Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

What we donā€™t take pretty much vet given away or lose potency and make an alcohol tinture. Have you done this? Crazy shit man. Picture a mason jar top 1/2 is dirty clearish liquid and the bottom is ground up shrooms. Then suspended about 2/3 down is this beautiful purple liquid. :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: Iā€™m sure you can guess what that is pull 2 oz mushrooms in 10ml of pure tinture :exploding_head:. Fermented mushroom soda is weird but keeps well and great for parties or festivals/concerts.


Iā€™ve never grown shroomys let alone tried them before but am def curious.

Uncle bens method looks fairly simple ā€¦ Im a little hard on money at the moment for spores , would spores for beans equate to a good trade? Sorry I dont know if it does or not haha , Just curious and have plenty of beans to trade for :stuck_out_tongue:

Also correct me if I am wrong but from what I gather I need this to grow :

A substrate ( soil )
The Uncle Bens
70 percent iso alcohol
some sort of plastic container with a lid

( I also have some San Pedro Seeds I can toss in with the canna-beans !! )


So that is a pretty simple process and you have the right idea. The biggest issue is that you need STERILE spore syringe. Most of the time a trusted vendor spore syringes are sterile. If itā€™s not sterile youā€™ll grow a lot of stuff but none of it shrooms lol. I think I have a couple random spore syringes they are about 2 years old but have been in dark fridge. Last time I used was about 6 months ago and was good still. Dm me and see what we can do.


you can get everything ready to go if your willing to pay or go the DIY route. Iā€™m willing to pay and I like the monotubs at
I havenā€™t used and or received his spores yet but customer service and freebies added Iā€™m aware of are amazing at @MushroomManMycology I made an order a few days ago
As long as your clean its pretty simple and doesnā€™t require much attention/resources once your setup and goin youā€™ll have lots a mush before you know it. most important is to keep shit clean


If ordering from @MushroomManMycology and mention 420noob in notes get and extra freebies also if you include overgrow get another I think not sure on that one. MMM is a solid dude and itā€™s pretty much a 1 man operation. He is very dedicated and Iā€™ve never gotten dirty syringe from him. Wait sometimes a buddy helps him pack stuff but he does all mycology work himself.
As far as tubs and such I wouldnt jump into a big monotubs to start. Using smaller plastic shoeboxes( 6 qt sterilize tub) and have multiple grows. Reason for this is shit happens and getting contam in a tub sucks but if your whole grow is in one tube you lose the whole grow. Now having 4-6 shoeboxes holding same amount of spawn and substrate just in multiple boxes. If one contams no worries toss it and have more still cooking. Especially for beginners. I havenā€™t even tried monotubs because of this reason. Yes it would be nice to pull 4oz out of one flush but itā€™s not worth losing entire grow.


I donā€™t think itā€™s practically possible to have ā€œcleanā€ spore syringes. Itā€™s doubtful anyone is spawning, growing, and harvesting in sterile environments. Most syringes are clean enough, and could be further cleaned on agar.

You generally donā€™t want to use actual soil for a substrate. Iā€™d say most people spawning to bulk are using coir. Sometimes with added vermiculite and gypsum, but itā€™s not clear how necessary these last two are anymore.

Iā€™d probably urge you to stay away from uncle Benā€™s, and try a more reputable approach. Pf tek or something like rye berries. But there are plenty of ways to skin cats.


solid advice. Iā€™ve only done 4 runs, all in 66qt tubs, and Iā€™d get at least a full flush before any problems so itā€™s all about how much money you want to invest. I over paid on everything those first runs but everything still cost less than an oz and I got more than an oz. BUT I knew Iā€™d be into it and I had the money to burn so unless your in shoes look like mine take @420noob 's advice and ignore me

just a discount for the code but you can leave a tip for more freebies and theirs a deal for up to 3 vendors choice discounted. I paid about 100 for I think 6 or 7 syringes, great deals


Ok so overgrow gets you a discount and 420noob is extra freebies thanks for clarifying. Hereā€™s a pic of a shoebox. Some people will fruit these smaller tubs in a single monotub to help control all environment. Can fit 3 shoeboxes in a mono I believe.

@Pleiochasium I agree 100% pf Tek is probably best for beginners and can take a straight spore syringe to since this Tek seems to battle contams pretty good. Uncle Benā€™s is a cheap way to go that most think will go great but no. Agar is huge game changer and is cheap to get into and will save many jars. Pf Tek also doesnā€™t need PC can steam bath but the cost of jars( about $12 for a dozen) and smaller flushes is what turns people away. They see those huge monos full of flush and want that. Until a person has basic understanding of how mushrooms grow that can only be learned with experience. Pf Tek gives you experience and makes it easier to work with a dial in whatever fruiting chamber you choose. Otherwise imho good chance of failing before you even get started. Just wonā€™t know this until farther in to grow and things start going sideways.


I know @420noob will steer you correctly but theyā€™ll shoot you if you mention UB method on shroomery. Not a bad place to look around. Make sure the dates are most recent if searching topics.


thats sorta me lol, I donā€™t like to half ass anything even failure. I took a few 1 hour classes at a grow shop and read growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms by paul staments and I had no problems until after Iā€™d harvested a few oz. Maybe I was lucky, I think buying premade sterile grain and substrate bags helped. I was intimidated by the idea of having to sterilize the grain and jars and everything to me it was worth the convivence and guarantee I canā€™t screw that part up


Got a kg bag of millet grain injected with 20ml of Ash Tidal Wave liquid culture spores going. Been around 10 days since injection. Nothing showing as yet but can take several weeks.


Right on Iā€™ll hit the pm



Where is a good source for premade agar plates?


@BeTheLight do you have experience with making any kind of san pedro brew?


None. Ive never done any trippy substance :stuck_out_tongue: aside from weed and a few DXM trips

But as I said I do have seeds ! Lemme get a pic


I have partnered with aPlusGrain, you can use code MushroomManMycology for 10% off their products for your gourmet grows with my gourmet LCs or gourmet agar wedges :+1:


I donā€™t know if @MushroomManMycology does mentioned because of discounts. The shroomery has sponsors that are trustworthy and some sell them. Ha should have finished reading thread.
Im to cheap and to curious to buy premade so it wasnā€™t something I looked into. Agar seems very intimidating but once you do it once and see the mycelium grow šŸ¤¦ why didnā€™t I do this sooner. Almost all mycologists say they wish they would have started agar sooner cause it makes everything easier as well. Iā€™m sure you can get clean sterile premade agar plates. Hell I use 2oz condiment cups, potatoes flakes, corn syrup, distilled water and a drop or 2 of blue food coloring.

and they are resuable Iā€™ve used up to 5 times thatā€™s with running through 20 min 15psi pc. Iā€™ve never done any other way. Iā€™ve used different containers but same process.


So sterile grains, substrate, lc and agar wedge nice!


I found that if you use the quarter pint jars for agar, you just make agar then pressure cook jars and all. You wonā€™t get condescension. I prefer this method.

Some of whatā€™s poppingā€¦

PESA and Great White

Blue Meanies