Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Killer man!

Love the sticker protecting the box :slight_smile:


One please! :crazy_face:


Well done my friend! Are you completely hooked yet?


Dang, video has been removed.


What video I’m sure can find a similar one on YouTube.

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15-20 a gram out here. I’m on an SSRI so it takes 4 times the dose of a normal person so I started growing just to afford a decent trip. On a really fucking shitty note a gram of fentanyl is only 80 here


Where are you?

Kansas City. I’ll have to pass that along, their in crazy demand. With the low cost of living here one could easily make a living, a dream I often have but I really do not like jail and I hear prison is worse… :frowning_face:

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This is the video that was removed… (extra ‘hh’ added so the text would show up)

“its so easy you can buy whole kits where you just add water then wait. 400-600 grams in a few weeks.”

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I’ve been micro-dosing for about a month, and it has really helped my CPTSD.
Helps me focus by minimalizing background chatter in my head.

Unfortunately, my mushroom source is completely unreliable. He rarely answers texts and his voice mailbox is full.

Relying on other people for medicine sucks.

I’m going to grow my own mushrooms, and just like weed, I’m going to get good at it.


Ya there is ready to grow kits you can get. Boom boxes is one you get sterilized substrate a d spawn you just add spores not water. You get mixed results but nothing compared to what you get if you spend the same $ and start to do it yourself. It’s ok to get the idea Of the grow cycle but don’t learn as much as doing it yourself. Since you grow your own weed I’d imagine you’d want to grow your own mushies.


Watch a few videos. It’s really easier then you think. Just need to be sterile. Still air box is a must. (SAB)
Brown Rice Cakes and a syringe is the easiest at first.
@420noob showed me and helped me plenty ! That man knows his stuff ! :mushroom: :v:


PE-UC 44.87gram cluster



Wish i had a quarter oz of some penis envy. Talk about an awesome night laying on the ground staring at the stars


Luckyyyyyyy lol

Shoot some this way lmfaooooo

I won a giveaway from MMM, and finally made an order :four_leaf_clover:. Bunch of syringes came last week, now chilling in a bubblewrap mailer in my fridge till i get all the stuff i need to do my first proper run.

Been perusing the shroomery and looks like im gonna need a few things to get started (whenever it is i do). So far i have a big fat bag of vermiculite lol. Ill need some wide mouth jars looks like, food dehydrator and a pressure cooker. Any PC recommendations for someone probably only going to do small scale personal stash size flushes (maybe a little more to spread around but not all that much more)?

Im going to have a LOT more questions over the next bunch of months, hope thats ok lol :laughing:


I would highly recommend this for your first grow - small scale personal (inject and go). Personal use is the ONLY valid choice in my book.
These kits can be purchased on Amazon for around $30

Great company. Replaced contaminated bag fast and easy at no charge. 2 bags will keep you busy if harvesting before membrane break.


I purchased boomer bags for monotub. Came out fantastic.


Looks simple and cheap - two words that may or may not have been used to describe me before :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’ll give that a go- and be back with questions aplenty about this method when im gearin up. Thanks bud!