Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

For some reason I could not get the bags to work the way they should… :sob: just slow n stuff. Mason jars with grain and then boomer bags and mono tub mixed with the grain. Things seemed to be faster 1 run and 2 years later still sitting on some


Noted :memo:
If im ever looking to scale up, monotub seems like a pretty productive method :+1:
Thanks bud :grin:

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As far as a PC get at least 22qt. It will make a big difference for sterilization and gives you plenty of room. @Not-Notjosh
As far as k.i.s.s. method get qt wide mouth mason jars, Micropore tape, coir get the big blocks not the fluffed up bags. Now monotubs can give you good results but if it contams you can very easily lose your entire grow and subsequent flushes :exploding_head:. I use shoeboxes which are the little 6qt tubs or even 12 qt. A couple small grows prevents loss of an entire grow. Most monos run 3-5 qts of spawn(grains or food source) for a tube. Run 1 qt per shoebox and have 3-5 small grows with same amount of starting material. There is also PF Tek which imho is perfect for first time growers. It has less chance of contams and you can put spores from syringe with less chance of contams. Spores straight to grain is okay only if you know your syringe is sterlie, that’s were agar work helps. You can read up on that a lot of places shroomery has good methods. Then you need your starter grain rye berries are the “thing” right now and are great but not forgiving. Wild bird seed is cheap and works well look for Milo,millet as ingredients no fruit or nuts. Cracked corn turns to glue so that’s not good and black sunflower seeds are ok as long as less than 3% it’ll say on bag. Oats work well but have gotten expensive were im located and can be hard to get. Ask away if you have anymore questions.

Edit::rofl::point_up: I said kiss method that’s long af!


Unmodified 13q shoeboxes do aight. This is 2qt of clean oat spawn into 4 qt of bucket tek coco. Misted daily, but otherwise litfa’d.

All about fruiting lots of multispore until you luck into an isolate that suits your environment. Cubensis do not need any nutrients in the substrate, so all these manure/straw/vermiculite additives are just increasing cost. Exotics are more picky, but cubes do great on barely pasteurized brick coir (bucket tek).


I say verm only because I live in desert and for PE varieties helps hold more moisture. Bootbox is great also I stick with 6qt box with one qt spawn or 12 qt with 2qts. Nice flush.


Some laughing gyms, an oyster flush just out of reach, and a small flush of LM just popping up.
Happy to see this LM, it’s been 2 years since this tree has flushed anything. I thought it was gone. I cut off a small chunk to clone as every time I’ve tried this tree it always contaminated bc it was soaking wet after a rain and full of bacteria


Ok, I said this before, but I have to start growing these things.


If you ever need a print or something…shoot a dm


I’ve said the same thing @thceed especially where you live there is quite a few varieties that would do well there in summer time. Start your inoculated food source and make outdoor beds. Also if course inside as well.


Not sure on rules of the forum in terms of name dropping, but some mushroom specific forums now have vendors that sell Pans and Cubes in liquid culture form shipped from CO, so you can “conduct microscopy” on LC of an isolate (clone) instead of hunting through bacterial spore syringes. Probably the easiest way to go now is to get one of those syringes, a pre sterilized bag of substrate, and just stab it in there and wait.


Wait a minute, WHAT?



you can make lasagna with cardboard sheets, hardwood fuel pellets, hardwood mulch, and colonized grain spawn. There’s videos online for how to do this for Winecap Mushrooms, but you can follow that technique for Ps. Azurescens, Ps. Cyanescens, Ps. Ovoidiocystidiata, Ps. Subaeruganescens, etc.


Okaaaaay, sure.

Those are all nice and potent shrooms. They like decaying matter wood is a big one. I’ve seen people out “spent” mushroom spawn put outside or in with potted plants and had shrooms and weed In same bucket.


I use my spent boxes in my grow outside. I get mushrooms under my cannibas plants. So cool finding them there.


Theres a giant black angus cow pasture next to my property ive heard that you can flip the cow pattys and find magic shrooms. Is there any truth to this? If so what should i look for and is there a certain time of year to look?


Standard caveat to make sure you have permission to walk the pasture so there’s no worries about LEO showing up while you’re wandering around with a giant basket full of shrooms.

Generally though you want to go out a day or two after a heavy soaking rain and start by patrolling any areas that are adjacent to tree line. Go where the cows go for shade, and that’s a good starting point. Nighttime temps should be no lower than the mid 60’s ideally, but cubensis can grow down to the high 50’s.

The mushrooms should be growing directly from the dung, or really close by. I won’t belabor the taxonomical features of ps. cubensis or p. cyanescens, but make sure you know 100% what you’re eating if you decide to consume what you find. We can take a stab at identifying for you, but I’d probably want to brave the shroomery identification forums personally to get one of their designated “Trusted Cultivators” to bless your harvest. These are folks with years of experience identifying foraged specimens who volunteer to review pics from members.


Il remember this when the time comes. Thanks friend


Got me some pink oyster grain spawn. About to fill some buckets. Should have some pinks in a few weeks.


Hey friend, bad news, this bag of grain spawn is showing visible contamination. I would discard this unopened in the trash and try to get a refund if you purchased this from a vendor.