit from my APE shoebox after 8wks of waiting, other two tried to grow but then aborted late and then I saw green patches. I have two more jars of spawn, inoculated a few weeks apart, using the same old LC. I hope the next boxes work out better, I still havenā€™t pulled out the agar cultures to make fresh LC.
I didnā€™t take any pics, but just mixed up two fresh shoeboxes, repeating albino hillbilly and phobos, but with non bacterial spawn this time.


off topic but went for a forage yesterday near Oxford UK - some lovely Oysters growing and a load of Dryads Saddle and some kind of Amanita and plenty of Artists Conks - good day


Back on Topic - the Nats in LC are coming on nicely, I am wetting grain now and hopefully tomorrow I will get some more Nats to grain to try again


Same. I stopped growing the whole family, just constant contam issues.


Looks like possibly a amanita rubescens
See the red stain on cap
I ve found them
They are edible but am too scared to play


After seeing all these posts regarding PE troubles, I now feel extremely lucky. My first, and only, PE grow was trouble free. Ended up with 34+ grams dried using a spore syringe from Spore Works. As far as growth rate, I only noticed a one week delay when compared with the Golden Teachers I was growing alongside.


oh cool - I could not identify it enough to pick it, it did look lovely there in the sun :rofl:


Hey Gangā€¦

Just a quick question, I have a shoebox Iā€™ve kind of threw off in the corner and havenā€™t paid much attention toā€¦just took a peek

There are droplets all over the substrate, is that part of what has been inhibiting pinningā€¦?

Iā€™ve taken @420noob ā€™s advice and gonna stick to BRF cakes until I figure things outā€¦

Any thoughts would be appreciatedā€¦Iā€™m trying to fan a heck of a lot more to encourage evaporationā€¦Iā€™ve also taken @HappyTrees23s advice to put on a heat mat and add a mild light sourceā€¦

Wow, obviously , I made a rather poor assumption and assumed growing mushrooms would be fairly easyā€¦




That actually looks like good surface conditions, itā€™s still hasnā€™t colonized the surface fully or developed an over layer so you could just leave it alone. Or set one end of the lid on loose (just not latched down) to increase FAE a little if you want it to pin sooner. You want to see those droplets but not pooling.whenever I mix up more than one shoebox at a time, I always set one to growing/fruiting conditions right away and leave the others with the lid all the way down, that way I can stagger the harvests.


Thanks Sea Monkeyā€¦

Iā€™m just assuming the droplets there are slowing down, if not stopping pinningā€¦


As long as there are no pools forming it will be fine, better to err on heavy humidity than allow to drop too lowā€¦my grows are always covered with droplets like this. I use an ultrasonic humidifier with 7ml of 3% peroxide per gallon on a cyclical timer and never get contams till the 3rd+ flush. Once pins start to form I dunk/soak for 12 hours in a solution containing that same amount of peroxide (I use a vacuum chamber to make sure the liquid penetrates into the water resistant mycelium :sweat_smile:) and pretty much leave it alone. I have a hepa air filter that is connected to a fan that I pump filtered air into the chamber once a day to simulate fanning it. Peroxide is a great tool for keeping infections at bay :call_me_hand:


Looks fine to me too.
I only have the same advice as everyone else really.

I would let it sit a bit so it can finish colonizing the sub.

When your ready to fruit, get them a low watt light. At least 12 hours a day of direct low light. They need at least that to start to fruit.

Make sure to have some ā€œFAEā€ Fresh Air Exchange.

Fan in order to get that evaporation so pins start to form.

But I also agree with everyone else in that, the droplets are not an issue, itā€™s the puddles and or pools of water that you DONT want.

But those droplets on the surface are making that micro climate they love.
It will allow you to get that evaporation you need when you start to fan later as well.

And itā€™s really not complicated, you will see. Once you understand the basics of what they need and how to give it to them it will all be easy to you.
Only difficult to figure out the first time as its new.

But they are just like cannabis in how you can either keep it simple, or over complicate it.

You can run expensive lights, mix your own organic soils with natural, homemade nutrients, expensive fans and everything else OR you can grow cannabis out in the crack of a sidewalk.

Remember, they grew in nature first without anything but the Earth to grow them out.
They just need a few things to grow, but if those conditions are met, they will thrive & flourish.
Itā€™s up to you to create those conditions for them now.

You got this man.

:v:ā€  :mushroom:


So those droplets are perfect. That is a perfectly misted substrate. Probably a broken record here but that is exactly what you want. The substrate is moist but not soaked. The droplets on top are the quickest to evaporate which induces pinning. Those pins are looking nice. I would crack the lid ever so slightly to introduce fae and let her rip. That shoebox is about to throw a nice flush it seems. Mycelium and mushrooms grow at their own rate patience is a must. Iā€™m guilty of this as well. Give up on a SB and couple week later notice the tops pushed off and full canopy. Never give up to quickly especially on first flush. If no contams let it ride is how I go about it.
Lol like SeaMonkey said.


The surface looks good, evaporation of those droplets will encourage pinning. Like others said, Iā€™d slightly crack the lid to help the evaporation but also monitor it so it doesnā€™t dry out. Looks good though! I suspect youā€™ll have a decent pinset in the very near future.
Sometimes youā€™ll get slow fruiters and other times fast ones.


I donā€™t ever bother fanning or misting, and winters here in Maine are about as dry as it gets. if you see droplets and itā€™s not raining down the sides with condensation, youā€™re fine. You want enough air flow that itā€™s not raining and pooling, but not so much it dries those little droplets on the substrate. Some condensation is a good sign, but you donā€™t want it dripping down all over.
As for lighting, I donā€™t bother giving mine any extra light, just what ever light they get during the day and light spillage from my grow tent that theyā€™re sitting on top of.
Two shoeboxes that were spawned on Monday, the hillbilly has the lid on loose from the start.


Agree again with @seamonkey84 I just set shoeboxes on top shelf of my closet I use for seedlings and clones.

thats where my shoeboxes sit.


Thanks for the encouraging notes gangā€¦

Like any noob, there is an ignorance of ā€œyou donā€™t know what you donā€™t knowā€ until you get the experience under your beltā€¦

Iā€™ve added a small LED book light to the top of the tote, and the heat padā€¦any excess condensation that collects on the inverted lid I wipe away with a clean paper towel to avoid build upā€¦Iā€™ve also cracked the lid a bit for some air flowā€¦

How long do you figure I have from here before I see any real growthā€¦two weeks?, 3 weeks?

Thanks again fellow fungus nerdsā€¦ :slight_smile:

weā€™ll see how this goes. Iā€™ll keep you posted