Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

I always drink my zoomers in tea, it tastes delicious and works just as well as eating the fruits – without causing me any stomach aches. I put the fruits in a mason jar and put my blender blades on as the lid and give them a few short whirs on the blender… that turns the fruits into a fine dust that will float out of the jar when it is opened… add that to some hot water (I let boiling water cool for 5 minutes so that it doesn’t destroy the active components as quickly) strain and drink.
In 15 minutes…


Hey Tom, have you tried making blue honey yet? It’s easier to micro-dose and mix a dose in a cup of tea at the ready. I have 3 strains so far infused in honey.
24 grams of shrooms and 1 cup of runny honey- 1/4 tsp = 1.25 tenths of a gram micro dose.

Texas Yellow caps 24 grams of shrooms and 1/2 cup of runny honey-1/2 tsp = 1/2 gram :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:
John Allen

Getting ready to make a jar of Florida white f+

It lasts forever and never loses potency. Keep it someplace dark and cool.


I have in the past but sadly I cannot stand the taste of honey and give it away :sweat_smile:
I also have a 16 oz jar of everclear that was squeezed from soaking a half pound… a couple drops works nice, but I can’t stand alcohol either :joy:

It’s always best as tea for T :sweat_smile:


That sucks you can’t stand honey. I don’t drink either. Special occasion I will have a pint of micro brew. Alcohol just isn’t appealing to me. Hits me super fast in a cup of tea. When I macro dose like a gram. I like to eat a cannabis gummie at the same time I drink the tea with a gram. Shrooms hit first and then gummie kicks in. I love that shit. :100: Then I vap. :rocket:


Yeah, I quit drinking 2 weeks before I turned 21. It was at a USNavy port stop in Panama :joy: Have only had a handful of drinks since then and cannot stand the taste nor feeling. I am a stoner not an alcie :sweat_smile:

I keep all my extracts in deep freeze though, I have noticed the enzymes in the fruits do destroy the active components fairly quickly otherwise


I think my next grow, I’ll try using a black plastic bag in one of my shoeboxes and letting it colonize with a lid on for a week before putting into fruiting conditions. Then compare with the other tubs that I put directly into fruiting and see what kind of yield difference I get.


No need to boil water. Warning though drinking tea will hit you faster and stronger than eating them. Some people don’t like the fast come up also trip doesn’t seem to last as long since you don’t have to wait for digestion and absorption that makes it hit slower. Just fyi. Don’t be afraid to experiment as you are growing. Especial if using shoeboxes you can do side by side experiments without possibly losing whole flush. Iearned a lot just by doing things like you experiment with fruiting conditions air flow, light, I even let colonized jars just so their thing for months after about 6 weeks the jars will start kicking out mushroom. Did also with brf cakes. Same with petri dishes and lc’s played with taking tissue samples, isolating, there is so many variables you can play with. Experimenting is how you find what does and doesn’t work for you.


I’m definitely with @Randar lol
It all depends on what your trying to achieve :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

0.2 - 0.7g I consider a micro-dose

1-2 g is to feel a bit high, maybe see vivid colors, butterfly’s in stomach might be there

3 - 4 g is a decent dose for a Cubensis

5+ g is considered a heroic dose to some

6+ is probably in the territory of ego death

Again tho, this depends on the person, how much use it, if your on an empty stomach etc…etc…

But I see most people saying 3 -3.5g is a dosage for a really nice trip. A little of everything if you let them guide you.

Lemon also quickens the come up and make the dose stronger. I think it breaks down the psilocybin quicker and sends it to you faster.


Does anybody know what type of mushroom this is?


Looks like a dandelion from here! :joy:

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Coprinopsis maybe.

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That looks similar but not a match, I don’t think. This is cupped up.

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One of the pictures at the bottom of the link I sent looks just like yours. I think they do that sometimes as they finish fruiting.


I will look. Thanks


I got the mini fridge and inkbird setup to keep my cordyceps growing through the summer heat. Even my basement gets too warm, I’m afraid this batch might have already been exposed to some heat stress.
Set to 65F (+/-2F) bottom section wrapped in black trash bag for dark colonization/incubation


So I seemed to have turned a corner…


My BRF cakes shit the bed so I turfed them…That said, my shoe box seems to be gaining some traction…Ironic, in that I pretty much was about to abandon it too…

I’ve put a small light over the shoe box (turn it on from time to
Time) as well as added a heating mat…I find the mat works like a bit of a gas peddle for my humidity…humidity on the walls builds up too much and I turn off the mat for awhile…

I noticed the corners of the tub seem to have lower humidity, (no droplets on surface) so I lightly mist the edges from time to time…

I haven’t been fanning the tub specifically, but do take the lid off a couple times a day to wipe off l built up humidity on the lid to prevent and large droplets from dropping on the substrate…any humidity running down the walls… I try to soak up to avoid looking around the edges…

Am I missing anything? Any idea when I should start harvesting the odd shroom as I can’t see the veil very well from above…

These are Golden Teachers if that matters…

Murphy’s law too…I have to head out of town for 5 days in a week…not sure what to do about my project while I’m gone…Many of the mushrooms will be much bigger by then…any suggestions? Prefer not to have anyone else “babysit” my project…Should I harvest a bunch before I leave to try to limit issues with the grow?

How big do you think these cubes will get anyway…? Is that first one close to harvest?



hey all - took some LC from the NATS jar today to inoculate some grains - wish me luck.

In teh meantime, I got some antlers on the go, opened the bag up yesterday so they should become conks


I found you can look at them in the morning and think they are going to be a while to open and 3 or 4 hours later they have grown another 50% and opened up, and then some seem to take ages. It’s a case of keep checking and take them just before they look like opening or just after. So your harvesting the ones that are ready every day rather than all at the same time.

If you leave them while your away they will drop spores which I believe will prevent the areas the spores hit from producing a second flush.


Looking good! I’m still using tincture from this Reishi I grew in homemade sawdust spawn:

Grew right through the FAE patch filter.

The dual extract tincture is really potent, even though I made a full gallon from this grow. In very small amounts (1ml from a dropper) it makes me feel overly caffeinated to the point of feeling almost like harder stimulants…

:crazy_face: :mushroom:


Awesome Nube!
Looks good…

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