Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

If your above 18C then you really shouldnā€™t need a heat pad.



Am I just a puss or what? Iā€™m reading articles on people doing shrooms and their say they took 3 grams, 4, or even 6 gramsā€¦WTF?

When I was back in collegeā€¦forever agoā€¦We would do 1 gram or a gram and a half and figure that was plentyā€¦Iā€™m not sure of the cubensis strainā€¦For perspective, when it came to alcohol, I could finish off the better part of a 26 oz bottle, so itā€™s all a matter of perspectiveā€¦

How many grams are people using when they are looking for an entertaining friday evening? What should I be targeting for dose.?.Iā€™m pretty tall and about 240 lbs.


Take it step by step. Iā€™m 6ā€™0" and 190 pounds. My first does ever (done only a year or so ago in my 40s) was 2.5 grams. Got a pretty good trip from that. Then I upped it to 4 grams and didnā€™t experience anything near as good (this was after 3 months with nothing to let my tolerance reset).

Now, Iā€™m planning on popping 5 or 6 grams of the McKennaii I just harvested and dried next week sometime. Itā€™s been a while since I did any shrooms so my tolerance is back to nothing. Hoping for a good commune with the cosmos.


I think itā€™s also dependent on your goals for the trip. Me, Iā€™m less interested in funky visuals and chilling to music while on shrooms (thatā€™s what my weed is for :rofl:). Iā€™m looking for ego-death and some re-calibration of the olā€™ grey matter. Based on that, Iā€™m leaning toward higher and higher doses.


Stop the pressesā€¦(News Flash)

Iā€™ve doubled my output! Lol


Hey Randar

Thanks for the noteā€¦

When I hear the term Ego Deathā€¦understandably I get a little skittishā€¦

I havenā€™t done them in a few yearsā€¦

What sort of dose do you take? What do you typically feel like when youā€™re going for that kinda ride?


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I have yet to get there, so I canā€™t tell you. Check back in next week. :laughing:

The best trip I had (also my first) was on 2.5 grams of Golden Teacher. I laid in bed, with my wife sleeping next to me. This was key as during the trip she served as an anchor to reality. I remember at one point seeing her body engulfed in a luminous blue glow that was very re-assuring. I also visited some darker places. I remember visualizing my insides and they looked like some wild animal had just torn through them. I also remember flying with someā€¦thingā€¦over a bunch of other livingā€¦things. At one point I reached out to touch them and whatever it was carrying me did not like that.

Edit: thinking about it, I also recall visiting a cabin and upon entering just seeing that it was trashed. I also saw scratch marks all over the walls as if someone had been locked in for a very long time and couldnā€™t get out. Still working on integrating that one with my psycheā€¦

I have the whole experience journaled somewhere. But Iā€™m looking for more, so I will take more. However, I am also very, very aware of set and setting. Also tend to meditate a bit before dosing to get in the right place and ā€œaskā€ for what Iā€™m after, if that makes sense.


Sounds coolā€¦

I totally get the set and settingā€¦state of mind.
While doing them in college I Iearned a few lessonsā€¦do them in a safe, familiar placeā€¦the bar certainly wasnt that place (chuckle) as I found I tended to get a little claustrophobic.


Yea, thereā€™s a difference between just doing it recreationally and having the different ā€œtherapeuticā€ amounts. Itā€™s like either micro dosing, or heroic doses to face your demons. 1-2g at a time is a fun time for most, up to an eight for the experienced, 5g or more is a ā€œheroicā€ dose. Then thereā€™s also a difference between eating them fresh vs dried


Oooof. I couldnā€™t imagine eating 50+ grams of fresh to get to a heroic dose. 5+ grams of dried is hard enough to stomach.


Same, I havenā€™t misted or fanned in years. I just pop the top, flip a tote over it to make a dome and just leave them alone.


Well, 50g fresh is prob closer to 8-10g dry as far as the effects. There is a lot of psilocin that is lost during drying, but the more stable psilocybin remains. The body converts psilocybin into psilocin, so the fresh ones are almost twice as strong as that same mushroom dried. Also, some people arenā€™t as sensitive, or are on medications that might block the effects.


If you go by moisture loss % multiple you wet weight by 7% or .07 like you would to figure dry yield from wet fruit so 50g wet would be about 3.5g dry. When it comes to how it effects you itā€™s different for everyone and there is so many factors. What have you eaten, what medications you have taken, state of mind. Also how you take it tea, capsules, dry wet, and then the difference in mushrooms is crazy. From same spore syringe I got a tub of straight fire tasmanian and sister tub while flush was bunk. After eating 14+g each my girl and I were over it. Tried to make tea out of remaining 4oz nope nothing between two of us. Donā€™t know why itā€™s only happened once.
Edit: didnā€™t think about degradation from drying good point @Seamonkey84


Degradation of psilocybin was mentioned during dryingā€¦Has anyone here tried preserving or extracting the psilocybin from fresh mushrooms using alcohol? Does alcohol degrade the psilocybin to too? just wondering the best method of preserving for longer termā€¦I heard freezing degrades the psilocybin as wellā€¦Iā€™d be curious about comparison between the methods as far as maintain the integrityā€¦


Iā€™ve used alcohol for extraction on dried mushrooms never wet. Itā€™s pretty cool put said amount of ground shrooms in grain alcohol cap let sit for a week or so you will see three distinct layers. Gross brown thick plant matter soup then suspended is purple your good stuff then on top is yellowish alcohol. Donā€™t mix stick needle into center and suck out the purple. Voila mushroom concentrate. Also mushroom soda you brew it like kambucha use probiotics. I have the recipe some where havenā€™t made it but sounds great. Itā€™s some kind of live culture just got to keep burping it.


Interestingā€¦Iā€™ve heard taking mushrooms in conjunction with lemon somehow enhances the effects too

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Some advice from the crowd here. My plan is to, next week, take around 5-6 grams in tea form. So, Iā€™ve been doing my research, and this seems to be the best ā€œrecipeā€ Iā€™ve found (on Shroomery).

ā€œI break up/pulverize my mushrooms into small bitsā€¦I place those bits in a cupā€¦I squeeze lemon juice into the cup with the mushroom bits and let it soak while I bring some distilled water up to a boilā€¦Once the water is at a boil I pour it into the cup with the mushroom bits/lemon juiceā€¦I let that ā€œbrewā€ for 15 to 20 minutes, giving it a stir a few times while brewingā€¦then after 15 to 20 minutes or so I filter off the mushroom bits and give them a real good squeezeā€¦Then my tea is ready.ā€

So is there any accounting for any loss in making the tea, that is do I need to increase the mushroom matter going into the tea to have an end result equivalent to 5-6 grams eaten. Or is it 1:1 in this case?

Does the above recipe make sense? Any modifications/advice if you personally do something different?


Not sure about the recipe per se, but wondering if it is better to keep the temps down a touch while steeping (<100 deg C) so that the psilocybin doesnā€™t degrade, if at all.



Thatā€™s a good question, and Iā€™m interested in any responses. From my research on the Googles and Shroomery is that it doesnā€™t really degrade in hot water. In fact, a lot of recipes I saw on Shroomery had you boiling the shrooms for 10-15 minutes rather than steeping. :astonished:

The recipe I chose did not include boiling mainly due to the point you raised.


When we did Shrooms in the past for social occasions, we did them as a tea so that everyone was receiving the same doseā€¦Eating dry often left some buzzing away while others felt nothingā€¦

That said, we too boiled the mushrooms for a period of time to ensure all of the psilocybin was extractedā€¦

I wondering if maybe you could use a double boiler of some kind and a thermometer to maintain temps of the actual mushroom teaā€¦

Then again, I think this is probably overkill as Iā€™ve boiled mushrooms in the past and they worked out
Okayā€¦just wondering if perhaps they may have been stronger if I used a different methodā€¦