Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

That is also a great way. Nice looking grows. I make 40-50 at a time so just the space issue helps with little guys. I also like the fact you can sterilize with agar in the jar so any contams up to that point are now sterile as well. Worms any container that’s glass or pp5


Here’s some mushies I’ve grown over the past year
(Photo dump warning lol)

Right now I have ODPE, APER, PEUR, Nats, and Albino Hillbilly going at the same time lol this is arguably more addictive that growing weed to me


I really like that idea of using jars to eliminate condensation. :grin: Why didnt I think of That? :crazy_face:


I do recommend MMM’s gourmets still though :stuck_out_tongue:

But I believe APG carries agar plates or is in the process of making sure they have safe shipping of plates down.


Hey @420noob . Can you give me an “exact” recipe for your home made agar? :grin:


Hey @Tejas . Sometimes you can find pre-sterilized agar plates on ebay. :grin:


not sure if i moved up on the readers board or not? lol about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks start to finish reading this whole thread. i am gonna do this for sure, after reading thru all of this. i have been seriously thinking about this pretty hard for the past year and, after reading all of the post encouraging others to do this i am in.

i was actually surprised how many of the growers that i know & recognized are also studying mycology too.

my father always told me " don’t be scared grab that bull by the horns, not the tail"

so i am gonna make up some agar dishes / plates and get the ball rolling and learn how to study shrooms.
stay tuned for all the noob questions i am sure will arise. :mushroom:


Anyone familiar with the old YouTube channel home mycology? Does he have his website set up yet?

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Are you in need of spores to study? :thinking::mushroom::v:


Do you mess around with truffles at all?


sure thing needing spore… i was having a dilemma trying to figure out what to study. i was really impressed with the studies you did and the results you found from those studies. so happy you got good results you were looking for.

your can do and get it done working thru the study program was very inspiring to me. :wink:


I just took some fresh ones.
Blue Meanies
Great White


I have experimented with truffles. It is very complicated. You need a geneticaly compatable tree species and a patch of land that has not had trees for many years.


Did I see some Phoebe’s in the first pics? @magu I’ll get it to you


No Phobos lol I tried growing those but they contaminated in the jar. That was when I was still steam sterilizing before I got a PC lol. Those are Albino Hillbilly. A very weird, blueberry looking fruit


Those are weird. Those nats are fun to grow right! Not very picky and get some decent size to them. Great trip but very mild. John Allen’s have been my favorite for a couple of years. Even over pe.


My Nats fruited overnight while I was at work so they didn’t get enough FAE. By the time I got home, they were already dropping spores so they didn’t get the size I was shooting for. 66qt tub took 2 hours to harvest and 3 days to dehydrate lol. They did give me a weird blob mutant though. My favorite as of late is ODPE (the thick ones depicted above). Very very visual, not a lot of body load

Edit: I’m trying to isolate that blueberry expression of the Albino Hillbilly so stay tuned for that lmao


@Magu this isn’t exactly what I use but close enough. I use karo light corn syrup instead of honey. This link also includes how to use 1/2 pint jars as petri dishes. I didn’t read all the way through but it’s seems solid.
Grocery Store Agar Tek. - Mushroom Cultivation - Shroomery Message Board the is a great place to find info on anything mushroom. Might need to sign up to see some threads. It’s kinda like og for shrooms lol.


I will definitely be reading this thread thoroughly, it’s been maybe a bit over two years since I had some fungi that my aunt gave me :joy:

When I was much younger, I had steady access to a few kinds of fungi from a buddy who lived one town over me.

Now, since I don’t have friends close to me who produce their own, I think I will take it on myself because I think it would be a good opportunity to learn some things and see how successful I can be in my efforts!


Honestly, it’s less intuitive than growing weed, but I will swear all day, every day, that it is way easier! More hands off than hands on, so the “work” is just patience.